The Currently Reading Super Topic

I think I know what you’re talking about, I feel like it was called The Moth Pamphlets or something like that.


I just started 《Voices: The Final Hours of Joan of Arc》by David Elliott…it’s a novel in verse with snippets of her trials. I’m only 20 pages in but I’m captivated


Okay has anyone else read Red, White, and Royal Blue because I just finished it and I don’t think I stopped squealing all weekend. It was such an absolute delight.


not so humble brag :catherineread:


Oh my gosh that’s amazing! Have the best time reading it!


I’m so excited!!!


Meanwhile I’ve decided to try Northanger Abbey again - first time since the first attempt in junior high (about age 12/13 I think?) - and not the abridged children’s version either.
Slightly more relatable heroine now, but still feeling impatient with her. Catherine Morland is NOT Elizabeth Bennett.


She certainly is not! Northanger Abbey is fun because it purposefully exaggerates the silliness of the traditional Gothic novel tropes of the time, so Catherine’s meant to be quite a bit more naive than dear Lizzy. But Henry Tilney is reliably wonderful :constanceblush:

Fun fact, it was written the earliest of all of Austen’s works, but published last, after her death! So it’s interesting too to think about how her work develops from playing with and poking fun at established formats in NA to basically creating a genre of her own in her later novels.
-Austen nerd rant over-


Has anyone here read Lore Olympus? It gets me in the feels more often than not.


I literally just got caught up on that yesterday


Yes I caught up yesterday too! It’s one of my favorite things right now.


Lore Olympus is the comic that drew me into the Webtoons hole. :deirdrexd:

I have quite the roster of current reads going on there.


You can’t just stop at one webtoon. I went in for LO and now I’m 50 toons deep :sweat_smile:


I’m closing in on 30 myself. :deirdrexd:


Which other ones do y’all like?


20 of them are still updating fairly regularly (or 19, one recently went on hiatus), I’ll stick 'em in order of most recent updates:

  • Little Matcha Girl
  • My Deepest Secret**
  • Eleceed
  • Scorching Romance
  • Code Adam*
  • Cat Loaf Adventures
  • Edith*
  • Messenger*
  • The Fever King
  • Lore Olympus* (the one that started it all)
  • Bad Signs*
  • Shiloh*
  • Muted
  • Third Shift Society (new, looks promising)
  • Simon Sues*
  • Brass & Sass
  • Crumbs
  • Woman World (there’s a nudist character, but it’s very cartoony and she’s mostly covered)
  • Soul On Hold
  • Lalin’s Curse* (the one recently on hiatus)

I put an asterisk on ones that could have a higher rating for content (language that may or may not be censored, varying degrees of violence, or other trigger warning-worthy content) from what I can recall off the top of my head. A couple (LO and Muted) have notably put warnings at the beginning of installments that include sensitive subjects.
The one with double asterisks is for early violence that almost had me stop reading.

Oh, and it ended a bit ago, but Super Secret is sweet and spooky. :cjheart:


Oh boy I have a loooong list I can put up later. The one that started it for me was Noblesse, and now I occasionally run into the “you can only be subscribed to 100 webtoons” error. There’s a limit apparently, and I’ve had to thin out my subscription list multiple times.


Well I finished Rurouni Kenshin. Starting out I was a little unsure because it could have been just another Shounen Battle manga, but it’s actually up there amongst my favourites now. The characters are interesting, their growth is realistic, and there’s actually quite a bit of sorting out what you think of this or that moral code, or how two people with the same values can end up on opposite sides of a war, or how two people can react differently when faced with the same thing.
Since it’s mostly about sword fighting, and the fights occur in pairs, the author used the opportunity to make each new opponent a foil to one of the main characters, and there are so many little things that make these characters contrast each other, so it doesn’t feel like they’re learning the same lesson every arc unlike some other manga (Fairy Tail, I’m looking at you). It’s really masterfully written and I think after a short break, I’m going to watch the movies and anime.
But I want some time to just process it and think about it all first. It has themes of discovering what your values and morals are, and how many different ways there are to act on them. I want to spend a few days thinking on how that relates to my own life before I consume non-manga versions so I don’t have to pause what I’m watching to think. Then I can just enjoy it as cool battles and character growth instead of whatever metaphorical thing I’ve pulled out of the pages (which I clearly also enjoy, but in a different way.) Don’t get me wrong, the fights are entertaining and the story is good even if you don’t want to get caught up in the moral quandary stuff. I just read too far into things and get really excited about it.
I have a hard time getting into Shounen manga, because romance is what initially draws me to most series, but once I’m hooked, I’ve found that the Shounen I do finish end up being perhaps more memorable than a lot of the Shoujo I usually prefer.

TLDR: Rurouni Kenshin is a great manga, you should read it and also recommend more good Shounen to me, sorry for the essay.


YESSSS~ more webtoon readers!:heart_eyes:
Some of my favorites are:
-Socializing 101
-Tails of Magicat
-Eleceed (creator also did Noblesse)
-The Red King
-Third Shift Society

So many other good ones too >.<
I’m also waiting for Nov. 19 when the new, Folk of the air (Queen of Nothing) comes out.

@Sellalellen there will always be a special place in my heart for the beautiful Noblesse series :cry:


Just started The Secret History and sixty pages in, I am already: