The Currently Reading Super Topic

I stayed up so late to finish Erin Morgenstern’s The Starless Sea last night…and by “so late” I mean midnight :joy:
Has anyone read it?? I’m dying to discuss!!


It’s in my to read stack.
Was planning on finishing the His Dark Materials trilogy, but happy to read Starless Sea next.
I’ve read His Dark Materials that many times that it’s not jarring to split them up.


Oh my I know the feeling! I hate unorganised and Un-uniformed shelves :laughing:


I’m starting it soon! I’m in the middle of Once & Future and then I have The Wicked King out from the library, but both of those should be pretty quick finishes!!


Yay mini book club!!! Can’t wait to hear other peoples’ perspectives :eyes:


ehh?! seriously? whos gonna narrate this one, then?


Narrator, of course. :joy:




I’ve been reading a awesome series called Hell Divers by Nicholas Sansbury Smith! It’s graphic and sci-fi (post apocalyptic) as hell. I can’t explain it well but to those who enjoy militaristic sci-fi apocalyptic smoothies, you might want to look into it! Feel free to shoot me a message if you want a more in-depth description.


Ooh I haven’t read one like that in a while. I might need to check it out.


I just hit the halfway point of Iron Gold by Pierce Brown, book 4 of the Red Rising series. The whole series has had me hooked since the beginning and it only gets better and better. My only issue is that he hasn’t started writing book 6 yet and I’m definitely going to be done with the fifth one way before it comes out. I’ve never read a recent enough book series to have this issue.


Ahh I’m at the same place, the series is so good! I made it to part III of Iron Gold and haven’t been able to go back to it in about a week because life. But I loooove how Iron Gold follows the characters on their own paths and builds on both old an new storylines! So many personal hypotheses about how they will intersect but knowing his writing style I’m sure there will be some kind of unexpected twist :deirdreexcited:


Yeah the inclusion of parallel stories is a cool switch, especially as they start to move together and interact with each other. Dark Age is just sitting there on my shelf waiting patiently.


I’ve read the original trilogy a good couple of times but got Dark Age as a present over the holidays, so that was my incentive to re-read the originals and finally get to Iron Gold. I started IG once last year and just didn’t have the energy, but this time around has been much more engaging. For being sci-fi, the realism is impressive but also exhausting… like there’s no idealism about the system being perfect after the rising, it’s hard-hitting and political and depressing at times because that’s the reality of the situation. Which I absolutely love about it, but has also made it very easy to get burnt out on lately.


I’m having to be very careful reading this. (The Starless Sea)
I really dont want to put it down, and if I read it on break at work
I’m unlikly to get much work done. Im with Zachary, a degree of reading, no essays, no deadlines, no exams just reading or even better a job doing the same #lifegoals

Sweet Sorrows has a slightly odd writting style, very descriptive, but I really like it. Not so hot on the disjointed nature of having 2 books in 1 and the dripping in of details, but I suppose without that I wouldnt be as hooked.

I love the gamer/narative discussions Zachary has early on, many of them really resonated with my experience here and I do love a little psycology


OH MAN I have a lot of thoughts on this book!! Excited to see what you think when you finish…:eyes:

I also have thoughts on the book within a book structure and I think it does affect the pacing not necessarily for the better later on but I really love the language throughout. The language is absolutely gorgeous.

Definitely had similar thoughts on Zachary’s gaming discussions too! For a moment when I started reading I definitely had a moment of ‘oh no, I hope she hasn’t just written a whole book about the same thing we’re trying to do,’ but it’s very different thankfully despite the thematic overlap! :sweat_smile:

Also, Kat. I love Kat. I want a whole book just about Kat.

Anywho, glad you’re able to read quickly!! I did a lot of picking it up and putting it down for time reasons, and I think I would have had a better reading experience if I had been able to read it more consistently because I would forget little details and have to go back and re-read. Enjoy!!


In other reading news, I joined a reading group about Irish literature and I’m so stoked!! The first meeting is Thursday and it’s on Sebastian Barry’s Days Without End. My favorite class in college was a year-long freshman seminar on Irish lit, so I’m very excited to be back in it! :catherineread:


Yeah I definitely know what you mean, it’s not a feel-good book by any means. The whole series is brutally realistic in that no character is necessarily safe, no matter how attached you get to them. Pierce Brown also likes introducing a likable character only to have them die within a chapter or two.


Truly. And as much as he kind of establishes that as a precedent by beginning the series with Eo’s death and even Darrow’s hanging, it still hits me every time someone I just started to really care about is suddenly killed. I do appreciate that it’s never just for shock value though - it emphasizes the brutality of war and trauma, and/or it advances the plot. Just as long as nothing happens to Sevro… if he ever gets killed off I’m quitting the series.


I couldn’t agree more. I’m getting close to the end of Dark Age and I’m afraid to see what event ends this book.