The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

We still have time to brainstorm, shoot! :smiley:

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I’m curious what the guild system was like in Augies era, I’m sure it was different from our own but it may shed light on the last mounties


Can we ask him what he knows about spells involving time travel? If we learn more about what spell is powering the communication between us, hopefully, we can figure out what the limits are.


I think that Augie doesn’t even know this is time travel. He thinks we are Mountiees from his time. So asking about the spell would be pointless since he isn’t the one doing it.


I will get to everything in a second, my mind is too busy being blown by whatever Robert unleashed with the “Sullivan we think we know, but we don’t” :astonished: (this is my perma face now)


I mean what he knows about those spells in general


Since this is referred to as “the most dangerous type of Magiq”, I don’t think he would know very much or maybe not anything.


Not even stories, legends or rumors?


If there are any of those, surely we would have found one by now. It might be worth it to ask, but it could also lead to us being found out. Once time travel is mentioned it might make him suspicious.


I mean if we hadn’t found some by now, we don’t know what exactly every little thing that was lost with the 94…but I see your point.


There’s probably a library of Alexandria of knowledge that we lost with them.


Exactly, that’s what @omega12 was trying to say…maybe they know something. (While they’re still in contact)

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Wish we could ask them for help to somehow restore the book.:crying_cat_face:


Agreed. Ix-nay on the Ime-travel-tay.


3 hours and 54 minutes


True, we also have no idea quite what type of time manipulation we are involved in. Sure maybe we already interfered which caused events to turn out as they did or maybe our actions have actual consequences. We should avoid communicating anything from the past unless it becomes clear that our interference is necessary.


Augie: gosh that’s sad.

Well, it sounds a lot like they are just past part 1 of the storm, fragment 11-12.

He said he was being careful with security and wouldn’t even let his people answer the phone. This says something bad has happened to make him cautious.
But how do we find out when we are so we don’t banjax all of time?

If we can’t warn them, can we get him to send us some information that we previously thought their storm had lost? He won’t be any wiser that it is safe, so that won’t change his actions, but we may find our efforts much further forwards if we have it.


Okay guys, less than an hour! One final pass over the message?

"Hi Augie!
My name’s Nimueh, and I’m one of a small group of Mountaineers. We only just found out how to contact you guys, actually. What happened to your forum? What is looking for you and why?

As for the fragments; Is there a way you could put us in touch with Tinkerdown? Or maybe you could tell us how we might get approved? We’d really like to see if we could help you guys out. Which fragment are you on, by the way?

Thanks again,


My one question, and I apologize if it has been asked earlier, I have been in meetings all morning and haven’t had a chance to really catch up, but what do we gain by asking to get in touch with Tinkerdown? The contact info for 1998 Tinkerdown is likely quite different than 2017 Tinkerdown, wherever present-day Tinkerdown may be. Or is it more just a clever way to not sound too eager on the fragment information and a way to gain trust?


No idea, but unfortuately he’s the only lead we have and we need to see if there’s something we can do. That’s why I worded almost like “can you speak to him for us” kinda way. Who knows, we may get somethign we can use? And if not, it’s a harmless question.