SOLVED: Phase 3 Assessment: Fletcher Dawson

We have some “definite” matches in Paris (Salle Favart). I would keep it on the short-list.


Ah okay I must have misread your post.

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How many cities do we have matched now?


Um… None. No exact matches, at least. We have a pretty good short list going on the Google docs spreadsheet.


@Nimueh mapped some of the constellations to cities and made a pretty amazing start!


Wow none? I assume you mean none down and locked in…

I was looking at those, well done @Nimueh!


So what I would ask is whether we think the points on the map should exactly match the stars on the constellation images we have? @Nimueh did do a wonderful job, and while many of the lines she drew resemble our constellations, I wasn’t able to overlay any of the actual constellations onto her maps this morning. Hence why I decided to take a crack at plotting my own maps, too, but I wasn’t able to get the constellations to overlay those either.

My gut says that the stars of the constellations should be exact points on a map when we overlay a constellation image on to the map. If we get a couple of points, then overlay a constellation, we may even be able to confirm more clues based on where the stars then fall onto the map.


Thanks! Moscow looks like it could end up as another possibility, though I’ve tried all combinations using the maps I’ve posted and got nowhere. We need to try and lock these down now, either by ruling out cities or finding the final points to make up the constellations.

@Augustus_Octavian A couple of the points we have are roads, so they can be moved along the road to help line them up better, have a try with that. I’m not so sure we’ll get them exactly, but as close as damn possible would be good for me. My approach isn’t really getting anywhere though. Maybe try Moscow first. With two points it could be easier to line up, though also provides a lot of posibilities…


So, our short list would be (in order of descending likelihood based on the number of point-possibilities): Paris, Quebec, Moscow/St. Petersburg, Mexico City, Rome, Athens.


@Augustus_Octavian Do we have possible constellations for each of those cities?

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My only comment here is that Moscow and St. Petersburg are two seperate options as they both appear on Dawson’s list.


I lumped them together given that most of the clues we have are common between the two, so I doubt they are both answer’s on Fletcher’s list.


All of them? Each of them?


@Nimueh also Dawson’s site says they are in cities around the world. So its not likely that they are going to be really close together.


Sorry what I meant was do all the possible cities have a constellation. For example is the constellation for Paris Galifanx. I hope this is a bit clearer, im not very good at communicating :joy:


I simple meant that both were choices on the site, so we can’t group them together into one constellation…


I agree. I think I probably should have written “St. Petersburg (or Moscow)”.


A couple more possibilities for Haussmann’s Sanctuary (since it’s almost definitely Paris): apparently there’s a statue for him at Blvd Haussmann and Rue de Laborde, and it looked like the Arc de Triomphe was another major center point for areas he overhauled.

I also read that for a time (while he was particularly unpopular after Napoleon III fired him) he went to Italy. Not sure which part, so maybe there’s a chance that he could link to one of our Italian city options?


EDIT: It’s definitely worth a shot.

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I’m working on the two Russian cities. One thing that’s bugging me is “malthusian.” I’ve comed the map of Sadovaya street in St. Peterburg looking to any place names that reference Thomas Malthus, population control or food shortages, to no avail. Sadovaya street is long, and hopefully pinning down a point will help some other locations fall into place!