The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

This is what @Nimueh came up with.


What if we have to word our message in the same garbled way that they send the messages? We could do this by keeping track of the spelling mistakes and then send one back when we think we have all of it figured out. However, there would first need to be a recognizable pattern in the characters to do this and I’m not entirely sure if it’s just completely randomized.

So consider this just a thought.

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I think that’s a good starting point! If it’s still garbled, we could try sending something simpler like “We’re the Mountaineers. Who are you?”


I was thinking the same thing… For all we know this could be how “The Book” or The Council has been communicating with us.


I don’t think we need to do it that way. There’s a tiny chance we might, but I feel like the garbled way is a cause of time.


Certainly, the message can be made simpler in case of further scrambling, I was merely purposing an email that could make sense. In fact, it seems like a very good idea!


That’s why I added the tag line: Just a thought™
I couldn’t go without saying it otherwise I’d think about it for the rest of the day! Anyway sorry for possibly slowing down progress :sweat_smile:


Your tag line works very well here. And that’s how I am also.


Why don’t we have one person try the simplistic way and someone else the email longer way?


We could. We just don’t want too many so they don’t jumble together like before.


I agree that probably only one person should send a message, and that it should be short and sweet. I personally like @Nimueh’s message, but if we come up with a better one before 4, that works, also.


Could we change “have you heard of neithernor” to “what do you know about neithernor”? My concern would be getting a reply that just says “yup I’ve heard of it” and then having to wait 12 hours to ask for details.


Just playing devil’s advocate to those that are saying send one simpler message and one longer, say the messages get garbled when we send multiple or whatever, we have just lost another day of potentially getting information. We have 20 or so hours to come up with something, lets talk this through and figure out what’s best. We don’t have to be in any rush


Wait…I thought it was 4pm EST, in which case we have 4.5 hours to get something ready?

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I agree with everything @Brendon said except the 20 hours thing. I’ve been assuming we can send something else at 4pm today. I could be wrong there. So that’s 4 and a half hours to prep.

But I pretty much like @Nimueh’s message, and I think 1 person, 1 message to start.


My understanding is the message box will come back at 4pm EST, but we have until 4am EST when the responses come to send something? Maybe I am misunderstanding the situation


Actually, that’s a good way to think about it. Then I guess you’re right.


We have 4 horus 30 mins from the time of this message before we can send another, and after that 12 hours before we have a reply. One person, one message seems like a good idea, and although that may waste time if we aren’t asking the right questions, it seems a good way to narrow possibilities without possibly causing messages to be scrambled.


Oh…I guess I don’t know how long the message box is open. I’ve been on mobile since yesterday and couldn’t see the message page anyway. Can someone who sent a message and got a reply confirm if it was just 4pm or if they sent later?

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Yeah, I don’t think waiting until 4AM to send our message is smart, but I was just getting at that we don’t need to be in a rush to have everything ready by the strike of 4PM

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