The Currently Reading Super Topic

You can take my graphic tees from my cold, dead hands (and even then I’ll be fighting back). :ghost:


been reading margaret owen’s “merciful crow” over the last few weeks. Its really, really good. @CJB id personally recommend it to you because they do so many interesting things with how languages and words are spoken oddly depending on place and era. Its really, genuinely fun to read, and the twists and turns make it incredibly enticing.

this is like… within the first 15 pages, so not spoiling much.


I started Agatha Christie’s Hallowe’en Party yesterday while they were writing light cues and I was twiddling my thumbs waiting for an early release that never came. Before I just hid in the office and cross-stitched during their rehearsal after dinner. :sweat_smile:


I’m super rating YA fiction right now, even though I’m definitely no longer in the age category. But it’s nice to have something lighter and less…involved perhaps to read at the end of the day.

Currently I picked up the Scarlet and Ivy books and am just finishing the third book in the series (dances in the dark I think its called). Its definitely for younger audiences but I would recommend it. It has Nancy drew/famous five nostalgia going for it.

Otherwise I am of course reading the Monarch Papers Fauna on my kindle (which hubby says I can only read while I’m out).
Also have a long list of webtoons which are great morning tea break reading for work. My faves at the moment are wintermoon, nothing special, strawberry seafoam, and mage x demon queen.


So I’ve been distracted with sewing Christmas gifts, and knitting hats for homeless. But I finally managed to finish Northanger Abbey, and am now rereading the Abhorsen series.
Man I never realized how much I missed these books!


I’m finally reading through Dune. I’ve started it half a dozen times before but could never really get into it. This time I pushed on and got to the really interesting stuff and now I’m definitely into it. I’m nearly halfway through.


I’m currently working on TMP C&T, Tolkien’s Unfinished Tales and Pullman’s The Book of Dust Volume I

Most of my reading is actually listening, so I can’t be active on too many books at a single time.


I’ve been wanting to read Pullman’s new series!! And waiting to borrow someone’s HBO login to watch the new His Dark Materials…:eyes:

I just finished The Testaments by Margaret Atwood, which is the follow-up to The Handmaid’s Tale and I have…a lot of thoughts.


Currently watching it on BBC, couple of small niggles but 2 episodes in and I’m not screaming at the TV regarding crimes against books.

TV series really is a much better form than film for book to screen adaptations.


Okay I know there are some Night Circus stans out there so has anyone read The Starless Sea yet?? I just started and I can already tell I’m just gonna want to savor this one :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I haven’t started it yet…this is my last week of classes and I know that once I start I’m not going to want to put it down, so it’s my end-of-semester reward


I got it when I was home for Thanksgiving and debated leaving it at home so I could read when I’m back for Christmas but…self-control has never been a strength of mine :endriblush:


Been meaning to read this for AGES, and finally decided to go ahead and order it. Starting on it tonight!

The author did a bunch of MtG art back in the day that I enjoyed. Looking forward to checking out one of his other creative works.


I’ve just got Dune! It’s on my reading list for the new year!


It’s definitely a good book, the beginning is just really dense and they use a bunch of terminology without explaining what it is. My version has an appendix in the back that tells what most of the stuff is but I’m not sure if all of them have that. After the first few chapters it’s easier to read.


Well until I came across this, I was reading Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky (Perks of Being a Wallflower)

However, upon stumbling upon this beauty of magic, I put that on the back burner and I’m all in here.

Question: Are the other books every going to be released in paperback?


The Monarch Papers are both available in paperback, and The Book of Briars will be released in hardcover and e-book! We’re considering doing a paperback version down the line, but as of right now those are the options for pre-order :catherineread:


Yeah I had already ordered both the Monarchs and I just found out about the Briar yesterday. Super excited! Thanks for the reply!


And there are plans to turn The Secret Society and Search for Magiq narrative into adapted ebooks as well. :cjheart:


Please do a paperback. I get grumpy when publishers change the book format/size half way through a series, makes my selves look odd :disappointed: