The General Discussion Super Topic

So my last car was 15 years old, and finally passed to the happy driving grounds. I had hoped it would last another few years so I could save up enough money for a new car without having to draw from emergency funds. But.
I now have a 5yr old car that rides like brand new, and if I take better care of it, it will hopefully last me longer than the last.


2 random questions.

-The storm was a magical energy with intent?

I cant fully recall timing and wont have the ability to check through my book till later.

-Martin and co were hidden from the storm(by the spell cast on the forum) when they raided KS? and when that protection failed, were protected by the button?
or did the storm catch up with the after KS/spell wore off?


Sorry if this has already been discussed, but have we figured out what the box is at the bottom of this page? What If… – Ackerly Green's Guide to Magiq
I finished reading The Monarch Papers a little while ago and don’t think I remember anything about it, but I am still relatively new and could have missed something.

Edit: this is the box I’m speaking about


What da heck is that? Interesting.

Anything I enter gets Please Try Again. 12 Xs. A twelve letter word maybe?




Hey @what.the.kell you should drop this in the Search for magiq thread!


thats new. uh. kell, you mighta just saved our ***es. That might be what cjb meant by the “Key is The Guide to Magiq”.


Ah, apologies, will do


Oh no it’s fine popping it in here it’s just this area is out of world so for us to act on what you’ve found it has to be in the in-world thread! :cjsmile:


Didn’t realize I had discovered something important. Thank you!


Ahaha its super important so well done on finding it!


So I wanna say that were over thinking this password too much but knowing CJ and his previous passwords we’re probably not thinking enough :joy:


Hey folks.

So I haven’t been around in two days because Dorian was attempting to level my city (and almost succeeded, might I add). Now that I can post again though I figured I’d share a dream I had with you all around the time the hurricane was hitting my area.

I make a point to have a notebook next to me in case I dream anything that I can remember. It’s rare. My last entry before two days ago was over a year prior. The only reason I’m sharing this with you all is because it feels connected somehow.

Well, here’s what I wrote down:

And that’s when I woke up. Had the phrase, “We have wrought and wrought until all that is left is rot.” in my head after that dream while writing it down.

I haven’t the slightest clue as to what it means. But I feel like this belongs here. If anyone has any ideas/feedback/anything to help make sense of this weirdness, lemme know!

TL;DR Had a weird dream that feels AG related. Hurricane Dorian almost wiped me off the map.


Our minds are quite interesting. It’s proven that your dreams reflect the reality of what we saw before bed, so mayhaps it is partial to that.

For me, I believe our minds have the innate ability to comprehend the ‘why’ things happen in reality in the way that they do. Such as your, “we wrought and wrought until all that is left is rot”. Perhaps it’s your very being telling you why there is such a hurricane at such a magnitude.
I tend to have odd dreams that are both surreal and realistic. sometimes when I wake the dreams I had the night before come true… (will add more upon further thought)

As for the crystal trees, it can be seen as the “veil” shattering between realms or the fragility of something. Them being full of dark and light can attribute to the different paths, or realities or even the light and darkness within all beings.

When they shatter and the path turns clear. maybe its a sign of what path you chose.


I do think you have a point. My first thought of the storm in my dream, and even the dark energy bit was all likely due to the hurricane that was tearing through the city. How I slept, I’ll never know.

When it comes to the crystal trees and the obsidian/quartz path I have no real way to explain that. I’ve tried looking into some of my old dream journals and even a couple times I have about dream studies, and I’m finding nothing that applies to me or my situation. Maybe I’m not burrowing deep enough though.

The whole wrought-to-rot thing to me feels more reflective of the entire planet suffering. But then again, I’ve had a dream somewhat like this before. Details are all fuzzy about it because I never wrote it down, but it had to do with rot, or at least a lot of rotting something.

I’m kind of stretching this away from AG a bit because I somewhat hope it isn’t related to the veil. I know it’s weak, and if I’m remembering dreams again… Well, there’s a reason I have to sedate myself before sleep. But maybe it’s a sign to be careful with things because despite how powerful they may be, some things are easy to shatter.

I dunno. This is mostly nonsensical rambling coming from me right now, as I don’t have coffee yet.

And thus begins my morning quest for the mystical brew. Hopefully there’s still a cafe up the road…



Just found out there’s a release date for Good Omens on DVD. :cagsfabulous: :spiritseergimme:


Eeeeeee!! :deirdreexcited:


I am so glad I waited on using my chance at the free month trial of Prime, watching on the TV will be much easier than my comparatively tiny phone screen.


Well I’m currently trying to watch Elementary and Harrow on Prime but the internet keeps going down :laurencry:


Did you see the UK will have a steelbook blu ray edition? I may have already pre-ordered it. :eyes: