SOLVED: The Last of the Travelers: The Third Fragment

Hi @Endri-

Not sure where this should go or under what heading so please feel free to edit.

Wanted to update y’all.

I reached out to DG via her blog with a casual comment/question. That comment is still “awaiting moderation.”

However, due to being frustrated with not being able to reach her, I tried another route - replying to one of The Last of the Travelers comments on her blog. That, too, has been “awaiting moderation.”

Until this morning.

I asked who he was. His reply (PREPARE TO BE SHOCKED) was weird and raised more questions than answers:

He l o J0ha, I

To mark the end of their lament

King Capra rose o’er gathered sways

So… yeah. There’s that.


Thanks for the update, @Johanna. You’ve really stayed on top of this. Would you mind keeping a post of Traveler passages you’ve found under this topic? I’ve filed this in Exploration for now.


I’m not good at most of this but I can sure as shit hit “refresh” on all these blogs and insta and tumblr pages. :wink:

Yes. Will go through and organize Traveler passages here soon.


What we have heard from The Last of the Travelers so far:

8/18/16 (comment on DG’s blog Bag, Grey Dogs & Limbo)
declaim’d the Plaint of Nhadastra
“Lo, the stars shine less intently now

8/26/16 (comment on DG’s blog Paranoia & Cupcakes)
From the third, a mouse with girlish hair
as her mournful tears clad hallowed air

8/26/16 (DG’s Instagram pic of a Seahorse outside bar called The Monster)
A brave sourl released from jewelled eyes
bereft of home, his light soars free.”

8/30/16 (comment on DG’s blog Paranoia & Cupcakes in response to my question “Who are you?”)
To mark the end of their lament
King Capra rose o’er gathered sways


9/1/16 (comment on DG’s blog A Question of Family)
Ebends unbound Mora’s tether
and Forged the Thorns in drubbin minn’ing

NOTE: All previous comments on DG’s blog (excluding mine) have come from “The Last of the Travelers”
This most recent post came from “The Last Traveler”

Of course, on the Instagram page he is listed as:
The Last Traveler

So probably not an important distinction. Just wanted to point it out.


Just some thoughts on this: There’s a single quotation mark in the first post, and another single quotation mark in the 3rd. That makes me thinks these posts are not independent but a single connected message.

It would read

declaim’d the Plaint of Nhadastra
“Lo, the stars shine less intently now
From the third, a mouse with girlish hair
as her mournful tears clad hallowed air
A brave sourl released from jewelled eyes
bereft of home, his light soars free.”
To mark the end of their lament
King Capra rose o’er gathered sways
Ebends unbound Mora’s tether
and Forged the Thorns in drubbin minn’ing

Now ‘Plaint’ is another word for lamentation. This is a poem of mourning for someone. I think this may be the dirge a third fragment is hidden in.


Do you think we should we promote this to official third fragment?


I’d say yes. It’s the best guess I’m aware of and might as well start someplace. We will just keep all our options open if this turns out to be a dead end.


Officially fragment three. :coffin:


Looks like another stanza (is this a stanza, my poetry skills are weak) has been added to DG’s latest comments.

The four who stood in mourning voiles
with deep respect their tributes said

I still think this is all one poem, but I’m not so sure as to the order of the phrases. This one refers to four things, and one of the earlier lines starts ‘from the third…’ That might make sense to come after this line. I guess we’ll need them all to see.


Something that might be very useful to getting this full dirge faster is that the Last Traveller actually responded to @Johanna with not only another verse but also with

He l o J0ha, I

That’s not only a reference, but almost looks like the start of a response. If he/she is breaking up the dirge into multiple small parts, that may just be how they communicate. And their response to @Johanna may be spread out over multiple parts as well.

If we continue engaging this person, we might get more of this conversation, and we might get pieces of the dirge faster. Right now they only post a part in response to DG, and that may take a while.

Just a random thought between trying every random word I can think of to guess King Rabbits latest clue. :slight_smile:


@Robert - I am all for speeding the Traveler along. I have no idea if we’re already supposed to be on a trail or if we have to wait for more to come but I can’t make heads or tails of his comments so any more info would only help.

What are your thoughts? Every recruit hit up Traveler with a reply to his comments on DG’s insta pics in the hopes we get multiple replies quickly? Or should only one person comment at a time? I’m happy to keep egging him on but I’d also be interested to see how he replies to someone else. Wanna give it a whirl @Robert? See if you get a “He l o R0be I”


@Johanna Good idea. More test cases can’t hurt. I sent a reply to his last comment on DG’s blog also asking him who they were. We’ll see if I get a similar reply, assuming my comments gets past moderation anyway.

My basic guess is this person (entity? thing?) can only convey a bit of information at a time, and maybe only when spoken to. That’s why they only seem to be replying to each new post or comment.


Another fragment from the Last Traveler in reply to D’s latest blog post.

sang a stark yet stirring ode
on the hauce his master rode


Well I’ve posted replies to his last two posts, one yesterday and one today and both are still waiting moderation. I haven’t given up yet, but maybe The Last Traveler just likes you more, @Johanna . We shall see.


The king Capra stands out, basically king goat, there’s some symbolism there, right or am I looking in the wrong place?


That’s interesting. If King Capra is basically King Goat, that would fall into line with King Rabbit. There could be a whole royal menagerie waiting for us.

And I agree that this is the dirge/third fragment. We’ll need to get as many of his responses as we can.

Since this is a poem, we should probably investigate if it follows a specific type, i.e. Shakespearean Sonnet, etc. Not sure it that would help us but I don’t think it would hurt. It’s been two decades since I studied poetry in college so I’m a bit rusty, but I’ll try to suss out if there’s any significance to the type of poem he’s reciting.


If memory serves it took awhile for him to reply to me, as well. But I’ll leave a comment for him today, too. Just in case.


@Robert! Traveler responded to our comments!

To you:

R bet forgv m I hav trub wr1tn. onle pom

in the firmament of glory’s crown.

The lustre of our friend moves on.”

And to me:

				Jo ha

To mark the end of their lament

King Capra rose o’er gathered sways
sry ple frgv

And his name has changed: “The L2st Travelr”


This is so interesting! It looks like Traveler is saying something along the lines of “Robert, forgive me. I have trouble writing. [unsure] poem” to Robert, and then “sorry, please forgive” to you!