Tetrahedron Assembly

I’m of the opinion the book wants us to assemble the shape before giving us the assessment. Otherwise most of the questions would just amount to random guessing, and that’s not really an assessment. In the first assessment had we missed one piece (say the one that labelled it as a ‘second draft’) then sure we would have had to guess on one question, but there were only 4 choices. It would have been annoying, but the damage would have been limited.

As for the number of pieces. All we have to go on is the idea that we’re trying to build the same shape that the Cagliostro used. That had 10 pieces. I keep meaning to go back over their discussion of the object to see if they gave any clues at all about how it’s assembled, but I don’t recall there being any.


I am under the impression the book is allowing us time to assemble the tetrahedron before starting our assessment as well. And not that we missed anything. Which I say based solely on the fact Cags said he had “assembled the 10 pieces centuries ago”. Could I be wrong? Definitely. I felt like I looked high and low through the past three fragments though and could only find “Caprathorn” as something we missed. I didn’t touch much on fragment five (still have nightmares ;)) but it is entirely possible something is hidden in there. But I am going to exhaust all possible tetrahedron combinations before I move back to fragment five


I was reviewing the files on the Cagliostro file server and I think you may be right about it being a star shape and not a pyramide.

In the floorplan.png (I’m assuming this is the disposition of the room during the final performance of Cags) the middle does look like that image you posted before. Either that or the final shape is a hexagon that is assembled on top of six circles (tables?).

There is also that dashed line in the middle of the hexagon with the arrows that could have some meaning to the assembly, I don’t know…

I’ll see what I can do tonight at home when I have the pieces with me.


One more design (these will probably be the last set of pictures until I feel very confident about a design):

So why am I more confident about this set up? It seems to be the most “tetrahedron” type shape we have. There is even a very “central”/middle piece which could be our “piece 0” as @Robert called it. I am going to play around with it and see if I can make all the pieces work with light and dark sides

Sorry for the fact they don’t fit together perfectly, between moving them around in my bag, and what appears to be the fact that I failed cutting and taping in kindergarten, the pieces are a little messy


I like that overall shape very much. Cags did describe it as a sacrificial altar so I’d totally buy that it’d have a flat spot on top.

And I get you out the paper. I think when we figure this out I’ll invest in some heavy card stock to assemble a more permanent version for my collection of obscure things.


It’s these darn light and dark pieces. I can’t seem to find a viable way that they all fit together. Obviously that’s part of the challenge, but it just doesn’t seem to make much sense right now

I am never going to be able to look at animals… or sacrificial alters the same after this


I’m moving towards the idea that light crab piece might not be directly connected to the dark crab piece. It might just mean the dark crab is connected to any side of the light crab piece. That makes a lot more options though.


Another thought, potentially we reach out to Marty? I mean, he was there. He might have some sort of idea of how Cags assembled the actual Tetrahedron. But then again, he also didn’t really respond when I reached out the last time. Maybe giving him space is what is better right now


That’s actually a good idea. Anything he could tell us would be a plus. Maybe @Revenir could ask? Although, he did see a dark god emerge from that thing. He might not want to think about it and it might be cruel to ask him about it.


Yeah, that’s my thinking. If we think it is the right thing to do, I agree that @Revenir should maybe be the main point of contact. Personally, I don’t see the harm in asking, the worst he is going to say is he would rather not think about it, and tell us to bugger off. I can also see the counter argument in that it might not be right for us to ask. Hmm…


It’s worth asking. He may not want to think about all that business again, but considering what happened, he probably is anyway. Best we do this early.


I don’t think we have a choice. If he saw the alter we need his help.
Especially if we have dark god on the loose in NYC


I can definitely ask him and see if he’s alright. No guarantees he’ll want to talk, but I think it’d be good to keep in touch if possible.


Thanks @Revenir! Unfortunately, I don’t think we can necessarily rely on Marty remembering much of that night or wanting to talk about it. So I am going to keep messing around with these pieces until I hear otherwise


Either way, I sent him the email, so fingers crossed he’ll remember something that can help!


So Cags set that email to be sent to Lauren after his final performance. The email said the tetrahedron is a sacrifice altar, What did Cags sacrifice himself? Maybe we need to host some What of a sacrifice and say the translation if I’m correct we have a script of it?


I thought cags did sacrifice himself. Thats how he was able to die. I figured when he said something like “see the blah blah blah in me, take it” at his performance, it meant he was giving himself up for sacrifice to the demon god thing. The spell seems more like an invocation to me! I dunno, could be wrong! I usually am!!


That was my understanding of the event as well.


I dont know, I was just putting ideas out here because it seems like we are stumped until maybe Marty will help us.


So, I think that it isn’t possible to put the shapes together by putting the yellow animal piece together with its other black piece, so at least we can perhaps eliminate that idea for good. Below are pictures of the ferret put together, and you can see it would be nearly impossible (unless we bend the paper differently or something) to somehow get the rams to connect. Side note: ignore my sad paper. They are slowly falling apart from me taping and pulling them apart constantly.

So maybe it’s something else, like the yellow pieces are supposed to face out on the tetrahedron. Any other ideas?