The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

That said, I reiterate that we need to ask about Tinkerdown. Your suggestion about jumping on their Fragment was sort of what I was getting at. We at least need to know what Fragment they are on. That may require us at least attempting to join them officially, which is why I suggested that we may be able to connect to the Book of Briars.


Sounds like a good idea. Do you mean our BoB ot the past one?

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I don’t think they’re all that separate as we might think.

EDIT: That said, connecting to their Book with our strength… may not be a bad thing.


I had a terrible thought…Maybe there’s a way for us to replace the burnt version we have?

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I don’t think Aug told Ascender yet, since his post was in 2016 and we are talking to Aug way before that, so I think we should stay away from talking about what ascender told Eaves, I’m thinking we should ask Aug if any new recruits are being made

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Okay, so questions about the council shoudl be safe so long as we don’t get too into what’s happening atm. Vague questions :slight_smile: As for asking about the Storm, they may have heard of it even if it’s not quite a problem yet, though I think if there was an issue with their forum it may have been the cause.

I’m currently writing up a draft message. It’s a lot longer than before, so I’m hoping there’s no word count otherwise some of it may have to wait, and then I’m hoping we don’t have a message limit. I’m doing best best to play with stuff to try and keep things as normal as possible. Here’s what I got so far:

"Hi Augie!
My name’s Nimueh, and I was nominated by a group of mouty friends to speak to you. I’m a little new around here actually, so please do bare with me.

A couple of them say they’ve heard a bit about you from someone by the name of Ascender? Apparently they’re worried about him. They said last time they heard from him, he was talking about a machine that “churns in the dark places of the world”. Do you know where he might be if he went off to look for that machine? We really need to speak to him on an urgent matter.

As for the fragments; Is there a way you could put us in touch with Tinkerdown? Or maybe you could tell us how we might get approved?"

I added in that I’m new at the beginning in case there’s something that sounds a little odd, that way he can just put it down to inexperience (hopefully). It may also negate knowing some of them, but them not knowing us.


Check my post above

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Yeah, I saw that just as I posted lol

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Same with yours

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And maybe someone else should speak so he knows there are other people here and not just being mentioned


Maybe wait for the next one for that? Lets get the ball rolling first.

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I like the Tinkerdown ref. and actually being sure to ASK how we can get approved. Asking if they’re recruiting.

But we don’t know what Ascender was up to during that time period. So I’m a strong advocate of leaving him out of the conversation completely.

5 or I can easily take the ball on this if we’re talking about changing messengers, I’ll be up all day. I’m in Germany at the moment so I can take the time.


I’ll be up day too

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Asking to talk to Tinkerdown is a goo idea. Gives the message some credibility and shows that we know some people in their Basecamp.

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We could ask how Knatz, Tinkerdown, Huma, and Saberland, are doing so we have more credibility too

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Sure, like I said it’s just a draft based on what we had so far. We have pletny of time to pin down what to add and cut :slight_smile: And yeah, if someone else wants to take it that’s fine by me. I’m also around all day (EU times rock right now :smiley: ) but seens as he didn’t get a name from the first message anyone could take it for sure.


Why don’t you do the one for today and maybe say your going to have someone be the messanger for the next one?

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I agree with 5. You take this one.

I think it’s safe to ask Augie about the Storm or allude to it, because he knew about the history when we spoke to him and we can assume he didn’t learn it while he was in the mental hospital. He knew that no one has made it past Frag 12. It sounds like they might be mid Frag 12, or Frag 11 at least.

But we need to be sure of that, too, so we know how much time we have. IF they’re Frag 12 they’re running out of time. We’re about to lose him.

Here’s some of my thoughts, don’t think you have to take it word for word:


I’m one of a small group of Mountaineers, actually. We didn’t know how to contact you until now. We were hoping to find Tinkerdown and ask if you’re recruiting, and if it’s possible that we could join you officially. It sounds like now, you could use the help.

You said you’re not allowing your kids to answer the phone? The forum is down? Have things gotten dangerous already? Have you had any contact with the Council?

That’s all I have time to generate at this exact second.

What do you think?


I just had a crazy thought and it’s probably very stupid but maybe we have to send them the key we have. At the moment it’s useless to us as our book is burned.


I… I actually dig it