The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

I just tried substituting T for G the second time around, but no joy. We may have to find the following combinations somewhere in available texts just like we found the first. We might be able to brute force it but it seems there are thousands of combinations possible.


So I just went back to the compass, and I realized that the compass now has the different constellation next to Ebenguard even though I hadn’t done the process to make it spin. Here’s a screenshot below of how it looked when I got to the page:

To clarify, I have made the compass spin once already, so maybe it has to do with that. Can someone who hasn’t spun the compass yet check, like @OracleSage?


Hes getting into the shower, he said he will hop on his pc when he gets out

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Guys in the url it has numbers…maybe those are the order we are supposed to click like including the letter abd the dots that space around the outside of the compass? We always took the words after the numbers in the url to be “other” what if its actually “on the”…or it could be the amount of time we beed to wait to click on the next letter

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I’m back and on my computer… checking now.


Same result as on my phone. Nothing happens.
I am just supposed to click on the letters yes?
Maybe the website just doesnt like me? XD

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Yes, you are supposed to click on the letters. I’m not sure why yours isn’t working. Did you check the constellation next to Ebenguard, though?


Make sure you don’t click on anything else first. If you mess up, refresh the page before starting again. It doesn’t reset itself if you get it wrong.

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Try again or refresh the page, sometimes it does not work for me either, especially if I click too fast.

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I have refreshed the page and clicked on every single letter, no dice.
I will look into the constellations though.
Thanks @EliseCeri <3


The constellations look different then the ones on my travelers coin!


Just slightly

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Can you post a picture of your coin?

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Haven’t spun it yet


I think the remaining combination(s) are still in the text.

Hope is not lost. Not yet.

The truth is this… If we don’t succeed now, then all of this will be for nothing. The magiq here in the mundane is finite. This is our final chance. I have sacrificed my life for this cause. I would never wish the same for you, but I trust no one to finish this more than the daughter of your mother.

“Hope is not lost. Not yet.” This may be referring to our inability to press G once the compass starts spinning. So then what is the next clue word? Truth? I think there are still more clues in Sullivan’s letter.

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Sctually I can’t spin it. I’m on Chrome on my phone… nothing is happening.

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Im not the only one. Thank god

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I guess I won’t be much help with this puzzle then :sob:

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