The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

I like this logic. If we can get a good intro message down, we can be doing more brainstorming while we wait. Look for loose ends that we could ask about and that sort of thing. It doesn’t have to be wasted time.


We could have multiple people send the same message. We would get the same response still and it if parts were scrambled, other parts of the other messages might still be intact.

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^ That is also another very possible way to get something through. Also, feel free guys to keep adding thing which you think should be asked with this message, or even instead.


Should we just do a poll on this? One person or many people?

My vote is we send Nimueh’s message at 4pm, via one person (presumably Nimueh if they’re available and want to do it). We can always try another tactic the next time the time is right, if it doesn’t go through.


I like the poll idea.


I’m fine with whichever. And if people want me to send the message I’ll be here, but I’m not fussed. I think someone whose been in touch already should keep sending messages (if that’s possible) to limit confusion, and could possible help us keep a better track of things (no idea how, mind you, as it’s not like we have email trails, it just seems to make sense to me).


Ok, here’s a poll. How should we handle this?

  • One person send a message and the messenger is Nimueh
  • One person send a message and the messenger is another person (post nominated user below)
  • Many people send the same message

0 voters

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I totally nominate @Nimueh for our spokesperson though time.

Also, and this is totally not a priority but if you do end up talking to 1998, could you try to stop me from getting that really bad haircut in Jan of '99? It threw off my game for years. Thanks!


So far it’s looking like we’re sending the one message. We’ll cut off the voting at 3:45-ish and go with the majority vote, if that’s cool with everyone?


I say cut off at 3:00. By then everyone will of had plenty of time to vote.


@Revenir, I forgot to tell you 70 jillion posts ago - I love you and I love Hacker Cat.


That’s definitely reasonable! 3pm EST it is.

@Augustus_Octavian I’m glad you like it. xD It was necessary. Hacker Cat must be inducted into the Mountie history halls alongside Dogs Wearing People Clothes.


We have a mission for you @Nimueh. Your mission, if you choose to except it, is to go to the Chronocompass and send a message to the past. I will warn you there are dangers to the timeline of you mess up. This message will never explode.


lol, that made me smile :smiley: And indeed, I shall accept graciously.


Ok, seems like the results are in! @Nimueh will contact our mystery person-in-time at 4pm! :grinning:

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What struck me about their reply was they asked if things were ok at our end due to the message scramble.

Who do they think we are…?


That’s a thought…

Do we want to begin finallising a message? Maybe we can add something to it about that?

Edit: Message so far:-

Sorry about before. We’re the Mountaineers and we have a couple of questions for you: Who are you? When are you? Have you heard of something called Neithernor?


I cant see the message page

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Yeah, I can’t see it either yet. Should change at 4pm though (hopefully). In all honesty, I don’t know what happens if it doesn’t lol


Did anyone mention the capital CO? is that a possible name?

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