The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

I’m not sure, it could have been there before I noticed it, but it must have been around that time. But I know @Rimor says he can still see the box to send a message. It’s something we need to take a look at for sure. But Roberts right, slow and steady seems like a good idea after the 200 ish messages I waded through this morning :slight_smile:

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Maybe one of the questions should be asking who we’re messaging to? I’ve had the message box up since it went live yesterday, so Im ready whenever.

Edit: @Augustus_Octavian may be right. We might only be able to send at 4pm EST and receive at 4am. We won’t know until we try though.


Ye about being able to see the message, my phone betrayed me and reload the page so I can’t see the send message page now. It was probably just a glitch that I could see that page anyway. Sorry guys!

Okay, so that looks like it’s been answered lol, and in all fairness makes sense. Ah well, but at least we then have 12 hours from the reply to write a new message, and it also looks like you can send multiple messages (to be tested). But yeah, one of the questions should definately be “who is this?”, though I do assume it’s Dawson seen as it’s his site. Unless that a psuedonym.

Maybe the first message should be us doing the basicis: Who are you? When are you? Have you heard of Neithernor?


How about “When are you?”


Let’s also include something about magiq, like Sullivan Green or the Mountiees, just not current info, so as who ever sent us the first response said, they know its not spam.

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Okay, so something like this maybe?

Hi again,
Sorry about that, we Mountiees were just being a bit too eager. We have a couple of questions for you: Who are you? When are you? Have you heard of something called Neithernor?

No dangerous info, but it’s clear who we are.


Sounds good! So now we wait till 4… If the message is good with everyone else that is. Now we need to decide who will send it, unless that’s already happened.

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I like it!

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Maybe someone whose already sent a message should send it (if possible) to try and keep the same people handling the conversation. It would mean less confusion and might help us keep on top of things.


Could someone who sent a message try again , just so we know if we can? Thank you! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I don’t think we can even find that out again until 4 as the reply is blockign the page.


I have the message up right now. It’s not blocking the page for me.


I think it might be a glitch. I worry anything not sent when the form is open for everyone might get lost.


Yay, plans!
So, since it seems likely that we can only send another message after 4, maybe pick one person who has sent something and one who hasn’t, just in case we discover that we can only send one message per person? (I’ll be at work :cry: but I will cross my fingers and hope it goes well.)


Don’t know if it’s significant, but there are a few errors in the reply.

  • a email instead of an
  • of is repeated
  • the o in couldn’t is capitalized

From what I’ve seen on other fragments, it could be something.


We can only send one at 4, not after. And it’s going to be one person sending the message.


It could be the time rift messing with it also, but keep track just in case.


I’m curious, did they possibly get certain words because maybe we have limit to how many we can actually send them…?


That’s a good point. I think we should consider ourselves in the same position as The Last Traveler/Brandon and try to make our message as simple as possible. Something that could make sense if it was degraded into text speak.