Meta Guild Bearing Discussion!

We’re in an interesting time in-world speaking because of the old aging dying and the new one being born. Magiq as we currently know it is almost gone, and no one truly knows what will happen next.

I think at some point these may have been more easy to accomplish, but Eaves just performed something as seemingly as innocuous as Communion Magiqs through the Guide and now has multiple broken bones.

While I have ideas about what the affinities can do, and we even canonized some of our (and your) thoughts in the bearings questions, the affinities largely act as magimystic creative writing prompts, offering hints at what they might be able to do, but with latitude that allows the community to decide and create.

For now, I would think of these as personal and minor boons rather than massive miracles. And any casting now could be dangerous, draining, and unpredictable. Once The Book of Briars is officially born, things may be very different. :cjtea:


So is the guild bearings a way to kind of discourage/prevent polyguilds as now that I know my bearing I feel like I truly belong in Thornmouth


Is there any possibility of a future physical addition of the Magiq Guide with the bearings included?


That sounds super cool 030


The bearings are very difficult to include in print because of how the assessment has to score your choices and carry that score through physical pages.

But @Catherine and I think we figured it out. :cjtea:


I prefer bearings, which help you find where you belong within a single, chosen guild, rather than a polyguild, but some people like mashing them up. :man_shrugging:t2:

As the author, polyguild is fun and fine but on par with “Ravenpuff” as far as canon goes. :cjheart:


FYI, the canon use of “polyguild” (like in the PRSFNE acronym) means “a group of people from different guilds”.


That makes sense as it makes things less messy and confusing


It seems like the bearings are a good way to work away from “polyguilds” because they add aspects similar to other guilds, like Lunivox Thornmouth feels like it leans toward Flinterforge with its creation aspect.


I wanted you to feel like there was more wiggle room within your guild, more interesting, deeper things to explore. A more personal sense of belonging, without feeling like you were missing out because the others guilds have one aspect that you also identify with. To be clear, these affinities do not bar other guilds from being able to perform them. Affinity for us is more akin to this definition: “The degree to which a substance tends to combine with another.”

It’s not impossible for an Ebenguardian to shapeshift, it’s just easier for Gossmerim.


Right, each guild is just more naturally in tune with specific forms of magiq. It’s like how a native English speaker will have an easier time learning Dutch than a Russian speaker, but it’s not impossible for the Russian speaker. And Polish is easier for a Russian speaker but not impossible for the English speaker.


I definitely felt that the bearing I got satisfied some of my more Thornmouth-y tendencies what with the collecting and sharing stories about the natural world aspect, so… success!


That makes me so happy to hear!


I sort of want to echo what’s been said above. I’ve identified as a Weathermere for well over a year now because I never quite felt complete as just a Weatherwatch. But my bearing has helped me better reorient myself in the guild, if that makes sense?

I wouldn’t say that I would describe Celestant as a mix between Weatherwatch and Gossmere; honestly, I think that the philosophical search for understanding and meaning almost feels more Thornmouth than anything else. But as I’ve reflected on it, my Celestant bearing does resonate with Gossmere which is itself also a guild of understanding. Gossmere understands the call of something bigger, and it also seeks to understand others. And I think those two things are very much in line Celestant-bearing Watchers. My bearing has made me feel closer to my guild than ever, and as much as I lament the end if my time as a self-identified Weathermere, I’m even more excited to understand what it means for a Celestant like me to be, well, me!


I’m working on a bigger post about the guild bearings and their loooooooong oow history, but it makes me SO happy to hear your reactions and thoughts on them.


I’m so ready to hear about how you came up with these…


Ooooooo I can’t wait to see it!


Oh also are we getting guild bearing pins for each guild? :eyes: Like I’d love to see how the bearing logos and the guild logo look together and if each guild bearing logo looks different depending on the guild?

(I have so many questions :joy:)


We thought about commissioning variations of guild badges to rep each bearing but with 18 of them (the magic number) the cost would be… a lot. Much more than we can manage at the moment.

Maybe someday!


If you handled them as pre-orders and therefore had the money upfront would that make it easier?