The General Discussion Super Topic

Omg so American :laughing: :ok_hand:


It’s easiest thing to pick up at Dollar Tree so :joy: we do what we can


Sorted thank you!


No problem I put it in the wrong category :laughing:

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Hello! I just wondered if something like this had been done but I had an idea for something that might really help new Mounties to get going and get oriented- a “to do list” a bit like the hog warts shopping list, which let’s face it was really exciting! So maybe things to prepare for the journey, a thread where you can discuss your experience getting your guild supplies for example or people you need to introduce yourself to? Sorry if as I’m new this is an old/ not relevant idea I just thought it might be cool! :laughing:


@Ignatius just moving this here so we don’t clog Q&A

You underestimate my power! I am a Thornmoramere!!! Thunder boombs and lighting dances :wink::laughing:

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I’m not sure if CJs email covers that but we could always look at it

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Good day to all! I’m currently enjoying pretzels in my pajamas - it’s a public holiday here in the UK, so enjoying the day off doing nothing but internetting :cjheart: how’s everyone else on this fine Monday?


Thank heck for bank holiday Mondays! I’m just chilling at home as well!


@Rimor I know! Trying to make the most of this day (well… if doing nothing but sitting on my laptop can be considered ‘making the most of it’), seeing as there won’t be another one until the end of August :laurencry:


Ooh it’s a holiday here in the US, too. Memorial Day.

The day’s just begun so I’m not sure what I will do. I’m torn between being a lazy bum or getting my butt in gear on summer projects.


Oooh, I didn’t know that. What projects have you got lined up?


Currently some book illustration work, and some long overdue portraits/emojis. Those are the set in stone ones, and I’m kind of feeling out what I want to tackle afterwards.

Beyond that, I’m torn honestly. I have quite a few options - NPC portraits for an RPG I’m wanting to start up, making a continuation series of the fragment recap videos for the wiki, test designs of a tarot card deck, finally finishing the short story I’ve been putting off for a thousand years… I have a million and one things floating around in my brain, just gotta decide what interests me and pursue it. :joy:


Oh wow, now I feel like should be more productive… :sweat_smile: those all sound so exciting! I would LOVE to see your designs for a tarot deck! :cjheart:

I really need to create more artwork for my OCs and get back into roleplaying… and writing, I should really go back to my ‘novel’ that I stopped writing about 2 years ago :persevere:


Aw thanks. <3 I think the tarot deck is shaping more to be a July/August project, but I’ll definitely be sharing them when it’s more on my radar.

Ugh I feel that honestly. I’ve been getting more and more distanced from writing, the last time I really did something substantial was like…NaNo 2016 haha. I can churn out my visual art, but writing is always so much harder for me to do.


Woohoo! I look forward to it! :grin:

I tend to get about 10,000 words in and then… BAM. I hit the wall. I lose direction and get to a point where I have no idea how to move the plot forward. And since leaving university I’m no longer surrounded by people I can bounce ideas off. Perhaps I’ll head over to the writing forums here :sweat_smile:


Oh man, you’re in good company for sure. @CJB is a lean mean writing machine. If I remember right, his regular word output is like 5-7k daily. :scream: We also have several other prolific writers, such as @Deyavi, who is absolutely amazing in both her focus and her skills.


I’ve no idea where you all find the energy or motivation!


5-7k daily?! :flushed: holy cow. Sounds like I need to up my game!

@Rimor - yeah, I struggle with those on a regular basis :sweat_smile: hence why I rarely finish anything I start. It’s awful really… :sweat:


If it makes you feel any better, I get so much lazier in the summer months. :joy: University forces me to pump out so much art in a year, on top of the for fun projects I try to tackle, it gets hard to keep going.

I’ve found that keeping a schedule helps. Also, keeping initial expectations low. Like I’m feeling in a lazy mood today since I don’t have to do any theatre work, but I have some sketching supplies just laying on my desk to tempt me haha.