Tetrahedron Assembly

So I made it through to the second part of the assessment and it is pretty clear we are going to need one, set design. I have my pieces so with the new information Kelsey figured out yesterday and what Robert said earlier, I will try to figure out some rhyme or reason


I think the image that was and is our final clue it looks like the sacrifice Altar


I think we are gonna need more than a set design. After going through the second part of the second assessment… I have some thoughts. Perhaps each side represents each animal? Like as in the fragment names. One side being Brachurisis, another being Tigrantula, another being… whatever the other names were. Maybe even the combinations of animals like discussed earlier are the ones that go on that fragments side? I’m just spitting stuff out here.


I’m at a loss here… I haven’t been through the first assessment so I don’t really know what am I supposed to do now…


Same here


Check out the second assessment thread here.


First, let me say great job @Kelsey for figuring out how this all goes together. It would take me another year or so to figure that out.

Now, I know Marty said that none of the golden animals were visible. And one thing I noticed when putting @Kelsey’s design together is that there are three upside pyramid-shaped negative spaces within the tetrahedron. Do you think it’s possible that we need to make sure all the golden animals make up the “walls” of that negative space? That might give us the exact arrangement we need to pass the magimystic assessment. Or am I just grasping at straws here? Ok, I KNOW I’m grasping at straws, but I’m curious what you all think.


I’m all for grasping at straws.

I think it’s an interesting idea, but is there any rhyme or reason why one gold animal would be better positioned somewhere than another? Some pieces have gold animals in the same spots.


Perhaps something to do with the perceived traits of the animals… on each outer side, perhaps. (At work so cannot test the theory)


I honestly have no idea. And now that I’ve been playing with it for a bit longer, my idea doesn’t seem to work anyway. But I noticed that half of the golden animals share a single side of a piece with another animal (Golden Stag/ shark, Golden Fish/ octopus, Golden Rooster/ cat[?], Golden Panther/mouse, Golden Bear/swift[bird]). That leads me to believe that the arrangement of the golden animals is specific. Again, straws, grasping, yadda yadda. I just have no idea what arrangement that might be. If Marty didn’t see them on the outside then I’m assuming they must be specifically arranged on the inside. But all that said, Marty did witness some pretty horrific magic that night so it’s possible (and understandable) that his memory isn’t perfect.


There is an equal number of shared and full golden pieces…I thougth maybe there isa way to put the pyramid together using 5 pairs of full+shared pieces… but I am lost at 3D puzzles…


I still think each golden animal we need to put there in the negative space relates to the names of the fragments. One side for each fragment. Its all that really makes sense to me. Maybe it also matters which ones are on the outside as well? I don’t know. There’s gotta be some rhyme or reason to this. I feel like there’s a bunch of ways to form a tetrahedron with the pieces. Unless Kelsey’s solution is the right one and thats why the assessment was started. Even then I feel like there is still more information needed.


Mh but if we assume, we have to fill this 3 negative pyramids we would only use 9 of 10 golden pieces. And at least one pice borders two of the negative pyramids, but only has one golden element…so it would not be possible to fill the 3 pyramids with golden elements…
But I agree that, we may have to assemble them in a special way.


Haven’t been near a printer so I can’t try this myself but, is there any way the peak of the pyramid is made of the golden animals?


Yeah, I think the idea of using the Golden Animals for the walls of the negative pyramids isn’t going to work. We need four walls per pyramid. With three pyramids that means 12 walls and we have only ten animals. Also, the way the animals are placed on the pieces doesn’t allow for that to happen anyway.


New design (see description below):

So this has all golden pieces connected to the corresponding animal in the fragment name.

I have a question though:
Do all the animals need to be upright? I didn’t really pay much attention to that as you can see.

I just have a sneaky suspicion this might not be right because there just seemed to be too much variation in what I could put, where. But it might be


Just for clarification @Brendon (and great job by the way!) are all the golden symbols touching their counterpart, like crab/bear, goat/deer, etc? And are they touching each other in their “upright” orientation so that their “tops” are corresponding? That seems like it could be the primer to solve the rest of it. If so, can you try assembling it with all animals pointing upward? Martin didn’t mention that, but we also didn’t ask. :dizzy_face:

This feels like we’re onto something…


They were all touching their counterpart but I don’t believe I paid too much attention into orientation. I can give that a whirl though. It did feel like something was lacking.


I think you might be close to cracking this. :crossed_fingers:t2::sweat_drops:


I wish I made a step by step of how I made the last tetrahedron. I feel like I am back at square one :cry: haha