The Currently Reading Super Topic

So remember this? Week Two Chapters 6-9: The Mountaineers - #6 by Sellalellen Well Cassie has decided to take a second crack at it. She enjoyed (eating) Flora & Fauna very much, but found Cosmos & Time wasn’t to her taste.

I’ve managed to recover all but one of the 9 pages she sampled, so with some tape, it’ll be more or less readable again. She only ate the About Martin Rank page, so the whole story is still intact, thank goodness.
She says 10/10, would monch again.

I have repaired the book. I underestimated her enthusiasm, and it turns out she took a bite out of the bottom corner. One bite through all 9 pages and the cover. Fortunately only a few words are missing from each page so things still make sense. Cassie is very proud of her work.


I am currently re-reading the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy just for fun. Always loved this series and the detail put into it.


I have. I loved it. Which book are you on?


I’m currently reading Hunger, from the Gone series.


I’ve never read them and I think I might start!! I have a few to get through first but I’m itching for a fantasy…


are you reading anything interesting right now?


They are really nice just to sit down and relax with. A great weekend read if you have the time.


Have you gotten to Hero and the Crown yet?


Im currently on the lost hero.


Just finished Educated by Tara Westover (fantastic and so worth the hype) and now I’m starting Normal People by Sally Rooney which I got signed this week!!! (Excuse me while I fangirl forever)


I started reading this while the power was out the other day. Hoping it will give me better tactics for saving some of my Sunday pants (so named because they’re holey).
(Edited because I needed to show my bookmark :endriwink: )


New User here! Thought I’d put my two cents in :smiley: I’ve just finished re-reading The Guardian Vambrace series by H Jane Harrington. Its pretty fantastic in my opinion! Kick-butt heroine, really cool usage of magic, and lovable characters! (Full disclosure, the series isn’t finished yet, but even so the books are definitely worth starting!) Also, it’s on Amazing Kindle and if you have Kindle Unlimited it’s free!

Of course, I am also making my way through the Monarch Papers! Finished Volume 1 and have started on Volume 2! :smiley:


Ooh I’m definitely going to have to check that out!!


So far, a fascinating read!

Edit: I just realized I should prolly be including the author and title in the description so others can find books by searching!

Title: Originals
Author: Adam Grant


Currently listening to:
The Cooking Gene by Michael W. Twitty on Audible.
Michael Twitty writes about the tradition of old southern cuisine and how it relates to African-American heritage, and all of us. I first found out about this book when Mr. Twitty was on tour and I had the privilege of being able to see him speak at the Langston Hughes Center here in Seattle. His deep but complicated love of the south inspired me to seek out more information about my own heritage (much of it from the same state as his own) and get to know my ancestors’ roots better. This book, so far, is gorgeously written and full of history I’d otherwise never have known. I highly recommend it to anyone living in the Americas.

Currently reading:
Wild Mercy by Mirabai Starr.
Confession: I have a major bias about this book. My darling aunt (by her marriage to my spouse’s uncle) is a writer of mysticism and a woman who has lead a most fascinating life. She grew up in an ashram in Taos, New Mexico and spent the seventies learning how to be devout in the desert, in New York City by Ram Dass’ side, and in her own life as a mother, a wife, a human. This is her collection of stories gleaned from the women mystics who came before her. It’s an incredible work of feminist history mixed with spirited wisdom. While I do have my bias, this is just a beautiful book.

Just finished:
Bluets by Maggie Nelson.
An entire book of prose poetry about the color blue. Who would’ve thought that someone could fall so deeply in love with something so simple as a singular color? Maggie Nelson didn’t plan on her love blossoming into this massive feat of creativity, but inside Bluet’s pages, you’ll find out the name for her obsession, the objects of her desire, and all the ways blue has colored her world. It’s a really unique piece of writing that I respect and admire.


This looks so interesting and the pants on the cover are giving me some serious inspiration for all this fancy new embroidery floss I recently acquired…


All the stuff in the book so far is done with three super basic hand stitches, which is giving me a lot of confidence in fixing some of my Sunday pants with their less than ideal wear patterns.


I loved Maggie Nelson’s The Argonauts and have been wanting to read Bluets!! It sounds so vibrant and lovely


I haven’t read The Argonauts! Recommended?


Yeah! It’s a memoir, and I read it for a class that delved pretty deep into the more theoretical aspects of it which was very helpful (probably got more out of it that way than I would’ve on my own) but Maggie Nelson is a fantastic writer.