The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

Well, for all we know it could fix the book, in a time-travel since. Going on that the Mountiees need to try the dangerous type of Magiq. But your idea does make a little more sense.


Has anyone thought maybe we need to try to restore whatever was written in the journal?
I’m also wondering if there’s anything else about the box, chronocompass, or journal that was over looked?
I’m not sure if the letter is going to give us concrete answers but maybe we could divvy up sections to look through.

Whew, this is a doozy!


I understand what’s going on but I also have no clue what’s going on/where to start. Lol


With other journals we’ve seen from Sullivan they usually start out blank, or obscured and as we make more discoveries more and more appears.

So, yes, we do need to restore what’s in the journal. But that’s more the end goal than the means. We need to discover something before we get any more info… . at least that’s how it’s worked a few times in the past.

I agree I don’t see any concrete answers in the letter. I think it’s alluding to something, and we’re just not getting it. My current random theories:

-Somewhere in the past we’ve had a reference to ‘the most dangerous of magiq’ (Isn’t it a bit odd to have that ‘of’ in there?) And this is supposed to tell us to go look at that reference, or look up the thing referenced. But we’ve all forgotten the first mention.

I’ve tried searching through the forums for any reference like this, and deeds blog. Not sure where else to look.

-‘Reaching out to the past’ could mean we just need to go back to an earlier site and something has changed. This has happened a few times before. Fragment 9 for example started when we found a hint added on the Cagliostro site which we had used for fragments 6 and 7. Fragment 9 didn’t even have anything to do with Cagliostro, that’s just where the first clue was placed.

I’m out of ideas for old sites to check though. This process is simplified in that most of them are now gone. Revenir posted a great list of the active ones on the old thread.

Edit: And @Brit that means you’re on the same page as the rest of us if that helps!


Reaching out to the past…it sounds to me like we need to reach out to someone from the past.


That could be, let’s see who we can think of.

Ascender - We tried a bit ago.
King Rabbit - Also tried
Cole Sumner - He’s with DG so I hope he’d just tell us something if he knew something.
DG - Likewise above.
Marty Rank, Climber, Portencia, Aether - Missing somewhere in space/time.
Lauren Ellseworth - I’ve tried looking for her online for months now cough mostly on Tinder Cough and can’t find her.
Brandon Lachman, Cags - Deceased we think.
@Reader - Worth a shot. @Reader you out there?
Sascha/Teddy/Constance - Magically wiped most likely.

Who else is there?

Edit: Heh, there’s the weird phone number for that book store we never found any reason for. We could try calling them again I guess.


Maybe it’s something that the past Mountiees did/didn’t do that we need to do?


That could be be a whole lotta stuff. We’ve whizzed past a lot of things in the race to open the book.


Put it on the time period of around when the Storm took them out.


Just tried Cumberland Books again. :grin: Nothing new, same message, still there (wherever “there” is)


I’m having some tin foil thoughts. :tinfoilhat:
I think maybe Deirdre is a natural born Traveler. Like, perhaps that’s her affinity.
She found Cumberland Books, which has no physical location in our realm, long before she knew who she was, or anything about magiq. She took on the journey around the world to follow the paths of Silver and Wool with no real guidance but her father’s legacy. And now she is the one who must travel to Neithernor.
Just something that occurred to me.
Gee, looking back, knowing what we know now, does help you make new connections.
(Removes tin foil hat)


I think we all are going into tin foil hat territory here. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Remember we haven’t started the Fragment just yet, this is more of seeing if we any clues that might jumpstart it, right?


We think the door to the fragment is staring us in the face and we’re missing it, basically.


I’m still obsessing over this letter. This line peaks my interest “on the other side of the darkest woods you have found the end of a path. Now you stand at a door, my love.” The darkest woods thing instantly makes me think of the forest of darkening glass, so maybe there is a path or door that lies at the end of whatever we did with that website? It is one of the few websites still alive.

Again, just throwing things out there and seeing what might stick.


I wondered that too. Also for a brief moment I got excited that maybe Neithernor was a place on one of Brandon’s maps. It sounds like it would have fit in to the Islands of Brin, but I didn’t see it there.


What’s the number?


Maybe the letter has something to do with King Rabbit’s bonus game?


While we’re donning our tin foil hats and throwing spaghetti at the walls… :tinfoilhat:
Back in May, when Deirdre posted about her meeting with Colby, she wrote about her father’s disjointed last memories and his attempts to get back to the “little red house” from her mother’s dreams.
I wasn’t around at the time, but it looks like some Mounties had pondered over it and quickly decided we didn’t have enough information about the little red house to make it worth pursuing. We probably still don’t, but since the letter mentioned a door, and the Council, and Deirdre’s mother, I thought it was worth bringing up here.


So many ideas, so little information…