The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

@Brendon you are a genius. That should be said more often.

Bravery = Weatherweath
Heart = Gossmere
Hope = Gossmere
Woods = Balimora
Shore = Ebenguard
Machine = Flinterforge

Go to Fletcher’s compass. And use what you posted above. Trust me.


uh… whoah. what?


I thought about that, but I scoured the Guide’s description of Thornmouth and couldn’t find any sort of reference to Truth. Knowledge - definitely, Understanding - yep. But nothing about Truth. The lack of Thornmouth is troubling to me too, but I just can’t seem to find a good word for them.

@Nimueh - If you can find any sort of reference to Thought, Light, and Aether, I am totally game. But like I have said, I have scoured that letter and looked at everything I could.

Just a reminder to everyone, this can’t be easy. Sullivan had to hide this so well the Storm and “its master” couldn’t find it. If he has a plan to thwart it, it needs to be so tucked away, that it is going to take some serious logic, understanding and every other adjective to figure this out. Sullivan wants the Storm and its Master to think they have won, so lets keep plugging away


So we’ve done… something?


Was it spinning before? The chronocompass on my computer started spinning?

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Go to Fletchers compass

Touch the letters of the guild;s that Brendon so smartly figured out.

Bravery = Weatherweath
Heart = Gossmere
Hope = Gossmere
Woods = Balimora
Shore = Ebenguard
Machine = Flinterforge

Edit: Then it just takes me back to the entrance with nothing changed? Something must have happened. Maybe the 4 chimes?


Did I miss something? I clicked the letters and the compass started to spin, then it took me back to the Fletcher Dawson home page. Maybe it’s the wrong order?

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I’ve tried a dozen other orders. That’s the only one that spins for me.

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I’m clicking and nothing is happening… :frowning:

One very confused mountie right here

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Let’s not look past the fact that you had the genius idea to take that order to the Chronocompass. Yay!! Something!! :wink:


@Nimueh, I had to reload the page before it worked…


Thanks, got it!

Now what? lol


Good question? Has anything changed? On any site?

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I’m liking the 4 chimes right now as a clue. Could be a clue to the time of 4:00. Maybe something happens if we do this at 4pm EST?

Maybe it’s a url like the oracular eye was?


Do we know if the compass looks the same as the one on the forum? This is a screenshot of the Fletcher compass before it faded away.

EDIT: Just checked and the constellation near the Ebenguard (at the top) is slightly different. Here is the original:


I just checked the one on the cover of the Guide to Magiq, and the only difference appears to be the letters

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The two runes closest to Ebengaurd look like Norse runes to me.

Edit: okay, so while the original looks for a minute liek one, I realised it was missing a line. The new one does like like a rotated Kenaz though. The rune means Beacon or Torch, and it does follow the norse theme we have going with the sight (the symbol on the page before the assessment being norse also).

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Ok, as far as I can tell, the only difference is the constellation closest to Ebenguard. And the clouds are in a slightly different position.

I don’t know if this will be relevant, but the constellations and the spiky bits spun in a counterclockwise movement, while the middle sun seems to be moving clockwise?


Does anyone have good enough photoshop skills to overlay one on top of eachother making the top one a bit transparent

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There’s also the possibility we need top be doing something else while it’s spinning. The whole ‘being sent to the beginning’ kinda feels like getting an assessment question wrong.