SOLVED: The Last of the Travelers: The Third Fragment

You guys have been doing some fantastic work! Not much to add here re: the poem, but I noticed the BoB site is weird as well. I think it means that even as we search for the third fragment, the fourth is in play as well. That should give us the clue to unlock the first lock of the book. At least that’s what I’m thinking with the strangeness of the BoB website now.

And I’ll try to scare up a few people to ask the traveler questions as well. If we only need 8 lines, we’re pretty close!


I’m still around, been internally translating the poem into “laymans” terms looking up what some of those words mean, been trying to think up anything that hasn’t already been asked of our traveling friend but nothing came to mind, at least since it seems like complex questions may be hard for him to answer now. ill probably use one of the 4 you guys have sugested.


Probably not related to this topic but now if you scroll down page on there is some kind of form.


Ok well i just heard back from traveler who is possibly on his last legs. His name is now just a dash symbol as of his reply to me. I recived some new lines as well under his attempted reply to the question asked:


“We’ll sing no more! Dance our assent
to morrows and our yester days!”

Also I’m not sure if this is the traveler or not, but in the latest blog post Deidre has made, “anonymous” posted some lines which im 99% sure are also related to the poem

“The second, the Unowl
evinced a brillatent scowl”


Thank you so much, @zerovin! Huge help!

Looks like we just need 2 more lines! @CameronP, could you post for us? PLEASE!! :slight_smile:

I’m guessing here but I believe his response to Eric’s question “tell me more about the animals in the poem” is “friends”
And his response to question regarding his relation to DG is “love”

Not sure.

I believe these lines go together:
Ebends unbound Mora’s tether
and Forged the Thorns in drubbin minn’ing
The Merest part a way of weather
when Watch elects the final frinning
To mark the end of their lament
King Capra rose o’er gathered sways
“We’ll sing no more! Dance our assent
to morrows and our yester days!”


I’m not sure if I asked the right question but I posted on there. Sorry I’ve been way off the map for a while trying catch my feet so I’m a bit behind on everything!


No worries, @CameronP ! Thanks for the help!! Take your time. There’s a lot to catch up on but I do believe we’re about to enter a new phase so we’ll all be starting fresh again soon!


Yeah, my first thought was "love " as well and I don’t think she’s said anything about her love life in her blogs has she? Because if not the only other person I can think of is her father.


She mentions a boyfriend - David? I think that’s his name. But he broke up with her and they haven’t spoken in awhile. Def didn’t strike me as the kind of guy who would recite poetry from across the void at great personal cost.


FYI- new pics up at CRSumner’s tumblr page

His page gave us a name for the Fraylily and thereby allowed us to unlock the first fragment for BoB but I have no idea if CRSumner will ever come into play again. One of the images he just posted gave me pause - it was a girl in a library. Considering DG just posted about scouring libraries, I was afraid it was another KR stalking scenario. But clicking on the photo reveals it was taken in 2009.


Things are moving fast and we’re throwing a lot of information around. I just want to make sure we keep the base line clear for where we stand. We currently have 36 lines total, 18 verses. We need 4 more lines if the total is 40.

Edit: I’m blind. We have 38 lines. My bad.

We also have the second speaker. An ‘Unowl’. I guess that’s an animal?


@Robert - I think we have 38 lines. It all becomes a blur for me but here’s the loose order of lines I’m playing with. Will you give it a read and make sure I haven’t doubled up on any lines or am miscounting?

“The Minnying of Ojorad”

The minnying of Ojorad
was held at Vidivinty’s glade
a notion Good King Capra had
that proper reverence be paid

The four who stood in mourning voiles
with deep respect their tributes said
to one who fell on Baryn soil
in diamond coat of blue and red

In vermulid tones the cat first spake
Through briaring fronge her tones did rake
Said she, “Here Magister Woodland lies
A brave sourl released from jewelled eyes
from catafalque to ancient tree
bereft of home, his light soars free.”

The second, the Unowl
evinced a brillatent scowl
for she found not the words to mote
So she unfurled her cowl
to charm fallen and fowl
with the weaves of an outstretched wing

From the third, a mouse with girlish hair
as her mournful tears clad hallowed air
declaim’d the Plaint of Nhadastra
“Lo, the stars shine less intently now
in the firmament of glory’s crown.
The lustre of our friend moves on.”

And finally, the julbous toad
in his gown of winking woad
sang a stark yet stirring ode
on the hauce his master rode

Ebends unbound Mora’s tether
and Forged the Thorns in drubbin minn’ing
The Merest part a way of weather
when Watch elects the final frinning
To mark the end of their lament
King Capra rose o’er gathered sways
“We’ll sing no more! Dance our assent
to morrows and our yester days!”


I missed these two lines. I never saw them in the thread. You’re right, we have 38.


So close! So close! (like it’s gonna make a bit of difference, right? We’re gonna get those 2 lines and go okaaaaaaay. Now what?


While we wait for those last two lines. I’m reading through what we have and I keep coming back to one specific section.

The four who stood in mourning voiles
with deep respect their tributes said
to one who fell on Baryn soil
in diamond coat of blue and red

Okay, I get most of these verses. They are poetic but they make sense. Some lines just seem like gobbledygook line Forged the Thorns in drubbing minn’ing. But this bold part…this is very oddly specific. It’s almost too specific.

To one who fell on Baryn (barren?) soil
in diamond coat of blue and red.

So whenever this person (or animal, or thing) died, they were in a coat of blue and red. Were they covered in those colors? Is blue and red the colors of a flag or coat of arms? Are we looking for something that is blue and red? Purple?


Omg omg y’all have been busy! :sweat_smile: I can’t believe we only have two lines left and we’re done.

As far as the CJSumner page - @Johanna, something interesting about that library photo is that it was taken at Cornell (which is in NY). Not sure if that’s a coincidence or if it means anything, but I thought that it was worth mentioning. Wonder if one of the Lost Collection is hiding in those stacks?


Hello everyone,
Just spent the last hour or so getting caught up on all of this. Just wondering how I can get involved. Do you guys need me to do anything?


posted…will let you know when i get a reply


Hiya @Brendon welcome and thanks for helping out!

We definitely could use the help. Right now we need 2 more lines to this poem. I believe @jwwoodall3 is asking for them now. Once we have them we need to figure out what this poem is all about. We need to find the third fragment, and that’s probably a word or phrase.

Whether we get that from some wordplay in the poem, or finding a hidden meaning behind it we’re not sure yet. But we will figure it out! Hopefully with your help!


His commemts are gone I believe. We lost him.

We need to make sure his effort wasn’t in vain.