The Research Lab

I’m studying theatre tech right now, but I have interests in the way of writing and history. I guess I fit more in the arts side of things rather than math or science, but I do still enjoy some of those topics. Plus I have general knowledge in a variety of obscure topics as I pride myself on being a Knower of Things, so I may be able to help in different ways.


Hello,I just joined and am getting caught up, but I am studying computer programming currently and do performance art in my free time. I’m one of those weirdos that likes philosophical and mathy stuff


I haven’t had the chance to do much research in it, but I am an anthropology major who focuses on cultural anthropology. I’m also interested in linguistic anthropology and languages in general, so I’m studying those as well.


Hello, while everyone else has these set areas of expertise, I’m sort of an all over kind of guy. The one thing I don’t do is computers. literature, history, myths and legends, biology, chemistry. quantum physics (small amount of knowledge), astronomy, math…
I am not an expert in any of those areas, but I do have some to moderate knowledge in all those areas.


I am a classics major with an interest in history and literature. I have some very specific/specialized info on maritime history that I am still working on building.


I dunno how useful it’ll be, but I studied Communications, and have a decent understanding of Comm theories. I also tend to just study things when they catch my eye for a few days and have a basic understanding about a lot of weird topics (poker/game design to Norse mythology to history of Japan). I’ve lived in Japan before and can at least recognize/speak a little japanese. I definitely have the resources to translate it.


I am a former game developer, amateur cook, amateur gardener, double black diamond class downhill skiier, and a semi professional guitarist-singer-songwriter. Ask me whatever you want :3


I’m a microbiology major and raise lots of bugs. I’m also a little obsessed with learning languages and am at least good at recognizing most languages even if I don’t speak them fully.


Hi all, I’m new here. I’m in Information Technology so I can answer questions on computers/networks/general tech. Specifically, I have an interest in computer and network security/data protection. I’ve studied Norse, Greek, Egyptian, Celtic, Hungarian, and Polish mythologies from a rather young age. I’m also an experienced photographer. So there you have it, if you have a need for any of that information, I’m your guy.


I am new as well, but I am a teacher and writer. If there is knowledge that needs more digestible structure for learning I could be helpful there. As the largest guild it also seems to be a responsibility to hold things other guilds may not be able to.


Hello everyone. I can’t believe how well equipped the research lab is! I’ve logged my expertise in the book I notice at the front, but I have some experience in human psychology personal wellbeing, as I am an asssistant psychologist an hope in time to better understand how my experience could benefit thornmouth- happy to help answer any questions and research anything relevant you might need!


This is a good point you make about holding things other guilds don’t have capacity for!


Medicine is my main field of expertise - primarily orthopedics and sports medicine. I have a basic understanding of various sciences and history. I do enjoy researching and learning what I can. I’d like to think I know a little about a lot.


lets see, i’m not going to call my self an expert in any of these, but i do have experience in a broad assortment of ideas to include:
Computer Science/Programming
Game Design
Military History
Mythology - most cultures
…and i’m probably forgetting some other things i have locked away in my brain


Like @Presley, I’m a teacher by trade. Feel free to reach out to me about communication (especially tone, implication, translation theory, and miscommunication); by extension, I’m able to bridge cultural gaps, especially between groups you might not be used to thinking of as different cultures. Music theory and performance are areas of comfort for me as well. I’m also really confident with poetry: analysis, editing, structure (formal and informal), and writing.

I’m basically proficient as far as mathematics, machine learning theory, chemistry, physics, biology, elementary programming (like, REALLY basic), and philosophy (especially philosophy of meaning) go. I understand how game and narrative structure works, and I speak a decent amount of Spanish.


teacher? what type of class do you specialize in? proficiencies are pretty cool, but like… whats your thing, if you know what i mean?


I’m another science thornmouth, degree in Biochemistry, with a smattering of Biotech, Chemistry and Genetics. Mainly working in Environmental science at the moment.
I was also a Vet nurse in a previous life and am well up on zoology and physiology of various critters (I love all the animals, except perhaps the parasitic ones).
As for the more esoteric things I dabble in runes, oracles and have a collection of crystals (I now collect them by collecting jewelery :wink: ), I’m also a classical history buff and went through (am still in? I dunno) an ancient civilisations phase. I needed to know all the things. I also have vague knowledge of Japanese and Te Reo, but am far better with Spanish.

If any of this is useful, feel free to hit me up, I do love being in a lab :slight_smile:


I’ve been trained to teach English and Math; I’m certified to teach Math and Physics and am working on more certifications; I’ve taught Math, History, English, Spanish, and Music. Most people would consider my “thing” math, but that feels misleading to me.


Mh mh. Huh, sounds like you’ve had a helluva teaching career.


I’m pretty new and still getting caught up on the books (starting Cosmos & Time tonight!) so I’m still getting a feel for what areas I might be useful.

I just finished my first degree in forensic psychology with a sociology minor, and I’m currently working on my MSW as well. So I’ve got plenty of background and research on mental health, criminology, social structures, human behavioral theory, that kind of stuff, and I’m good with data processing/stat analyses. I also really enjoy linguistics and find languages fascinating, though I only know English and Spanish thus far. I also enjoy studying music, dance, mythologies, and the occult. Other assets include the fact that I organize things for fun and am good at finding order in chaos, and I work in an academic library, which means easy access to resources on just about any subject!