The General Discussion Super Topic

Sorted thank you!


No problem I put it in the wrong category :laughing:

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Hello! I just wondered if something like this had been done but I had an idea for something that might really help new Mounties to get going and get oriented- a ā€œto do listā€ a bit like the hog warts shopping list, which letā€™s face it was really exciting! So maybe things to prepare for the journey, a thread where you can discuss your experience getting your guild supplies for example or people you need to introduce yourself to? Sorry if as Iā€™m new this is an old/ not relevant idea I just thought it might be cool! :laughing:


@Ignatius just moving this here so we donā€™t clog Q&A

You underestimate my power! I am a Thornmoramere!!! Thunder boombs and lighting dances :wink::laughing:

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Iā€™m not sure if CJs email covers that but we could always look at it

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Good day to all! Iā€™m currently enjoying pretzels in my pajamas - itā€™s a public holiday here in the UK, so enjoying the day off doing nothing but internetting :cjheart: howā€™s everyone else on this fine Monday?


Thank heck for bank holiday Mondays! Iā€™m just chilling at home as well!


@Rimor I know! Trying to make the most of this day (wellā€¦ if doing nothing but sitting on my laptop can be considered ā€˜making the most of itā€™), seeing as there wonā€™t be another one until the end of August :laurencry:


Ooh itā€™s a holiday here in the US, too. Memorial Day.

The dayā€™s just begun so Iā€™m not sure what I will do. Iā€™m torn between being a lazy bum or getting my butt in gear on summer projects.


Oooh, I didnā€™t know that. What projects have you got lined up?


Currently some book illustration work, and some long overdue portraits/emojis. Those are the set in stone ones, and Iā€™m kind of feeling out what I want to tackle afterwards.

Beyond that, Iā€™m torn honestly. I have quite a few options - NPC portraits for an RPG Iā€™m wanting to start up, making a continuation series of the fragment recap videos for the wiki, test designs of a tarot card deck, finally finishing the short story Iā€™ve been putting off for a thousand yearsā€¦ I have a million and one things floating around in my brain, just gotta decide what interests me and pursue it. :joy:


Oh wow, now I feel like should be more productiveā€¦ :sweat_smile: those all sound so exciting! I would LOVE to see your designs for a tarot deck! :cjheart:

I really need to create more artwork for my OCs and get back into roleplayingā€¦ and writing, I should really go back to my ā€˜novelā€™ that I stopped writing about 2 years ago :persevere:


Aw thanks. <3 I think the tarot deck is shaping more to be a July/August project, but Iā€™ll definitely be sharing them when itā€™s more on my radar.

Ugh I feel that honestly. Iā€™ve been getting more and more distanced from writing, the last time I really did something substantial was likeā€¦NaNo 2016 haha. I can churn out my visual art, but writing is always so much harder for me to do.


Woohoo! I look forward to it! :grin:

I tend to get about 10,000 words in and thenā€¦ BAM. I hit the wall. I lose direction and get to a point where I have no idea how to move the plot forward. And since leaving university Iā€™m no longer surrounded by people I can bounce ideas off. Perhaps Iā€™ll head over to the writing forums here :sweat_smile:


Oh man, youā€™re in good company for sure. @CJB is a lean mean writing machine. If I remember right, his regular word output is like 5-7k daily. :scream: We also have several other prolific writers, such as @Deyavi, who is absolutely amazing in both her focus and her skills.


Iā€™ve no idea where you all find the energy or motivation!


5-7k daily?! :flushed: holy cow. Sounds like I need to up my game!

@Rimor - yeah, I struggle with those on a regular basis :sweat_smile: hence why I rarely finish anything I start. Itā€™s awful reallyā€¦ :sweat:


If it makes you feel any better, I get so much lazier in the summer months. :joy: University forces me to pump out so much art in a year, on top of the for fun projects I try to tackle, it gets hard to keep going.

Iā€™ve found that keeping a schedule helps. Also, keeping initial expectations low. Like Iā€™m feeling in a lazy mood today since I donā€™t have to do any theatre work, but I have some sketching supplies just laying on my desk to tempt me haha.


Thanks for asking! I am feeling nervous and excited today because I will get to go back to Vietnam for a month with my family tonight, so I am just packing up and preparing. Will get to complete the 2nd TMP once I arrived in Vietnam too!


Oh wow! Iā€™ve never been Vietnam, but I would love toā€¦ I hope you have an amazing time! Will you get to reunite with some family while youā€™re there?

I completed the second TMP just last week! What a rollercoasterā€¦ I meanā€¦ it was just one of the most intense reading experiences Iā€™ve ever had! So glad I have this forum to keep the magiq going :cjheart: