Tetrahedron Assembly

I hit the exact same problem you do @Kelsey at the exact same spot when I try to match light/dark like animals. They form odd shapes.

There’s got to be SOME rhyme or reason for this. There’s something like 3.2 million ways to arrange 10 objects so trial and error is right out. There’s got to be a clue.

Random thoughts from a tired mind-

  1. The dark ferret piece might not directly touch the light ferret piece. The dark ferret piece might just touch somewhere on the piece containing the light ferret.

  2. Maybe the light and dark pieces need to be on opposite sides of the structure?

  3. Maybe the light and dark pieces touch each other but not facing. Maybe they share a side of the finished project or something.

  4. Maybe we need to bring back the fragment names into this. Maybe there’s more to them than we think. I don’t have the pieces in front of me (why start posting informed opinions now?) but it seems to me all the fragment names have 2 ‘components’.

Brach - Ursis Ursis means bear. Brachiosaurus has a long neck so somehow Brach means ‘neck’ and there’s a giraffe piece, right? Maybe we need to connect the giraffe to the bear?

Tig-rantula. A big cat connects to a big spider?

gallas - skulk - A chicken and …something that skulks? (The theory is falling apart here…)

Furomaris - A ferret and a snail or some kind of invertebrate? The lobster?

I forget the last fragment but I’m sure it’d sink my whole theory so maybe that’s for the best.

I’ll look at the pieces with fresher eyes tonight.


Yo! Marty delivered! And he is, thankfully, doing ok.

Hey kid,
I’m over the hump of it, but thanks for asking.
The thing was a three-sided pyramid if I remember right. Covered in animals. I checked on the work you’re doing over on your forum, wish I could help more. The one thing I will say… the outside was all black, with black animals. The pieces that are mostly gold, there weren’t any of those on the outside when I saw it.

Take care of yourself.

Looks like @Kelsey had the right idea about the gold pieces, but it’s in reverse?


Of course it would be the opposite of what I was trying :cry:


I think I did it???

It’s pretty ugly and rough because my paper has gone to shit after trying so many times…but this looks right? Maybe I have to change some of the pieces around though


EDIT: Tweaked it a little. Now all 4 sides have no yellow (I realized there were a couple yellow on the bottom of my last). I think this must be the shape. As for the order of things, it could go differently but I and my paper are both done trying lol

So much tape and rips lol


That is incredible!


Great job @Kelsey. Maybe the final stage is to juggle around the outside to have similar themed creatures on each side


Fantastic work, @Kelsey! It’s definitely a tetrahedron!

My only concern is that we never utilized the golden elements. Are we thinking they aren’t relevant? :fearful:


Can we pretend they aren’t? :grimacing:


Maybe they have relevance to the animals outside


Great job :wink:


good job!


At least we now have the shape. Someone should try to redo it while paying attention to the gold pieces on the inside.


I’m going to try tonight to do that very thing. Edit: You have shown us the light that it’s possible and that’s a big motivator.

Also, fun fact I notice here that is very interesting to me. Every side has 6 animals on it. I don’t know why, but it surprises me it’s that consistent. It probably shouldn’t, all the same shape pieces building a regular shape. Still that seemed noteworthy to me this morning.


Our magimystic assessment is up. The Book emailed. I am at the part where we need the triangle to find the answer. I’ll have to work on it at home when I have my triangle lol


The same. And to everyone remember. We can study together and share common knowledge, but answers can’t be shared. So either make your shape or get really familiar with someone’s pictures who have…

…well once they’re done.


So I made it through to the second part of the assessment and it is pretty clear we are going to need one, set design. I have my pieces so with the new information Kelsey figured out yesterday and what Robert said earlier, I will try to figure out some rhyme or reason


I think the image that was and is our final clue it looks like the sacrifice Altar


I think we are gonna need more than a set design. After going through the second part of the second assessment… I have some thoughts. Perhaps each side represents each animal? Like as in the fragment names. One side being Brachurisis, another being Tigrantula, another being… whatever the other names were. Maybe even the combinations of animals like discussed earlier are the ones that go on that fragments side? I’m just spitting stuff out here.


I’m at a loss here… I haven’t been through the first assessment so I don’t really know what am I supposed to do now…