The Research Lab

Board certified Medicolegal Death Investigator for the Crime Laboratory. Also Emergency Medical Technician and Deputy Coroner. AAS Criminal Justice. Former US Army Combat Medic from 2005 to 2013.


I’ve been working with the same epidemiological cohort of 50,000 women for the past eighteen years. I started as the laboratory supervisor, but for the last eleven years I’ve been managing medical data validation. I read a lot of medical records, particularly from oncologists.

I have B.S. degrees in zoology and history (up until December 25, 800), an M.S. in clinical research, a graduate certificate in health care administration, and I’m a certified Project Management Professional.

My for-funzies interests are reading, feeding animals way too much, gardening, herbalism, reading about homesteading but not actually implementing anything, listening to Leonard Cohen, and watching true crime. I like fiber crafts but am talented at exactly none of them.