SOLVED: The Last of the Travelers: The Third Fragment

Another post from a recruit was approved, but no response. I’m a bit worried, but hopefully Traveler just isn’t around. Definitely agree that T has earned a break.

On the bright side, I think we have the name of the poem for sure: The minnying of Ojorad. I’d bet that’s also the first verse of the poem:

The minnying of Ojorad
was held at Vidivinty’s glade

Also, not sure if we have a definition of minnying yet, but if not, I think it’s just a special day of remembrance for the person. Well, at least from this Wikipedia page, at any rate. Nothing on Ojorad or Vidivinty, though. :frowning:


From my count, we have 26 lines out of 40 plus the title (LT gave us the title but it was corrupted so I used the first line to extrapolate what it was). I arranged the lines in the way I thought they should go while leaving spaces where I believe there are missing stanzas. I also put the name of the recruit next to the stanza the Traveler uses to respond to them. If I missed a stanza or you think they should be arranged in a different way, let us know.

“The Minnying of Ojorad”

The minnying of Ojorad
was held at Vidivinty’s glade (KELSEY)

sang a stark yet stirring ode
on the hauce his master rode
to one who fell on Baryn soil
in diamond coat of blue and red (SEBASTIAN)
The four who stood in mourning voiles
with deep respect their tributes said

declaim’d the Plaint of Nhadastra
“Lo, the stars shine less intently now
in the firmament of glory’s crown.
The lustre of our friend moves on.” (ROBERT)

From the third, a mouse with girlish hair
as her mournful tears clad hallowed air
for she found not the words to mote
So she unfurled her cowl

from catafalque to ancient tree
Said she, “Here Magister Woodland lies (CRYTTER)
A brave sourl released from jewelled eyes
bereft of home, his light soars free.”

The Merest part a way of weather
when Watch elects the final frinning (DUSTIN)
Ebends unbound Mora’s tether
and Forged the Thorns in drubbin minn’ing

To mark the end of their lament
King Capra rose o’er gathered sways (JOHANNA)


Thanks for this, @Mike.

Maybe we should also review everything we have so far to make sure we haven’t overlooked anything that might feed into this dirge?

I went over CRSumner’s Tumblr. While there were a few things that I wanted to be significant (a quote from an Icelandic lullaby, a picture of rabbits, etc,) I don’t think anything applies to the poem.

Also read over the Aesop fable of the ant and the caterpillar. Didn’t see anything there.

Can someone check the corrupted pages? See if anything is verse like. Anywhere else we should check?


Regrouping. Seems we are missing 14 lines and hence would need 7 new recruits to contact Traveler so we can complete the poem. Or we wait for DG to post to her blog or instagram. (Although I think @Mike said he posted but hasn’t received a reply, yet? So maybe we just need 6 recruits?)

Are we of the mind that we need the completed poem to figure this fragment out? If so, do we keep reaching out or leave the poor guy alone? Not sure how to proceed. Thoughts?


@emato posted as well but hasn’t gotten a response - though it was approved by moderation. @mike’s post seems to be awaiting moderation still, which is a shame because he has a really good question. :pensive:

I think at this point, we’ve got to wait a bit. If we do need the full poem, then Traveler should respond at some point. Otherwise, if we hear nothing, that should be confirmation that we need to just use what we’ve got, right?


So it looks like two more posts were approved, but no responses by Traveler. I think this is probably a sign we should look at the lines we’ve got?


No luck on my end so far! Anyone have any ideas how to proceed?

Have we noticed if there is a pattern to how much Traveler’s name “disintegrates” every time he responds to a question? I’m wondering if that might be a clue to how many more times we can reach out to him?


I’ve had no luck. Poems aren’t my strong suit and I read this and see either nonsense words or words that mean nothing to me just keeps distracting me.

I’ve tried finding a pattern to the degredation to no avail. Just seems to be on a line from less entropy to more, but no real system.

Edit: I’ve been looking at the last King Rabbit clue myself a lot. Also no luck.


Looks like we got another response!!

opn bk. fd g wy. hd r. ind on wy

a notion Good King Capra had
that proper reverence be paid


I posted and am waiting moderation.


Anyone wanna guess what he was saying in the last response?

Something like “Open book. Find g(???) wy(???). hd(???) r(???) (hide her, maybe?). Find on way.”


I was optimistically hoping that last part was. Friend on way.


I was thinking “fading away. Hide her (or harder)End on way.”


Oh man, that makes a lot of sense. I’m guessing probably harder is the right one (as in, harder to get through). Either way…it’s looking pretty grim. We’ve got to figure this out. T_T


Based on the rhyming I’d say that new verse is the second one.

“The Minnying of Ojorad”

The minnying of Ojorad
was held at Vidivinty’s glade (KELSEY)
a notion Good King Capra had
that proper reverence be paid


Looks like you’re a poet after all. :grinning:


Usually unless it’s a dirty limerick I’m out of my depth. But I’m trying. :wink:


Afraid I’m at a loss. Googled all the important phrases or words and didn’t strike upon anything that felt relevant. Put words and phrases at the end of the BOB url. No luck. Definitely feel like we’re missing something but not sure what.

For now I’m waiting for another post from DG to see if that leads anywhere. But by then it may be too late. :disappointed_relieved:


I think we exhausted him, and now have to wait. The way he’s degrading, we might not have much more time with him, and if there are forty lines, then we almost have them all. I think we need to assemble the poem as best we can, which I’ve tried, but my brain doesn’t work that way.


@Mike already did a good job of assembling the poem. I’ve added the one new verse to it where I think it goes. This puts us at 28 of 40 lines.

“The Minnying of Ojorad”

The minnying of Ojorad
was held at Vidivinty’s glade
a notion Good King Capra had
that proper reverence be paid

sang a stark yet stirring ode
on the hauce his master rode
to one who fell on Baryn soil
in diamond coat of blue and red
The four who stood in mourning voiles
with deep respect their tributes said

declaim’d the Plaint of Nhadastra
“Lo, the stars shine less intently now
in the firmament of glory’s crown.
The lustre of our friend moves on.”

From the third, a mouse with girlish hair
as her mournful tears clad hallowed air
for she found not the words to mote
So she unfurled her cowl

from catafalque to ancient tree
Said she, “Here Magister Woodland lies
A brave sourl released from jewelled eyes
bereft of home, his light soars free.”

The Merest part a way of weather
when Watch elects the final frinning
Ebends unbound Mora’s tether
and Forged the Thorns in drubbin minn’ing

To mark the end of their lament
King Capra rose o’er gathered sways


  • There are a number of words capitalized that I don’t understand why they are. Maybe that’s poetic license though. These words so far are


in the proposed order. I’ve left out words I believe are starting a sentence.

  • I don’t know who or what Ojarad is. Is that the person who they are mourning? Is Magister Woodland their title or last name then? Since the poem seems to be describing them, maybe that’s important?