The General Discussion Super Topic

Some feels about balance and Bali vibes



ā€œan ongoing series of works involving collaboration between the snails and meā€ is the MOST bali thing I think Iā€™ve ever heard???


Hey Mounties! Questionā€”
Whatā€™s your favorite journal page style?

:notebook: Journal Page Style Preference Poll
  • Dot
  • Grid
  • Wide-Ruled
  • Narrow-Ruled
  • Blank

0 voters


Itā€™s so funny to me how many people prefer wide ruled paper! When Iā€™m shopping at a stationary store or at the notebook aisle at target as I am wont to do despite having so so many notebooks already, if I see wide ruling itā€™s an immediate no from me haha!


Same! This is fascinating, seeing everyoneā€™s preferences. Even in elementary school I would scour the shelves of stores for ā€œcollege-ruled.ā€


As one of the people who voted for wide-ruled, I hate it in letter-size formats like pads or notebooks, but I prefer it for smaller formats like journals. I think this is born of the fact that I usually write obnoxiously small and like to get two lines of text per ruled line.

But for pads I have an absurd obsession with law-ruled (the vertical rule is about 1/3 of the way across, instead of 2ā€), which are usually, but not always, narrow-ruled.


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I gotta say I love grid paper cause each letter gets its own little home and it makes me so happy (my yr4 teacher actually made my mum go out and buy me gird books to write in cause my handwriting was/is so messy :joy::joy:)


Haaaaaa I think thatā€™s why I like Dotted layouts in journals because it can be both a narrow rule, a grid, or you can just ignore the dots and draw all over the page (not to sway the poll above with my own dumb opinions.) It was weird at first using a dotted layout way back in the day, but I adjusted in about an hour and now like it because I can also use the dots for outlining a web page design, or a room layout, etc.


surprising how few people went for dot grid. Personally, im a bit of a weirdo in that i go for blank journals usually. No lines, no grid, nada. Mostly, i do that cause its something where if i do have lines i usually go outside em anyways. My writing is chicken scratch a lot of the time when im thinking and working quickly, and thats the most common state inwhich im using a notebook, so often times i just go with blank because its less distracting to the eyes.


The obsessive perfectionists in me is mortified by her post @Cj_Heighton; how can anyone like online paper??

One of my wishes with dotgrid is that my perfectionist mind wants to put a letter in each square, but that same perfectionist hates the subsequent spacing of those letters. The actual lines tend to be closer together then Iā€™m comfortable with. At least, thatā€™s the case with my Rocket Book, which is the first book Iā€™ve ever had with a dot grid.


I have the same struggle with dot grid. I love it for a lot of purposes, but the lines are just a scooch narrow. It really depends what I intend to use the notebook for when I choose a paper.


Iā€™ve been absolutely ruined by my educational niche, and I actually really like engineering paperā€¦the only downside is that itā€™s quite wasteful - itā€™s gridded on one side and blank on the other, and you write on the unmarked side so you can kindaaaa see the grid through it but youā€™re kinda doinā€™ your own thing. I find dot grid the next-nearest, less wasteful alternative


Looks like Narrow-Ruled is #1 followed by Dotted as a close #2!

So if we started selling journals in the shop this year, would we all be happy with those styles as the two options? And if we temporarily started with one option we would go narrow-ruled?


I like lined because I mostly buy my journals to write in, and I like it narrow because I write so small (mostly). But Iā€™ve recently considered the idea of doodling, and dot-grid sounds like something I might have to try.


I donā€™t know where to put this and Iā€™m too ecstatic to bother looking for a good place to put this, but I DOWNLOADED THE DESKTOP GOOSE and he is making my life so so so so much better than it was 10 minutes ago



I seem to have gotten here just in time to discuss notebooks! My favorite is dot grid, because I feel like I have more layout freedom with it. Although I know how @eternalhearts feels. It took me forever to embrace the imperfections that my notebooks have (all due to me writing in them), but they work better for me than the beautiful perfection that is typing out notes in a sleek app. Oh well :yum:


@The_Briar_Society, check your inboxes (and spam/promotions folders.) :cjtea:

Happy Imbolc everyone!


Gosh you guys keep makign me wish I had better handwritting!


I think yours looks great! I actually really like the style of your writing.