The General Discussion Super Topic

Diagonally? Though goblins run the bank, there are only a small number of shops in the ally though. So ye I most other jobs are branches and departments of the government? Unless you go out of country like Charlie Weasley


In lieu of providing my personalized rant on the economic system of Rowling’s Wizarding World and how it makes no freaking sense whatsoever, have this link to my favorite fridge-logic take on it:


That article is amazing! It also kind shows just how stuffed the wizarding community in the UK is


It was amazing. My mind set of that world is fractured, yet I still want it to be areal thing, and I want to live in it. I’m screwed up lol. I love learning!!!


Rowling just didn’t write enough about the world for it to be stable :laughing:


Guess this means someone will have to rectify these issues and create a stable system.


@Viviane and @greenmermaid okay so as far as we know Olivander is the only wand maker in the UK so how the heck do all the new first years in the half blood Prince get a wand? Also since baldemort is back and the dementors have sided with him who is guarding azkaban? There aren’t enough wizard to staff the entire place! :laughing:


I’m rolling. :rofl:

So, first. I love your new nickname for The Dark Lord.

Second, did Olivander die? I tried to search for it yesterday, but for some reason, it just kept telling me that he owned the only wand shop. But I would venture a guess as to say it would only take 1 student. And 1 student out of a population of maybe 500, that’s not horrible.

Third, The dementors were in charge of Azkaban, but I’m going to venture a guess, as the ministry didn’t want to employee anyone to take over at the lonely prison, they reinstated the floating cloaks, and made sure they didn’t venture after The Dark Lord was finally defeated.

But, realistically, if this universe were real, the government wouldn’t be a big government. Which is probably why it was really only kept in one general location throughout the books and movies. They really didn’t go far, except for in the last book. But that was only because Harry was being an irresponsible child and running away from his issues.


@Rimor @Viviane


Don’t forget they had to have enough players for a quidditch team. And they have at least 3 different teams.


I couldn’t spell his name and I thought dark lord was a bit serious so I changed it to my nickname for my dad :joy:


Olivander didn’t die he was kidnapped by death eaters and his shop destroyed though he probably dies much later on as he was old when the series started. As for the dementors I’m talking about when baldemort comes back as they still have a prison full of criminals so who’s keeping them in?


Most of the criminals were death eaters that would’ve been on the same side as the dementors (to necessitate that sort of prison stay), so at that point it was a lawless freeforall.


To be fair, Dumbledore was older than dirt, and the only reason he died is because he was killed. It wasn’t natural causes. So, Olivander could stay alive long enough to get a trainee from one of the Potters kids generation.


Maybe if you decided to join the government, you had to take a shift once a month as a requirement. Then you have government workers and guards.


Ye he probably got an apprentice eventually but for that one year of Hogwarts there is no one selling wands in the UK as he’s not there and his shop is ashes as are the wands. So non of the first years for that year will have a wand unless their parents gave them an old family wand. But the Muggle born wizards definitely won’t have a wand :joy:


If I was a wizard, I would totally be applying for an apprenticeship with Olivander. #dreamjob


@goblin Help us make sense of this messed up Harry Potter world! I need to live there. (I saw your introduction on the Thornmouth Guild page.


If we’re talking the year of Deathly Hallows, I don’t think they’d be able to get in in the first place.


Ohnooooooo. Now I wanna write a fix-it fic about how European wands got smuggled into Britain during Voldemort’s takeover because some random Gryffindor and Hufflepuff parents teamed up to make sure their kids could go to school…
Welp, this is gonna snowball real fast.


Do it!!! And post it here too please!!!


The opening scene is this old student showing up in McGonagall’s office out of nowhere asking for a list of all the Muggleborn first-years, wanting to know whether they got to go to Diagon Alley or not, making sure they’re safe for the remainder of the summer, etc.