The Road to Fragment Thirteen: Sullivan's Letter & The Chronocompass

I’ll be gone for a week so i wish you all the best of luck <3 So annoyed i’m gunna missing all of this excitement


Guys, I think we have a relpy. Foudn this on the site just now (after catching up you everyone’s work last night) where there should have been a box:

The Chronocompas hands (?) and sun are spinning at the top too if that’s significant.

Edit: and damn, I can’t seem to be able to now get the box to message (not that I would have sent anything). Looks like we may have done something…


I also may have something. Could be nothing, but… You can fit the constellations from the chronocompass we see after it span onto the animals in the picture on dawson’s site. I’ll see what I can do to show you what I mean, but that may take a while…


Okay, so based on the replies we get we should be able to know more hopefully! Good job everyone!

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I’m still able to send a message if we need to

Really? You don’t see the “reply” page instead?

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Here’s what I did with the constellations, hope you can see it. It looked better in my head before I actually started messing around with it, and the fox is definately not quite right. But still, I did a thing! And seen as it’s on Fletcher’s website, maybe we’re supposed to use the other stuff on there too to help with the message?

Edit: Anyway, back to the reply.

It says that he had a single email with a load of jumbled questions. Maybe only one person should message each time, just to keep the clutter down. One focused message each time may help us get more information quickly than a bombardment of smaller ones.


Nope ive still got the send a message page

Interesting… Could you link it?

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When I copy and paste the link into a new page it takes me to the reply but somehow I’m still able to use the send a message page as well. If tried reloading but it still shows the send a message page. Here’s the link:

Well there’s a link to the reply now ^


It is very odd :slight_smile: Well, at least if we can come up with a message we can get it sent quickly. Wonder if any of the others are gettign the same?

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So it does look like we can only receive messages at 4am and 4pm. Maybe that’s the only time they can be received on the other side also? And maybe all the messages come jumbled together at once.


So an idea on the spot: Why not try to have everyone send the same message? If they all come jumbled together, butare asking the same thing we should be able to get some answers!
Edit: Only have 2 or 3 people do it. It seems once you send a message you can’t do it again.


That sounds like a great plan! We just need to write and post what everyone is gonna say


So a good plan of action should be at 4pm EST today we get a number of people to send the same message all at once.

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Maybe we can split into two groups for the two message slots to try and make the most of it? Each group gets the reply from the other to keep a conversation going, and hopefully information quicker? We’re an international group, so let’s use the timezones to our advantage.

Edit: Also, I think only one person should send a message at a time, though mutiple people work on the contense. If the messages are becoming jumbled togther, then my reasoning says that that can’t happen if there’s only 1 sent (unless it gets scrambled inside itself).


I agree, though who ever wants to send a message at 4am I salute. My reasoning for saying multiple people was so that there’s a better chance of a question getting through since they would all be sending the same message.

Edit: Forgot about international timezones. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


lol, yeah, 4 is 9 here, so I’m happy to sit on that slot with people if I can get the message box up later. Maybe we can try both ideas, see which one gets through. Maybe try your idea first with a message sent by multiple people, and if it’s still scrambled one of us can send the same thing in the am slot.


We really need to discuss what we want to send them pick one person to send it at 4. Slowing down is key here.


Maybe we can only send outbound messages at 4 pm EDT and receive inbound messages at 4 am EDT. Is that about when this reply appeared @Nimueh?