Tetrahedron Assembly

Cags email regarding The Translation/Tetrahedron:

As I’ve told you, The Translation is an object that was constructed in the time of Menkaure. It is a towering tetrahedron engraved with bestial symbols. I have been in possession of its ten parts for centuries, but the conjuration which I’ve collected through the ages, or the manner in which I recite it, remains incomplete.

The result of my partial efforts is dazzling to be sure: the wall between our world and that of the dead crumble around the assembled icon, allowing contact from the beyond. It makes for a rousing finale but I have never unlocked the object’s full potential, or true purpose. There is an aspect of it within my reach, but I have yet been unable to grasp it. Some believe it is a door to the realm of the dead, others believe it is a channel to the Gods of old. Both theories could simply be early Egyptians interpreting the magic around them.

This is the incantation I have pieced together from scrolls, stories, and Egyptian death rites:

Mythelismus crack the bone
When trembling flesh sings tender tone
For Kemetide brings waves of thunder
Lightning to rip hearts asunder
By Orid’s eye begins our rending
Brave, and bold, our bodies bending
Now Ra-el bleeds horned souls start breaching
With tooth and claw through veil they’re reaching
And so unburied, unbound, blind
We bring forth the beasts combined.

I will also upload select recordings to the index of my attempts at perfecting the incantation.

I look forward to your thoughts.

Have hope Lauren, your life of magic has only begun.

Yours faithfully,



Do you think we should be building Menkaure’s pyramid? A tetrahedron is pyramid-ish right?


I believe we should just focus on the animals for now


It’s interesting that he mentions having “been in possession of its ten parts”. If we’re supposed to be duplicating Cags’ Translation, than it may be possible that we’re four pieces short.


I think you are right. I am going to spend some time tomorrow looking through past fragments to see if we may have missed anything. If that fails, we may just have to wait and see when those four pieces want to present themselves


I took a better look at the animals in the pieces and noticed that only the highlighted ones are indeed repeated (at least in the pieces we have so far).
Also, the animals repeated are all on the same piece, which makes me think that maybe it goes in the middle of the tetrahedron. I think I will print some extra pieces and see if it is possible to build a tetrahedron with 10 of them.

Another thing, I was trying to figure if the names of the fragments had anything to do with the animals in the pieces, and some of them could indeed be referring to that. For example, Gallus gallus is the scientific name for rooster, ursis means bears in latin and Mustela putorius furo is the scientific name for ferret.


After sleeping on this here’s what I got. I probably have no grounds to talk because I can’t bring myself to start the piecing process with only 60% of the pieces, but I’m working on theory here.

In the first key the names of the fragments were instrumental to the key itself. They were literally ingredients in the spell.

If this remains consistent then the names of the fragments 5-8 are key components to assembling this.

I think @Furia and @Nahemah called it when it said this is based on genus.

We have 4 genus’s (well we will once we get fragment 8) and 4 faces to the tetrahedron. What if each face is a genus?

So we have Brachursis - Ursus? The bear? I don’t see a lot of ‘bear’ like animals on these pieaces, but maybe this represents mammals?

We have Gallusskulk - Gallus. I definitely see some fowls on these pieces. This could represent all birds?

We have furomaris - Now…which genus is this? Furo is a kind of ferret, but that’s not the genus name. Marisa is a genus of gastropod (snails in particular) . Maybe this could extend to the lobster, and crab pieces?

And we’ll eventually (hopefully) have the 4th fragment. Maybe a fish genus? I see some fish that could go on another side?


@Robert, I just want to build on what you have already posted. So I have analyzed these pieces a lot yesterday. If you don’t believe me, please see the many pictures I posted above :wink:. I am going to seperate them by Fragment word, but the animals I can see are:
Brachursis 1 - Crab, Octopus, Ostrich, Horse, Rat, Kangaroo
Brachursis 2 - Rooster, Lobster, Zebra, Lemur, Swordfish, Beaver,

Galluskull 1 - Jaguar/Panther/Lion (Big Cat #1), Rabbit, Monkey, Toucan, Rhino, Bobcat, Rat
Galluskull 2 - Bear, Swallow, Butterfly, Giraffe, Leopard/Cougar (Big Cat #2), Pig, Dolphin

Furomaris 1 - Ferret, Fox, Rooster, Goat, Jaguar/Panther/Lion (Big Cat #1), Crab
Furomaris 2 - Spider, Bison/Buffalo, Narwhal, Flamingo, Cat #3, Deer-like animal (Dik-Dik?)

I tried to group them all based on your groupings, but the mammals section got to be quite large. My thinking is, what if it is Bear-like mammals (Galluskull), Rodent-like mammals (Furomaris), Birds or Fowls (Galluskull), Aquatic animals (*Insert Aquatic Animal Here). There are a few holes in this theory, specifically “furo” being the species of ferret and the fact that there are a few insects on the pieces


I assembled extra pieces to try and make a tetrahedron with 10 pieces, and so far this is what I could come up.
I don’t know of the missing pieces will have the same shape as the one we have so far.


@Robert just found two more pieces, here:


Something I noticed… the file names for the pieces we have are “abpieces” “cdpieces” “ghpieces” and “ijpieces.”
So where is “efpieces”?


I’ve read through all of the other comments on the blog and don’t see anything else that might be a key to those pieces.


Where did you get “trigantula” from?

EDIT: Ok, got it, I was reading the comments the comments from DG’s blog now to try and find something but apparently you already did :wink: Well done!!


So I am going to put some thinking into words, maybe start brainstorming a bit.

The file names for the pieces follows along chronologically with when we get them, so assuming that is somewhat valid for “efpieces”, we probably should have found them sometime between the end of fragment 2 and the end of fragment 3. Fragment 2 was Galluskull which gave us “cdpieces” and Fragment 3 was Furomaris which gave us “ghpieces”. This could mean that we have to do something with the dots on the triptych. I am going to go through those pictures again and see if there could be anything


Did we ever use this page for anything? If we didn’t, the cardinal direction of the dots could line up with this drawing. I am not quite sure what it would give us, but just spit balling here


Aye, it’s the Pagan calendar. @Supernova labeled it for us in this post. You’re right it might come in handy.



What about the RSVP list? We never used that. Unless it is just supplemental information, there could be something in there.


I guess we solved it!


What makes you say that?


Not yet! We still have to set it up right and figure out the rest of the missing pieces, since we assume there another set of nets. I’m not even really sure what we are supposed to do with once we put it together but we’ll see!

lol guess it is solved haha


Do we think this should somehow lead us to unlocking Fauna (I assume that’s what the next key is because of all the animals)?