SOLVED: The Last of the Travelers: The Third Fragment

The minnying of Ojorad
was held at Vidivinty’s glade
a notion Good King Capra had
that proper reverence be paid

to one who fell on Baryn soil
in diamond coat of blue and red
The four who stood in mourning voiles
with deep respect their tributes said

Does this work, without the “hauce” line?
I noticed that “to one who fell” didn’t begin with a capital letter so thought perhaps it continued a thought, and the rhyme seems to be there. Not sure…

And that line perhaps starts the four “mourning” stanzas which we know the mouse is the third?

So intro vidivinty line, four mourners, and then something?

EDIT: I just checked and saw on Deirdre’s blog that LT responded to @Mike and Pike (@Piki?) two days ago!

And finally, the julbous toad
in his gown of winking woad


In vermulid tones the cat first spake
Through briaring fronge her tones did rake

Had anyone seen these?


Whoa! No. Hadn’t seen, yet. Thanks for posting!


Completely missed those somehow! Thanks!!


I hadn’t either. Thanks for catching that @AlisonB. I also agree with you about the flow of the first few lines not needing that hauce one there.

So here’s where we may be:

“The Minnying of Ojorad”

The minnying of Ojorad
was held at Vidivinty’s glade
a notion Good King Capra had
that proper reverence be paid
to one who fell on Baryn soil
in diamond coat of blue and red

The four who stood in mourning voiles
with deep respect their tributes said

In vermulid tones the cat first spake
Through briaring fronge her tones did rake

declaim’d the Plaint of Nhadastra
“Lo, the stars shine less intently now
in the firmament of glory’s crown.
The lustre of our friend moves on.”

From the third, a mouse with girlish hair
as her mournful tears clad hallowed air
for she found not the words to mote
So she unfurled her cowl

from catafalque to ancient tree
Said she, “Here Magister Woodland lies
A brave sourl released from jewelled eyes
bereft of home, his light soars free.”

And finally, the julbous toad
in his gown of winking woad
sang a stark yet stirring ode
on the hauce his master rode

The Merest part a way of weather
when Watch elects the final frinning
Ebends unbound Mora’s tether
and Forged the Thorns in drubbin minn’ing

To mark the end of their lament
King Capra rose o’er gathered sways

Okay, obvious thought. This is a lot of animals. We have

First mourner: a cat
Second mourner: ???
Third mourner: a mouse
Fourth mourner: a toad
King Capra : A goat maybe?

A cat, a mouse and a toad. This is starting to sound like an Aesop’s fable to me. Maybe those Ant and the Caterpillar references were a clue.


Here’s my take on how the poem fits together. Apologies if someone already has it like this. I’m only posting the lines and stanzas that feel complete to me. Everything else feels like it’s still missing the completing lines.

“The Minnying of Ojorad”

The minnying of Ojorad
was held at Vidivinty’s glade
a notion Good King Capra had
that proper reverence be paid
The four who stood in mourning voiles
with deep respect their tributes said
to one who fell on Baryn soil
in diamond coat of blue and red
In vermulid tones the cat first spake
Through briaring fronge her tones did rake
Said she, “Here Magister Woodland lies
A brave sourl released from jewelled eyes
from catafalque to ancient tree
bereft of home, his light soars free.”

Note the rhyme scheme:
NOTE: I’m rusty on my poetry so that may not be how rhyme schemes work. Just want to note it as it may help us later as more lines come in.


I think that cat verse is perfect-

In vermulid tones the cat first spake
Through briaring fronge her tones did rake
Said she, “Here Magister Woodland lies
A brave sourl released from jewelled eyes
from catafalque to ancient tree
bereft of home, his light soars free.”

Maybe the catafalque word being a hint to how it works together?


@AlisonB - where do you see those new verses? You said on DG’s blog. Are they in the comment section of The Elusive Mister Wallace post? I can’t find them.


So maybe this makes me an A-hole buuuuuuuut… should we have a few other recruits reach out to Traveler? I’m concerned that whatever KR is doing today (see his comment on the KR second fragment thread: “Today I will have the thing that I was promised.”) will affect our ability to communicate with Traveler.


I’m still unsure if we need the whole poem to crack this thing or if we have enough to do whatever it is we need to do. But supposedly something in this poem will open the next fragment of BOB.

Also, can someone go to and tell me what you see? I never know if images aren’t coming up because I have a terrible internet connection or because something has changed.


It was the post that had the most comments. The one we’d been posting to. One sec, I’ll check the title…

YES, it’s the Elusive Mister Wallace post.


I think we have some odd caching incidents. At work I never saw the 2 comments @AlisonB mentioned. At home however I see them now. Also half the time at work the BoB never comes up for me at all, either @Johanna

Also, on the BookOfBriars page I now see a text box at the bottom? That seems new and odd.


I went to the BoB site and it looked kind of weird. Wasn’t showing the book, so I had to zoom out to see it. There’s also a new thing that says submit with a text box.

As far as sending more recruits, it feels like it’s necessary. >.< We need 4 more, right?


Yes, @Revenir. Four more should net us the missing 8 lines. There are some folks who posted on this forum in the past but haven’t weighed in lately. I might hit them up to try unless we have some volunteers that haven’t posted already?

And should we ask some questions when the other recruits post? If so, what information seems most pertinent to attain? I’ll be thinking on that, as well.

Also, @Revenir, the zooming out brought the book back into view for me. Thanks.

But @Robert, I’m wondering about that text box, too. Putting in Fraylily and Eyeofthemoons doesn’t do anything. (I thought it might be a new plave where we could enter words that would open up the fragments.) Hmmm.

And @AlisonB, I had to reload the DG blog from scratch to finally see those new versus. I usually just hit refresh or the home button (Deeds Done in the upper left hand corner,) to see if anything new has shown up. And those comments just weren’t loading that way. So glad you caught them. I never would have (and believe me… I’ve been watching!!!)

Will wait to hear back from y’all but will be thinking of questions for Traveler and of recruits who might be able to post.


I didn’t see this in the above, I could have missed it but in case it wasn’t mentioned yet - I finally got a reply to my question on DG blog:

h Ls Tr 1 - says:
opn bk. fd g wy. hd r. ind on wy

a notion Good King Capra had
that proper reverence be paid


We did get that! Thank you, @emato! We think we’re missing 8 lines now. So we need four recruits (who haven’t posted to traveler before) to post. If he sticks with giving 2 new lines to each new recruit that posts, we should have the complete poem.

Any ideas on what those recruits should ask traveler, if anything? The only thing I’ve come up with so far is “Are you related to Deirdre?” Not that great of a question but all I can think of right now.


I don’t have exact suggestions for questions, but you bring up a good point. Given how degraded his answers have become, we probably should try to stick to questions easy to answer with yes or no. Granted, he might not chose to be so terse, but it’d be easy to read if he did.


Maybe we could ask if he knows King Rabbit?

One thing to think of - where can we find four more people? Should we try recruiting people on unfiction or Reddit, maybe? Or somewhere else? Those are the only two places I can think off the top of my head where puzzle-interested people are, but I’m sure there are other places we could look.


I love that idea, @Revenir! I have no idea how to go about that. (As I may have mentioned a few times, I’m not exactly interweb savvy. Do you think you could spearhead that? I’m unfamiliar with unfiction. Reddit I know but don’t frequent or really understand.

I think having more eyes on this ASAP is important because it feels like a clock is ticking. Down to what? I’m not sure. But more help would be great. Until then, I’ll hit up a few recruits that have posted elsewhere on the forum but haven’t been vocal recently and haven’t commented to Traveler.

And I like your question. (I messaged KR awhile back and asked if King Capra was on the throne before he was. No answer.) I’ll farm your question out to a recruit and see if they’ll comment for us. Thanks!!


Unfiction gets poked every week or so to try to drum up interest. I try not to spam too much. I know we have had a few recruits from there.


@jwwoodall3, @zerovin, @crow, @CameronP

We need four people who haven’t done so already to leave a comment on Deidre’s blog. A clue to unlocking one of the fragments of the Book of Briars is hidden in a poem that someone called The Last of the Travelers is revealing to us. But we only get new lines to the poem when someone new posts a comment. (I could post a dozen times and only get the same line again and again. But when a new person posts, Traveler posts a new line.)

And I don’t think any of you have posted there before. (Apologies if you have and I missed it.)

If you’re willing, please go here: DeedsDone
Scroll to the bottom where it says Leave a Reply.
And post in the block labeled “Comment.”

If you’re so inclined, you can read through this thread to catch up on what we’re doing. Could use the help. If you do that and want to post a question of your own, please do. If not, you can use one of the four questions below:

  1. Do you know King Rabbit? - jw
  2. Are you related to Deidre? - zer
  3. Is Ojorad a place? - crow
  4. Are the animals the key to the poem? - cam

It often takes awhile for the comments to go through moderation so you may want to post here, just so we know you’ve left a comment and we should keep an eye out for his reply. Please and thank you!


@johanna - I’d definitely be happy to spread the news around! I went ahead and bumped the thread in unfiction and I’m searching for relevant subreddits to post about the game. Hopefully we can find some people to come help! I’ll keep looking for new places to post the game, as well.