The Currently Reading Super Topic

I read “my pet librarian friend’s recommendation” at first and wasn’t even surprised to find you have a librarian for a pet. :bashfacepalm:


gonna pick up and start on “The Near Witch” soon, since VE Schwab is a goddess of writing and deserves every bit of her success


Just finished an audiobook and a physical book yesterday, so now I’m on to “The Book of Joy” by the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu (audio) and “Heir of Fire” by Sarah J. Maas (physical). I was going to read “Kingdom of Copper” but when I went to mark it on GoodReads I found out it’s the second book in a series sooooo now the first book is on my tbr and I’m only a little salty that it wasn’t well-labeled.


Im currently reading The Monarch Papers: Flora and Fauna, and Heroes of Olympus: The lost Hero. Anyone else read the Percy Jackson series in its entirety?



I think I only need to read the Apollo ones to catch myself up on Percy (unless more have come out since then).


I dont think I know which those are. The heroes of Olympus, so far, follow 3 other heroes that are new to the series.


I read all of the original series and maybe half of the Roman series? (Leo and Piper are my darlings.) But nothing past that sp far.


So for those characters, there are three series: Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, and Trials of Apollo. Each have five books (Apollo still has two to go), and I’ve read the first 10 so far.

Had to look it up to check. :sweat_smile:

Riordan managed to write things covering my top three favorite mythologies, and it’s been a few years.


Thats where Im at lol Leo, Jason, and Piper. Im still getting a feel for them as characters.


I vaguely remember reading about the trial series when figuring out which ones to read. Now that I think about it, I remember knowing there was 10 books with Percy and then another 5 in that particular series.

On a side note. I got brought in on the Magnus Chase books, those were great; I loved them.


I read the first of the Magnus Chase ones, still need to read the other two.

Can also recommend the Kane Chronicles.


I might look into those, normally I cant get into certain settings; idky.

The magnus chase books are fantastic. I red them all within a month. I wish we would get more, but at the same time Im glad we arent.


This is right in @Ginger’s wheelhouse :joy: I’ve read the majority of his books so far, including Magnus Chase and the Kane Chronicles. I still need to read the last Magnus Chase book and the second and third Trials of Apollo books. I just haven’t had the time :sob:

In reading updates, I’ve become deeply invested in comic books apparently, and I’m going to be working on Vol. 3 and 4 of the newest run of Ms. Marvel. I’m also going to start up vol. 2 of the Umbrella Academy, so that should be fun.

In non-comic books, I just finished I’ll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara, which was amazing (if you like true crime). Tomorrow, I’ll be starting Une Si Longue Lettre (So Long a Letter) and Le Baobab Fou (The Abandoned Baobab), two novels by Senegalese women. I’m reading them both for my research, so I’ll probably be reading through them pretty quickly. And of course, I’m still on Cosmos and Time!

Whew, that’s a lot :cagsko:


Way to call me out @Remus :eyes:
But you’re right

@Reginald_Dashwood those books are amazing and I strongly urge you to keep reading.
Child me found The Lightning Theif on the new arrivals shelf a couple months after it was released and I’ve sold my soul to Uncle Rick ever since. I’ve had to painstakingly wait for every book to be released, and I’ve been trying very hard not to buy PJO in the new covers because they’re so pretty and matchy match, but I like my OG covers … Rick Riordan has like a solid corner of my room lol since I own all the side things and companions novels. I found those books at a time growing up that I really needed to hear what they were telling me, and I’ve made some incredible friends through the fandom, so honestly, they’ll always hold a special place in my heart.

If you ever want to nerd out about it I am always down :+1:t2:


After such a heartfelt urge, Ill continue on with “The Heroes of Olympus” @Ginger. I understand having sold your soul to an author. I did so with Taran Mathuru and his Summoner Series (Amazing if you havn’t read it) and of course with J.K. Rowling. :badger: #Hufflepuff :badger:


As one who has also read the Summoner trilogy, I would second the recommendation by @Reginald_Dashwood


Wait, the Summoner Trilogy? Like, by Taran Matharu? I was clearly not paying attention above because I LOVE those books.


OMG I’ve never ran into others who’ve read the series! I have all 5, one of which I was lucky enough to win in a give away. I’ve even read all the short stories. @Viviane @TrueMagick


Neither have I! They’re so good, though! Yay, book friends!
I haven’t read the short stories yet. Gotta add those to my list.


I must admit, I’ve only read the main trilogy though :sweat_smile: