The General Discussion Super Topic

Haha! I was not really into horror movie until I first watched “Stay Alive (2006).” That movie haunted me as a kid :joy:. Now, we just have to wait until there’s a movie about The Monarch Papers! Imagine how it would explode like the “Harry Potter” movie franchise!


Do y’all feel that technology dilutes and disperses the power of magiq? I’m actually writing an article on this right now and I’m curious as to your thoughts?

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@Remus and @Skylad does Weatherwatch have a new guild welcome thread yet?

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We know that technology doesn’t work in Neithernor, so I don’t think it dilutes it but is more like water and electricity

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TMP2 Spoiler

Hmmmm, I’m also thinking of Deidre’s walking stick, how when she would use it here the wood was cracking, the magiq was being drained from it and could only effectively be used in Neithernor without destroying it.

Our modern “Magiq” exists solely in technology because truly, a few centuries ago, what our computers can do now would seem like magiq. Yet, simultaneously, real magiq is nearly depleted and whats left is carefully guarded and veiled. Technology seems to be the common denominator in the rise and fall of Magiq.


Well I just finished volume 1. I immediately purchased the v2 ebook lol. Ready to dig in…


Yay! I’m excited for you. I did the same, I devoured the first volume in about a day and the same for the second.

(Also, the subject above is loosely related to in world story but also a general observation outside of the story)


It took me about a week but I’ve been reading it during work (:laughing:) and in between bouts of parenting lol


Ok so I purchased the ebook, now how do I actually GET the ebook?

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I went through the link at the end of v1.

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Apparently I purchased it through the AGP site but I wasn’t logged in so there’s no record in my account of course. And after I purchased it I had a confirmation page but no link to any platform, app, or means of download. The title of the book in the receipt on the confirmation page is a link but it just brings me back to the store page of the book for purchase. :confused:

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@KingDAP, @CJB will be able to help you with this when he’s available as he’s the expert on ebook issues and I’d also recommend you post this in the Q&A thread for people who have this issue in the future! :cjsmile:




You should make a topic for this @Cj_Heighton! Call it something like “The Cabinet of Curiosities” then you’ll be able to open it to other who find curious and fantastic objects!

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Evening, all! I’m just on my way back home after a very merry night with colleagues and friends - how has everyone’s Fridays been?


Well, im sleuthing, before running off to an arcade. Hbu?


Oooh, what does your sleuthing involve? I’m now on a train home - my day has been weirdly busy for a Friday but tonight at the pub with lots of good friends made it worth the stress! Now looking forward to my bed :sleeping:


Hi @KingDAP, it’s not normally possible to buy something from our shop without being logged in some way. I see your purchase and see your billing address. I think because you used Stripe Payments. Please check your spam and/or promotions tab for an email from Bookfunnel, which is our ebook fulfillment service. I also had Bookfunnel resend your download email. Lemme know if you find it!


Awesome, thank you sir! I’ll check and report back!


Got it. And duh, I don’t know why I didn’t think to check my email…lol😒