4. The Search For Magiq: Peering Arts

This just in from Eaves - copied and pasted before it vanishes. Looks like we have magiq to do, Mountaineers!


Go Eaves!
Also, itā€™s good to know Aether is safe wherever he is. Maybe heā€™s still working to restore memories the Storm stole?


@OracleSage itā€™s a good job you have a massive collection of blank journals :laughing:


I didnā€™t realize this was read Oracle hour-
glances at bookshelf but you may have a point


I too have a ridiculous number of empty notebooks and journals for someone the Guide said was decidedly not :thornmouth: for nearly two yearsā€¦ :eyes:


I may also have a lot of empty notebooksā€¦ Hey, that bodes well that we have people who could step up and do this!

So, a spell that we donā€™t really know anything about, that we need to frankenstein onto an altered version of a spell weā€™ve used before. Just another day in the office, right? I may be jumping the gun, but tbh, are we really gonna say no to trying this? I say we get people signed up to calling corners and work and a rewording in the meantime? As much as I joked about the notebooks, I do think we should have a Thornie do the tome as the added boost from it as a guild affinit might just improve our chances of a more succesful outcome.


I read that part as each person calling a corner would need to bind the called element to a book. Do we think itā€™s just one book for the whole shebang?


kicks closed desk drawer before anyone sees the mountain of notebooks ā€¦I might have a blank notebook around somewhereā€¦

Edit: Iā€™m with @Ashburnā€¦I also read that as each person calling a corner needs a notebook, since weā€™re reading each splinter in the wall


Okay, yeah, on second read youā€™re probably right. IDK, I was thinking of it as two seperate things still. Definately makes more sense for everyone to be doing it.


What if we called corners for each corner? It would require alot of people, but breaking it down into 6 parts might make itā€™s easier and cause less magiq use overall. Calling corners and then trying to split them in 6 at the same time seemsā€¦ Daunting.


Hmmm, do I have blank notebo-ā€¦ stares at my desk which is full of unused school and writing supplies. Yes, yes I do have some blank notebooks. So do we have volunteers for Calling the Corners: Remixed? Iā€™m all down to do it, but I want to make sure everyone has a chance to cast (Iā€™m looking at you, my new WW friends :eyes:).

And Iā€™m not sure we need to split them in six each time, Night, I think weā€™re just calling any elemental energy leftover from the original casting, binding it to an item, and then binding that item (now physical embodiment of ā€œThe Veilā€ thatā€™s been cast on us) with a single blank notebook for each of the corners that were called. So unless Iā€™m totally misunderstanding this, its only six notebooks overall?

I also agree that a Thorny should lead this since this is sort of their thing! Also maybe any polyguilds who feel connected to their ā€œchosenā€ guild and Thornmouth could be helpful when casting this!


This is what I took from Eavesā€™ message, too. Given that ā€œLike attracts like,ā€ maybe our physical items representing the abstract Leaden Veil spell should be some kind of barriers, even actually veils. Thoughts?


I just worry trying to do all 6 at once might be to much


Oh heck, I need to figure out what Iā€™ll use for tides! The cataclysm mightā€™ve ate my go-to (Schrodingerā€™s plastic bucket in a closet, I hold some hope it survived but not much).

ā€¦flowy blue scarf? :ascendershrug:

Iā€™ll try to think of something with a bit more meaning behind it, even if the scarfā€™s been some cool places.

Edit: you think using my shore-themed journal would help amplify the tide-ness?


I mean, the spell will be split among 6 people around the world (most likely), so that should help to spread the cost a little.

Also, I think fate has stepped in slightly here and wants me to do this one as I recently found the perfect object for wilds. Of course, if another Bali has strong feelings and wants to step in Iā€™m very happy to let a newer member step in and get a shot at magiq.


ā€˜Balithornā€™ polyguild here, with a hoard of notebooks-in-waiting. I can be on deck if we end up needing a spot filled.


True, Iā€™m just trying to address at potential issues, especially since we are doing this ad hoc. I would rather be safe then sorry


I have a dance veil :thinking: and also a spare I donā€™t love in case it goes horribly wrong :joy:


Well, while weā€™re thinking about objects and finding people, maybe we can work on adjusting the spell? Hereā€™s it as we know (for ease of referance):

Light (Weatherwatch)
First look upon the red horizon
All awakened by my force
I am the mother and the son, the rising sun my source.

Aether (Gossmere)
Morningā€™s called me many names
Gravity and untouched things
Though I am but a force unseen carried on imagined wings

Ore (Flinterforge)
As fire hangs midway in the sky
Move the ground to summon me
But only fire and force will show what I can truly be.

Tide (Ebenguard)
Day grows weary, night awakes
Five moons call to the water
A careful step upon the land but sea is too my daughter

Thought (Thornmouth)
Night black curtains drape the world
Memory and misery, rage and reason too
All are born inside of me, and I am born in you

Wild (Balimora)
The darkened world is stirring now
Before dawn breaks its silence
Life and death move hand in hand, the minuet of violence


Well, I donā€™t know why my brain thought there was something about reversing, but would going Wilds to Light be an alteration to the usual weā€™d want to do (in addition to wording changes, of course)?