The General Discussion Super Topic

@Miliham perhaps Finding the Way: Becoming a Mountaineer Is the thread you’re looking for? Nice to meet you, by the way.

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i didn’t see the option to reply on that thread at the time i posted it …


I’ve been rummaging around in my box of links trying to find the relevant thread for ages :laughing: I could have sworn there was a thread about what brought people here

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Can’t do it
Not today


@CJB @Catherine

Currently strolling around heaven :deirdreexcited:


That looks so pretty! :deirdreexcited: :deirdreexcited:

And no worries, @Ignatius, I had to be up early to work a wedding.


Ooo, work a wedding? @Ashburn

Like record it or set it up (or something else? I am ignorant about ways to work a wedding, and I am a boy that is my excuse lol.) My sister often shoots footage for weddings.

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One of the venues I work at has a lot of weddings rent the place. Mostly just making sure the things we can supply them with are there and functioning, keep people away that aren’t there for the wedding. Mostly opening and closing the building, to be honest. :deirdrexd:


Oh ok so it’s more of a they’d like to rent the place and you just make sure all things run smoothly, gotcha. I realize now I basically just repeated your message back to you, oops…


Somewhere in there that would fall to their event coordinator (if they have one), but yeah, more or less.

Usually the people we have to chase away are people taking pictures (graduation and prom season, occasionally other couples) and people playing Pokemon Go.


I didn’t realize many people still played Pokemon Go if I’m honest. Yeah I can see that people taking pictures have to be chased away.


It’s not as huge as it used to be, but being on a college campus, there are a lot of gyms and pokestops. And sometimes if a raid starts at the gym attached to our building…

But it’s expected to rain pretty much all day, so there haven’t been many random people around.

During the regular semesters, though…


Oh so it’s more of the area/situational factors around rather than a massive player-base.

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At this point, yeah, though it was nuts when it first started.

Sometimes when I’m manning the desk I’ll low-key keep control of the gym for myself if one of the other teams has it. (unless there’re these two bot-looking people who shove their Chansey and Blissey in there and keep feeding them the gold berries right before I kick them out…:readerexpressionless:)


Have you ever been to Hay-on-Wye?
Friends took me as a birthday surprise this year.
I’ll admit I was so caught up in the dozens of book shops that I completely failed to get photos. I didn’t even get to go in them all!
If you want book heaven Hay currently holds number 1 place for me, I need to go back to explore all the bookshops missed and spend more time in the ones I got to.


I mean at least you are taking advantage of the situation lol

I can imagine it was absolutely crazy when it first came out!


I have to look this place up now! @Sapphire I want to see all of the book heavens!


It’s amazing!
Pretty small village, my partner isn’t as into books and him and a couple other friends who weren’t up for trawling the bookshops got lost and walked round the entire village in about an hour.
I went though 11 bookshops and didn’t make to to a similar number. They were all great value for money and I managed to pick up 2 Folio Society books for £20
I love my friends for taking me, I’d never been before and now I know it within range for a day trip I will have to go back soon!
Also has some really nice places to eat, lots of antique shops and all round amazing vibe.
Not sure I’m up for going during the book festival too many people, be definitely going again.


That does indeed sound like heaven! An entire village of books, antique shops, and places to eat? If I every have any money to drop on a trip I’m definitely going to come take a look over there and up around where @Rimor and his Train-station museum thingy is if I have time!


@Sapphire it’s only my holiday list now!!!

@Ignatius you’ll absolutely love it here in the North!