The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

Yeah, maybe we need to stop it at a certain part, it could possibly be with constellations on there


Maybe we stop it at 4?

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I noticed that when the compass spins, my cursor disappears when it hovers over the G for Gossmere. Could just be a glitch but it might lend credence to your idea that we need to do something while it spins.


I’m trying everything I can think of to stop it. Clicking on the guilds, spacebar, enter, clicking the sun, dragging, clicking on the points between the guilds, the sun stages on the compass… nothing…


Going along with the four chimes, their is also four moons on the bottom. I’ve been trying out different patterns, nothing has happened yet, but its worth a shot.


there has to be something to the changed constellation. The compass makes one full rotation so it should be back the way it started, but that one thing is different. It may be that we need to use that information elsewhere, though where I have no idea. Perhaps something in the other image on his site, the sky image of the constellations?


WOAH… you guys are actual genius’s

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I wonder if this is the site’s way of saying “Close, but no cigar”? Seeing as the compass is almost exactly like the forum version, but not quite, maybe one of the answers is wrong, but the rest are correct?

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The chronocompass does not spin nor open a new link when I click on letters. Perhaps Fletcher didn’t design it to work on mobile? XD


We didnt use the T yet, so possibly one of the G’s is a T


Maybe. It works on chrome on my phone. w g g b e f

But there are lots of different platforms out there.


Hope is for sure Gossmere.

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@Endri said she had to refresh the page once before it worked for her, so give that a try

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I have. I think its just not comparable with my mobile. Ill try it on my pc when I get home.

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Maybe we enter the code at 4?


I definitely think there is something we need to do whilst it is spinning, as other people have said. It’s definitely reminding me of when we were trying to get into Dawson’s website and it would throw us back to the homepage at the end of a sequence. The question is… what?

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The inability to press G while it spins leads me to believe that we’re meant to enter another combination using the other 5 letters. Just as T isn’t used the first time around. And I’ll wager that if that’s the case, the four chimes at the end will turn to three, then two, then one as we successfully enter each successive combination. At least that’s how I’m thinking this all works, though I could (most likely) be wrong.


It’s something to try until we get to 4:00 anyway!

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That makes a ton of sense, Mike. Perhaps we should try doing the order in reverse (F E B G G W)? Or scour the Sullivan letter for more guild traits?

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I think we should scour more, it wont hurt to try that combo either