The Welcome Super Topic

Welcome @Bitterblossom we’re glad you finally decided to join us!!!

The fantastic @Sellalellen is your guild leader! You can contact her or any of the Wagonners is you have any questions! There’s also a Q&A topic where you can find answers and ask questions!

But first make you sure you read the first post and the forum primer!

When you’re all caught up you can pop over to your guild’s welcome topic and say hi to you fellow guild mates! I think you’ll really like the pets thread and the gardening thread! There’s also the #bookish category which has loads of threads on books!


Welcome @Runa, @LucianTaurus and @Bitterblossom to the forum and to Thornmouth!


Thank you, @MadamePopova !

I love cats as well, as I have two. My oldest, Agni, just turned 13 this April. Artemis will be 12 this year. I hope they live to 100! I also am really into food ( especially learning techniques and food as medicine) and DIY/ threadcraft. Do you spin? I have used a drop spindle for a while and can’t get the hang of a wheel, though I must admit, I haven’t tried very hard at it, lol!


Thank you!
So many of us newbies are being placed in Thornmouth. Funny that I woke up this morning from a dream that I had been placed in Balimora.


Yes there have been quite a few new Thornmouths lately


That’s because we’re the best guild :wink:


Thank you for the welcome! @BrokenVoid I wonder why so many of us have been placed in Thornmouth? Hmm.


We’ve found that people who take the Magiq Guide assessment end up being pretty spread out among the six guilds, but the moon guilds (Ebenguard, Thornmouth, and Balimora) often seem to be drawn to the forum more than the sun guilds (Weatherwatch, Gossmere, and Flinterforge.)


Thank you @CJB for the info I find that super fascinating. I was and still am anxious about using the forums I’m hoping it helps with some of my social anxiety. So thank you for taking the time to share. I appreciate it.


Hi guys I’m completely new here!
My name is Morgan and I’ve been sorted into the Gossmere guild!
Working on catching up with the narrative which should be a lot easier since I’ll be officially finished with university tomorrow!

I’m a psychology student and I volunteer with mental health services at the moment, very much hoping to have a career in mental health in the future.

Outside of university I play D&D and I love creating artwork! Especially drawing characters I create!

Very much looking forward to getting involved!


Welcome @MorganaMagica! It’s always nice to see another Gossmere!

Your guild leaders are the fabulous @OracleSage and the amazing @Augustus_Octavian!! You can PM either of them if you have any questions or the Wagoneers! There’s also a Q&A thread link above that you look in for frequently asked questions and also ask questions in!

First off though make sure you read through the first post and the forum primer as they’re super important!

I think you’ll really like #the-creationary as its where a lot of our artistic Mounties post their art and creative stuff!


Thank you so much @Rimor for the advice! All read up on the forum primer and the first post so I’m gonna have a little explore!


Have fun and beware of rabbit holes! :laughing:

EDIT: Oh almost forgot to mention @MorganaMagica that when you’re ready you can introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates over in the Gossmere welcome thread!


Hello, everyone!
I’m Rhue and am newly sorted into Thornmouth.

I’m about halfway through TMP1 and thought that would be a good point to begin to get to know you folks (and get my hands dirty, magimystically speaking, lol).

Offline, I’m an IT hardware tech from South Carolina. When I’m not working or reading I enjoy home brewing (some beer, mostly Mead) and have been known to attend the occasional renaissance festival.

Also sorry if I spoke out of turn (this isn’t my first post). I have read the rules and forum primer now. I appreciate the guidance!


Welcome officially @Rhue_Hyngwar!! You don’t have to start here or even introduce yourself but we usually recommend it as this place can be very confusing! :laughing:

As you’ll probably know @Sellalellen is the thornmouth leader so you can ask her questions as well as any of the Wagoneers! There’s also the Q&A thread you can check out as well!

When you’re ready you can introduce yourself to your fellow guild mates in the thornmouth welcome thread!

EDIT: Also I believe that somewhere on here it explains how you can join the thornmouth guild. It gives you a little tag and a guild badge next to your name! If I can find the darn thread I’ll link it! :laughing:


Hi, I’m Adrienne, but you can call me WyrdOne. My guild is Ebenguard and it’s glorious to be here.


Inhale Welcome @WyrdOne to the Ackerly Green Forum!

@Ginger and @Deyavi are your guild leaders so you can PM them if you have any questions! The wagoneers are also happy to answer any questions you may have! There is also a Q&A thread that’s full of frequently asked questions. If the answer you seek isn’t there then you can always ask there!

Make sure you read everything in the first post and the forum primer as both are important!

When you’re feeling up to it you can introduce yourself to your guild mates in the Ebenguard welcome thread! Exhale

So now the formalities are over tell us a bit about yourself!


Well, I’m a 15 year old nerd with nothing but time and snacks on her hands.


Heyo! I’m a 15 year old loner with a bit too much time on his hands and too loose a grasp on reality according to most around me. I’m really quiet so you probably won’t be hearing much from me, sorry about that in advance. Although I’m really interested in the narrative and a firm believer of magic being real.


Hello and welcome @NixOt!

No need to apologize for being quiet! Make sure you read through the forum primer as that will help get you situated! The first post up at the top will help with that as well! If you like the narrative you might like the #the-creationary as that has a lot of creative things including writings by your fellow Mounties or stuff like that!

Unless I just missed it I don’t see what guild you were sorted into, if you haven’t yet taken the test you can take it here!

Welcome to the forum and I do hope to hear more from you!