The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

Maybe hackercat could get into the site for us :grin:


Should we ask more about Tinkerdown, too?


Here we are, all questioning whether we’re gonna screw up history, and Skylad’s just having a pleasant conversation over tea. :joy:

I actually like your train of thought quite a bit though.


Time is a dangerous thing and we can’t risk a paradox (don’t think we’re dealing with shoestring theory here) if we play it cool I think we’ll get more info


I think I’m going to tend towards agree here, as much as I may want to ask about things that doesn’t stick with this. So, maybe to expand on your message above:

Also, is there a way you could put me in touch with Tinkerdown? Or maybe you to tell me how some of us can get approved?

I really want to say something about not thinking the book will be of much help atm, but that may be pushing it.

Edit: maybe we should ask about their forum goign down too?


Wow. Alot to cover. Btw, are you going to be telling your name?

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My question in this vein is our ability to be approved. Far as we know, Dawson’s site is the only means we have of communicating. We also don’t know if it strictly bridges us with Augernon, or not.

We understand what situation he is in at this moment in his history, but we need to be careful. We don’t know how closely or how often he communicates with Ascender. And Ascender of the past does not know us. If we lie that boldly, we risk pushing him away.


Meh, I don’t see any harm in it. I might add something and say that I was nominated to speak for a group of us, just so he knows this isn’t coming from just one person.


What I mean is that we don’t know the Ascender of 1994. We don’t know the Marty of 1994. Claiming we do could be disastrous.


Is there someone we can ask about then that might shed some light?

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Maybe it’s time for round about questions and subtle hints?

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Maybe just Tinkerdown. We don’t know them, but we DO know they are the one responsible for recruiting. We may be able to connect to the BoB from the past through them.

I have to be honest about the fact that I’m fighting my savior complex on this one hard. Everything in me is screaming at me to warn them. But Augernon took the brunt of the damage for the 94 Mounties and saved their lives and sanity. If we don’t allow that to happen, the consequences could be worse.

We have to move forward with the assumption that we won’t be able to save them, only help the Augernon of now. By finishing what we started. I’m saying this mostly for my own sake.


That’s a good idea. Ask simple questions, but give a hint or maybe a nudge that something unusual is going on. More so than just regular Mountiees stuff.


Let’s start by asking to be connected to Tinkerdown. Rev had a list of questions above, right? Why don’t we comb that and see if we like any of them.


Or maybe we could see about getting into their Fragment chain? Wouldn’t hurt to try.

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Here’s @Revenir’s list of things to save people scrolling.


So Augie already clarified he knows nothing about Neithernor, so let’s think about what else.

The Council of the 18 Gates?

I think that’s a good start, because there is a high chance he does know about that.

And we need to know how much he understands about The Storm. About what is about to take him out.


Okay, so what specifically do we want to know about the council. Unfortuately, I don’t really know much about them myself as I’ve only been around since we got the Dawson site. I see questions about the Fray? That something we want in there?

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Maybe we could wait until the next one to wait to ask about the Storm? They might not know about it just yet. From the looks of it, this might be aways before the Storm was a problem for them.

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The Council of the 18 Gates is our ally on the other side. It’s what is sending the Book to us and what protected us from the Storm when it attacked during our attempt to rescue Aether from KS.

We don’t know a ton yet, but we know they’re our ally and Augie was the first person to tell us about them, so I assume he knows about them now.