The Research Lab

I wouldn’t say I have any expertise in anything. I’m a bit uncanny when it comes to finding the patterns and connections between things that others don’t see until
I explain them. I’m also very good at going down rabbit holes. And I’ve an on and off obsession with religions/spirituality/mythology/occult, etc.


Hello all! I love the way this community brings together different backgrounds, expertise, etc. As far as what I can contribute, I am a fantasy writer, dnd guru (I write my own full length games), I have a pretty good understanding of competitive magic the gathering, I have a masters degree in theology, as well as substantial knowledge of counseling. Feel free to ask me anything. I am pretty easy going and I’m pretty much an open book!


Oh shitake! I can’t believe I forgot to mention that I’ve had a bit of a siren effect on occasion. That’s probably at least passing important.


Psssst… No swearing! :rabbit2:


Fixed? (Sorry)


Cool fix, I like your style :sunglasses::ok_hand:


Thanks! curtsies


Hi everyone, I’m new here so I’m still working my way up in the trust levels, but i’m so happy to be able to post as part of Thornmouth and offer what little expertise I have. I studied psychology and education in undergrad and I currently work at the department of education on the institutional review board, reviewing education research proposals. I am super passionate about clinical psychology and am working on applying to clinical psychology PhD programs to do research on how education affect mental health. I also love to debate and rant about ethics and unsolved issues, so I’m always down to talk through issues and puzzles.

Hopefully some of these skills will be useful down the road!


Since I’m finally returning to the world of magiq, I suppose I should properly share my focus of knowledge. ^^ I’m getting my degree in Deaf Studies; I love the culture and visual nature of American Sign Language. Word puzzles are one of my true loves, though, and poetry and prose are very important skills in my repertoire. I love many kinds of music, as well. I tend to research whatever strikes my fancy, like herbology, crystal work, or how fast a house-cat can run at top speed. Finally, I do a little DND and a lot of video gaming – if one strategy doesn’t work out, try something different. I do hope what I offer can help you all and the rest of the Mounties!


Since I’m nearly caught up on the narrative and starting to figure things out a bit, I’ll add my fragments of knowledge areas to the list. I’m a psychiatric nurse, so I have the general clinical knowledge of a nurse and what I’ve learned in my current field, but as a Thornmouth, I am always itching to discover the “why” behind how things like therapies and medications work, as well as why people are the way they are. You always learn so much more when you are willing to just ask the questions! I have a lot of knowledge of video production and editing, since I did that professionally and had education around it. I know a lot about card games, because I was a blackjack and poker dealer at a casino for a few years while in school. Some other ones I can weigh in on include Danish language and culture, geology, botany, and RPGs like D&D, Delta Green, Call of Cthulu…
I look forward to us figuring out things together!


well, I dont have any actual degrees that you all have, but I am decent at embroidery (as long as I have a design already stamped onto the fabric for it) looking to get back into doing quilting, I am a homemaker of 10 years experiance, I am a big fan of ancient mythologies, and have a few herb books (useful to have in case of the apocolypse), I have read and re read a bunch of Louise L’Amour books (great for learning a bunch of things since he did research very well, and did a bunch of writing on stuff he experianced as well as journeys to get that knowledge), I am decent at Dungeons and Dragons, love learning all the little bits and pieces gleamed from my love of japanese anime and manga, can follow cooking and baking recipes just fine, and have a interest in rocks, as well as nature.


I figure it can’t hurt to lay out a little of my background here, in case it comes in handy.

Formal stuff—I remember some of it:

  • In college, major in religion, minors in political science and philosophy.
  • Graduate studies in theology/ethics and law.

Informal stuff:

  • occult systems and Western magic(k)
  • astrology (since I was a child)
  • Tarot (also since I was a child)
  • foreign languages (pretty good with French, Italian, and Russian; learning Japanese; can muddle through Attic Greek, Ancient Hebrew, Latin, Hungarian, and a handful of others)
  • etymologies and wordplay


  • My husband is a biophysicist, so I am familiar enough with weird stuff like cell gating, protein folding, and nuclear magnetic resonance to cause trouble at several national labs.
  • I also used to teach speech and debate, so know some about effective communication.
  • And then work (lawyer) has drawn me into other weird corners of information: legislative chaplains in the U.S., admiralty law (including oyster law in Louisiana), water law, some Indian law, and more than one needs to know about Delaware’s divided bench.

But above all else, I seem to be a Well for odd tidbits, which I usually retain to the exclusion of more useful facts.


Indian law is fascinating and sad. I studied it for my degree specialization in Tribal emergency management.


I don’t really think I’m an “expert” on anything, but I do know a lot about some stuff, and I’m good at researching so I can also usually pick up on anything I don’t know.

I’m a student majoring in psychology (especially clinical psychology) and anthropology, and minoring in history. I know a weird amount about very specific times in history, but not so much broad timelines which is probably bad for a history minor.

I used to be conversational in Arabic but I can at the very least still read it for the most part!

I’ve worked in zoos and aquariums so I have experience with animal handling and zoo operations, and I am especially familiar with Eastern Screech Owls :owl: On that same note I’m pretty knowledgeable about animal training and learning (I’ve even helped target-train a largemouth bass!)

Not sure how helpful any of that will be but I also know little bits of a lot of things!


Vic here. No degrees or really formal education besides general at this point but I’m very interested in becoming a folklorist and going for a degree in Folklore Studies.

My interests hone in on urban legend, cryptozoology, Celtic folklore, Grecco-Roman myths, American folklore, etc. Also, to a lesser degree, horticulture and gardening. So I’m a great resource in those regards.

I’m also incredibly interested in literature and research in the general sense, information literacy really appeals to me. Especially in the context of an archive and the preservation of information, even if I don’t know something I’m well versed in the research necessary to appear knowledgable.

May not necessarily help anything now, but as I’m getting my bearings, it might. I certainly felt helpful back in the Monarch Papers :>.


Huh, I don’t think I ever posted to this.

I don’t have a lot of specialties. I tend to have skills more than knowledge, myself, but I hoard them, as well as info scraps of every field out there - a tasting. Fields all have connections to one another, and that’s where my interests tend to lie.

If you need someone to comb through something extensive, I have the patience for it. I’m a bit of a draftsman, I can draw and I can put together a diagram fairly well. My brain skips ahead, it has good sides and bad sides. I count on others to help me get pointed in the right direction. I work best when data goes in, and I have to output something. This can be anything from a spreadsheet to artwork. I like making something out of bits and pieces. I don’t think that necessarily makes me especially good at it, but I can at least sometimes make a good platform to jump off of. Generally a good workhorse, with flashes of a smart thought now and then.

I have a familiarity with what I guess can now be considered ‘mundane’ magic. Personally, I’ve called it hearth magic for a lack of any particular field I studied exclusively. I have always used Tarot and other divinations as a mind exercise, as I have been skeptical of fortune telling, but find the exercise very useful.

I can also build pretty decent furniture. It was a momentary schooling aside.


I’m not an expert in anything at the moment but defiantly interested in all things. Any melodys that arise or song lyrics that come up I’m your girl.


I am a data scientist (currently looking for work). Technically, I’m a Ph.D. Statistician, but “Data Scientist” is the new fab word…

I am also a writer and game designer and dabble with prop making.

Perhaps of most relevance here, I consider myself a better than novice cryptographer and puzzle solver.


Data Scientist is a much better term for it. I’m currently a sysadmin myself Blue. and a burgeoning game designer/developer.


I’m not an expert in anything save maybe, noticing serendipitous moments. In a former life, I was a paralegal so maybe… research is a strong second. Currently, finishing up a psychology degree. But I think regardless of expertise or letters, we all share the need to “know.” That in itself is a very handy superpower as long as the knowing involves ideas maybe, and not gossip. Although, even some gossip can be useful.
History, art, botany, birds, knitting, art supplies are just a few of my obsessions. Though they tend to wax and wane with the moon cycle. Oh and sardines. Sardines are brain fuel :slight_smile: