The Research Lab

Hello everyone! So I was reading the post about The Library, and I noticed something. All the other posts are about people saying they are new and trying to figure out where to start. But from my understanding we are the keepers of knowledge in a story where puzzles and riddles abound. That being said everyone has different skill sets or knowledge bases. So I thought we might be able to put that to use.

For instance, I consider myself a bit of a historian, but I also have interest in the fields of anthropology and forest ecology. So if you have a question on either of those I am happy to do a little research and get back to you.

Feel free to leave any topics you might be willing to learn more on and use to help fellow members.


I think it may even be appropriate to make a list of what fields people are proficient in, this may make it so people can direct their questions to people who have a background in said subject. Like I may not be able to answer many anthro or ecology questions, but I can help with industrial/process/organic/general chemistry as well as fluid mechanics/general physics. I also have resources for most of the subjects on hand as well. Just and idea, cheers :beers:


I’m actually an anthropology major in college right now and am very good at most sciences as well. history is also something I know a lot about as well as trees and plants and what they are used for.


certainly any field of study is a good tool to have included.


cool what field of anthropology are you most interested in?


mainly cultural but I also like biological anthropology.


Hey that’s cool. I agree those are all really cool. I am thinking of focusing on archaeology as I am also in school but it’s not easy to make up my mind. I like the field but I also know its not like reading Jurassic Park or Timeline…I’m just not sure what I would do.


Im an actor and Im a podcast script writer, when collage comes around I plan on majoring in Sociology and minoring in English or Philosophy (Dont Judge Me XD)

As far as the puzzles I am a bit of a history buff and I love any kind of classical mythology or Folklore so I have had the best luck in clues related to those.


that’s super cool, do you write for a specific podcast or is like you can write for many? If it is okay to ask…if not its totally cool.


I write my own actually, its a story podcast based on stories id tell my little cousins around a fire, its kinda a summer project.


That’s awesome! Nothing like having a talent for tale weaving!


I’m fixing to graduate with a bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering in a couple of weeks I suppose if there’s any mathematics to be done in deciphering the fragments let me know. Apart from that, I also write and perform poetry and have some layman theological knowledge.


I saw the word research and got excited! I worked in two research labs during my undergrad and I’ve been recently talking with a current professor about helping with some data.

My BS is in criminology and psychology. I unknowingly completed a minor in religion just by taking classes that interested me to fill up the alphabet requirements (my school had these things called X, Y, W, and * classes and now there’s also E). My roommate double-majored in creative writing and the classics, so I know a decent amount of mythology as well. I also had a lot of art and theater major friends, which played into my mythology and history knowledge.
I’m currently working on my MSW, but I’m not sure that helps with much other than offering emotional support. But if there’s ever a mental health related fragment, I’ve got us covered.


I don’t have training in anything specific, but I do tend to accidentally become obsessed with whatever I study. I studied Egyptology for a bit, although it was several years ago. I’m pretty good at letter/symbol related codes but hopless with numbers. I’m pretty good at photo editing but I dont have photoshop so I’m somewhat limited. I do consider myself an expert at origami if that ever comes up again.
Idk. I have a handful of other skills, but manicures and kite building likely won’t help with the fragments.


I totally understand the obsessive part, I think I was an expert on classical Irish mythology by like 6??


Biology major, going into genetic engineering. I have a rough familiarity with robotics and computer programming. Growing up, I’ve familiarized myself with the mythos of Egyptian, Aztec & Mayan, Greek, Celtic, and Native American culture. As a kid, I went through a crystal-phase and poison-fascination after getting REALLY lost in the restricted section of a library, so I know my rocks and forbidden fruits. I’m familiar with all manner of insects, amphibians, lizards, and arachnids, along with the skeletal anatomy of most small mammals. I’ve studied tons of dinosaurs and fossils, and have tried assembling found skeletons tons of times as a kid in the woods.
otherwise…I draw a lot and like random useless facts :grin:


All these thornmouths with their science lol. I was a wildlife ecology major at university. My botany and plant ecology skills are still pretty sharp. I ditched that senior year and went to culinary school. Worked as a classically trained chef for quite a few years. That should be considered international studies. I worked with people from all over the world. Now I work as an electrician. So a bit of everything really. Also I’m married to a hippie hedge witch so I learn more about essential oils and force alignment than I really care to. I’m also a widow’s son if that might prove useful in the mysterious societies category.


Hi all,

History in theatrical tech, theatre history, and performance art, but transitioned a few years ago into public policy/management. In my spare time I like to do carpentry, and love camping, but it has been a while. I also enjoy cryptography and have been building up my web cheatsheets if anyone wants some codebreaking tools.


Well if you need any rants on military history, I’ve got you all covered.

I’m currently studying in university for a combined degree in English and Education, as well as a minor in History. I know Celtic, Greek, and Roman mythology more than I’d like, but I see we have those well covered.

I can answer, or quickly find an answer to anything aviation. I’m also well versed in Aerospace/Space Technology and astronomy. Due to aviation, I know a deal about meteorology.

General nerd? I sort of art, and sort of theatre?

I try if that’s what counts.


I’m studying zoology, so I can probably help out if something pops up in the general realms of organismal biology, ecology, evolution, etc. (Though I did just join, so I’m not really sure how useful any of that would be here…)