SOLVED: The Last of the Travelers: The Third Fragment

@Johanna Honestly I’m pretty much at a loss on this personally. The concept that we may have a limited number of questions to get a response before we lose him, and potentially the rest of the poem has pretty much taken away my usual M.O. of ‘just try something and if that doesn’t work, try something else’. As you point out too, it could be time based for all we know. We know KR had a timeline, maybe Traveler does too.

I don’t have any objections in you posting to Traveler. If you think it can help, I’m all for it and support you any way I can.

I personally don’t think this leads us to a website. I think the answer is in the dirge itself. I’d be surprised if it’s just a word from the dirge copy and pasted to the BoB but it might be.

KR hid his answers behind obstacles. He didn’t just give them to us. I believe Traveler is also, either by choice or by being forced to. I think the fact the poem may be out of order is the primary obstacle to solve here. And to solve that, we just need more pieces. (preferably all, but I’ll settle for more).


Holy shit, y’all! (Are there kids on here? Should I not cuss so much?)


My comment on DG’s blog:


We are attempting to unlock the Book of Briars.
Believe this poem will help us.
Believe we need more stanzas.
Believe you are speaking to us from across a void.
Afraid either time or reaching out to us is destroying you.
Unsure how to proceed.

Traveler’s response: (name degraded to Th3 Ls Tr vel r)

Ys, al yes, cn help bu need nw pepl t shar wth
To mark the end of their lament
King Capra rose o’er gathered sways
yu se ?

It s cm1ng sn
aredy on ts w y
th ndng

My translation and interpretation of his message:
Yes, the poem with help you unlock the book. Yes, you need more stanzas. Yes, I am speaking to you from across a void. Yes time and/or reaching out to you is destroying me.
Can help but need new people to share with.
He then quotes the line again about King Capra gathering over the sways and asks
You see?
It’s coming soon.
Already on its way.
The ending.

NOTE: I also commented on 2 of DG’s insta pics to which Traveler did not reply. What I don’t know is if he didn’t respond or if he responded to all my comments (on the insta pics and the blog) here in his one reply.
On one of the insta pics I asked “Can we help you?” And on another I said “Do you know of King Rabbit? We believe he uses us to unlock the Book of Briars for his own nefarious purposes.”

So… is Traveler saying YES! Yes to all!! (replying not only to the question on the blog but all the questions, including those on insta.)

We got a lot out of that interaction. What we did not get is ANOTHER FRIGGIN STANZA.

But his reply makes it seem like we need more recruits? His line “cn help bu need nw pepl t shar wth”
is either yes, you can help me by sharing this with more people (maybe a bit of the Tinkerbell Effect.) Or, it’s yes, I can help you but we need more people. Either way, sounds like we need more recruits. Thoughts?


Wow great results! I think he means that he needs other recruits to respond other stanzas… so I would try to comment on something, to see if another stanza will appear.


Maybe you’re right!!! Ok, when you post, try to ask a question so we not only get another stanza but also information!! Do it! Do it NOW!!! :smile: I believe it took Traveler less than an hour to reply to me today. Could maybe get some good info quickly!


Whoohooo…better than nothing:

Capr s knd a fer c, sry t is bd

from catafalque to ancient tree
Said she, “Here Magister Woodland lies

Btw animal hint: Woodland vole - Wikipedia

Maybe that way? But then the “A” should be an “a”
Said she, “Here Magister Woodland lies
A brave sourl released from jewelled eyes
from catafalque to ancient tree
bereft of home, his light soars free.”

(I dont know if this makes sense…my english is not good enough for poetry…but it rhymes…)


I sent him a question as well, so that should hopefully unlock a new stanza. Somehow the ending sounds super grim, though, I hope Traveler will be ok once he’s finished the poem! :worried:


GREAT WORK, @Crytter!!! So it for sure seems we need more recruits to post to Traveler so we get those stanzas, right!?!

@Robert - you’ve already reached out, right? So you hold off, as will I.
@Mike - you haven’t tried to talk to Traveler, yet, right? Can you? Please? Like NOW!!! :slight_smile:
@Piki, @Paddy_Curr @Dustin @Revenir Can you post???

Also, if anyone has ideas about questions that could gain us pertinent info from Traveler, please post them here, that way if any recruits reaching out to Traveler don’t know what to ask, they can just grab a question. Make sense?

Come on, gang!!! Let’s do this!!!


Thanks, @Revenir!!! I know. I don’t want to hurt T but it does seem that he wants us to have this info at all cost. Let’s take what we can get!


I’ll try to help too. I commented but it’s currently in moderation.


catafalque: a decorated wooden framework supporting the coffin of a distinguished person during a funeral or while lying in state.
Magister: a title or form of address given to scholars, especially those qualified to teach in a medieval university.


from catafalque to ancient tree
Said she, “Here Magister Woodland lies
A brave sourl released from jewelled eyes
bereft of home, his light soars free."

An ABBA rhyme scheme, perhaps?

And it appears we are mourning Magister Woodland.


Thanks, @Kelsey!! Any other recruits available?


Excellent work all! The gamble paid off huge! yes, I’ve already got one stanza back. We need everyone who can to send one question.


It seems that the traveler can only respond with one specific stanza per person. I could be wrong but I think he uses the King Capra line with Johanna and only that line. Maybe that’s why we need more recruits? Will send him a question later this evening. I think you’re all on to this!


@Johanna, I commented a couple of hours ago, but am still awaiting moderation!! Great going on this!


Yes, @Mike. Exactly! @Robert figured that out days ago, I think, but I’m SLOW!!!

And you send him a question, you send him a question RIGHT NOW!!!

(Wait - am I the only one staring at my computer and hitting refresh every 2 seconds? Do y’all have… lives?)

Sigh. Ok. As SOON as you can, mike!!! The suspense is KILLING ME!!!


I asked him who the author of the poem is. Let’s see what he has to say.


Ok, I’m in – is there a specific question I should ask? I’ll wait a few minutes and if I don’t hear anything, I’ll make a question.


OMG, we just got a LOT of new lines. O_O

The Merest part a way of weather
when Watch elects the final frinning

The minnying of Ojorad
was held at Vidivinty’s glade

to one who fell on Baryn soil
in diamond coat of blue and red

Looks like his username has degraded even more, too - Th Ls Tr v l r > h Ls Tr v l r > h Ls Tr 1 r .

Scrd. Ev n spk1n is vrs n w

  • “Scared. Even speaking is verse now.”

m vr v tr 3d n w

  • “I’m very very tired now” (I think?)

Gd qu s n
Th fo rt ln f 1 stl rmb r

  • “Good question. There’s forty (?) lines if I still remember.”

Excellent, excellent work everyone.

I’m of a mind to pause here. Let’s review what we have and see what we can suss out.

And give T a break. Agreed? Perhaps try more tomorrow.


That’s a lot of good info, the number of lines is very useful too. Great work all! Yeah, let’s get a recap up and let people see if they can see any patterns or any useful info.