The rip was probably the least of it, with all the blood stains! Those are so difficult to remove.
Blood is nothing. Being a woman will teach you how to wash those out real quick.
Or being used to getting blood on you helps to learn to wash it out as well.
I’m a greenie thornmouth but the very first mention of festivities piqued my interest!
Shall I bring string lights?
Hi @Sellalellen!
I’m very new here and a thornmouth and was pointed in your directions? I have so many questions but really any pointers on where to get started and are there any places in-world I could begin to contribute (even as a greenie?!)
Thank you
Please do I’ll bring the pastries!!
It is indeed
Happy birthday!!!
(I just had to ask as the cake icon popped up and that’s usually either anniversary or birthday!)
Thank you! @Rimor I’m sorry to be a pain and if I placed this in the wrong thread- do I need to do something to move this post or should I delete and repost? Sorry still learning!
Oh not at all the guild hall thread didn’t exist till a few seconds ago! Normally you’d PM sel with those questions but I just thought it’d be easier if we have a guild hall to do it in! Especially for new members who probably ask sel the same questions all the time
thanks!!! I appreciate it!
Happy birthday! What time of day is it where you are? Have you have birthday cake yet?!
Very wise! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! Although I can’t seem to reply to that thread yet…
It’s like 4.30 pm, and thanks!! I don’t really do cake on my birthday, I do slim jims
Omg so American
It’s easiest thing to pick up at Dollar Tree so we do what we can
Sorted thank you!