Tetrahedron Assembly

I got an email for it being solved


OH the fragment is solved, yes. tigrantula which in my mind is a tiger/spider hybrid abomination that you don’t want to mess with. We still need 2 more pieces…somewhere.

And yes, I think building the tetrahedron will allow us to unlock the second key. And it’s most likely fauna.


Oh my flipping gosh. Wow!! Flora because all the plant names, fauna because of the animals!! I get it now!! Man I’m slow.


Now maybe I am going crazy, but I decided to go back to Marty’s recording of the show (I figured if I had to look at the Triptych journal pages for much longer I would scream), and at the very beginning of the recording, before Cags starts talking, there is a voice saying, “The last time I saw you was at the ???”. I can’t hear what the “???” is. The reason why I am so interested in it is it sounds like the words start with Capra, which is the genus for goats and other hooved animals. I have tried isolating the sound byte, amplifying it, but can’t seem to catch it clearly. If someone else wants to give it a whirl, by all means.

Or if @Marty.60 could maybe shed some light as to what was being said, if you still remember the night. I am sure it is a horrible memory to have to think back to. But if there is something there, it might really help us.

This could also be a wild goose chase. It doesn’t fit my chronological timeline theory, but this also wouldn’t be the first time I was wrong on this site.

You can also tell me I am very crazy with this and that I am probably going down a rabbit hole. I just needed a break from the Triptych.


I’ve listened to it a few times now. Sounds like “Capricorn Club” to me. That does stand out as odd


To me it almost sounds like “Caprathon/Caprithon club/clout”, which doesn’t make a ton of sense haha


Let’s assume we knew the words, and they are right. What would we do with it?

I’ve tried


Any other ideas for how we’d use this word if we found it?


I feel like your guess is as good as mine at this point. I have tried all very similar things to you, but no luck as of yet.


I’ve tried hippocampus, but nothing :disappointed:


@Brendon is a genius. http://bookofbriars.com/caprathorn/


I just got an email from the book did u?


Those darn r’s… they get me every time


Well we got one saying that we have all four fragments, and our assessment is coming up soon. Is that the one you are talking about?


Aye the book is going to test us. Most likely on the completed tetrahedron.




Agh!!! Couldn’t be of assistance in this one, good job everyone and nice listening magiq you got there!


Just a status update still working on trying to assemble this thing. I printed out all the pages tonight after mucking with them to get them as large as possible on a standard page, while all being in the same scale. I cut them out, folded them, taped them began assembling and then realized I must have printed out 2 copies of the same page and missed one so I have to start back over printing the missing page. grumble

I’m definitely not seeing any obvious assembly pattern yet, but by the light of day I’ll give it another whirl.


I’m stumped on this. Terrible at putting puzzles together by hand. I thought that the yellow coloured animal triangles should be facing the same way or together somehow, but not all of those tiles face the same way. 5 of them are similar, and 3 are different, so I’m not sure how to do it. Plus, I can never get anything to even resemble a tetrahedron lol - the best I got was a horrible looking pentagon with the 5 yellow symbols in the middle. Definitely not right but I’ll keep trying.


Yeah, same here @Kelsey. It’s not helping that I’m coming down with a fever and chills and should be in bed…but my brain can not stop dwelling on this.

What I have learned is I’m convniced 100% that @Nahemah solved this, or at least the first step days ago. When he pointed out that some of the pieces repeat.


The important thing to notice is that 3 of those pieces all share symbols with 1 special other piece. Well now that we have the last 4 pieces I can say that the remaining 2 black spot son that special piece also share animals with light sections of 2 of the new pieces. This piece is our step 0, and if we assume that a light piece means it’s connected the matching animal of another piece it’s probably also in the middle of the structure, or the very top.

Whenever I try to do anything with this knowledge and move into 3d space I fail harder at it than Khan is Star Trek 2. It’s like trying to take an entrance exam for the spacer guild but they won’t give you any of that sweet baby spice. (Note I mean sweet baby spice and not sweet Baby Spice . Sorry for the confusion although I shouldn’t sell Emma short…maybe she’s really good at 3d puzzles?)

Yeah…I should go lie down. I should also delete that paragraph above but cause once I’m better that won’t be funny, just embarassing. But no, I’ve typed 3 sentences now, I’ve gone too far to go back.

If you’re reading this. It means I’m probably no more. I really think that special piece @Nahemah found is the keystone. Everything ties to that.


I wasn’t home for the weekend, so could not work on the tetrahedron. Will print the last page now and try to assemble everything tonight at home.