SOLVED: Phase 3 Assessment: Fletcher Dawson

A thing I discovered last night looking at a map of St. Petersburg: there’s a Moskovsky District in the south part of the city, and a highway there has a pretty big curve to it in that area. Maybe another option for Moskva’s Curve?

Edit: Just read up a little more on the district, and it has a lot of “Moscow-style” architecture, and was referred to in what I was reading as “Little Moscow.”


Oooo…that’s promising. Most of the other Moscow things overlap with something else as well, so if all the Moscow things can be redistributed that might simplify things later.


Player’s Frigate:

My shower thought of the day was that it may not actually be a frigate at all, just indicates that it’s a boat. If that were the case, first thing I’d look for is a gambling ship (NOLA should definitely have at least one).


Or actors? A theater group that traveled by boat or performed on ships?

Edit: Was also thinking that maybe “harmony” of “Harmony’s Discourse” could be approached in a different way. We looked at it like “peace” but it could be musical harmony. Not sure if that brings up any new possible landmarks…I found a amphitheater in Athens that was for music, but I don’t know how to tie that to “discourse”


I like the idea of Harmony as music-related. With the ancient Greek plays, the chorus would sing/chant their parts in between the main action, feels like the discourse fits right in with it.

And with how many cruises have stage shows on them, that would pretty much make everywhere that has cruises docking there an option if Player’s are performers.


I threw a couple Athens amphitheaters on for Harmony. For the Player’s Frigate, since it does have to be before 1998 (publishing date of the newsletter), maybe one of the cities has like, a historical troupe of actors that were famous for sailing/performing on boats? Might be a bit of a reach, though…

Edit: Now we’re at Player’s Frigate and Wallonia’s Second that have no guess, and The Swallow and Argonauta that need to be narrowed down to a specific location


There’s a Rue de Liege in Paris?


Which clue are you thinking of for that? I tried google translating “Liege” and it’s coming up with “cork”…

Edit: I’m a dummy. Liege is a region in Wallonia, yes?


Back before the city list, Wallonia’s Second was being interpreted as the second-largest city, Liege. Figured I’d check for anything in Paris first, since Wallonia’s French-speaking. (Though by that token I suppose Quebec may have something related to that too if we’re lucky).

More Paris (it translates to the sparrow): Google Maps


Okie doke…got both of those on the doc. We’re quite heavy on Paris landmarks…some were more tenuous links than others, but there will have to be some definite weeding out soon.


On the Quebec/Liege front, what I think is Liege’s official tourism website says “An agreement of cooperation and friendship has been binding on the two cities since 2002, notably in terms of francophone solidarity. Since 2008, Liège has hosted a Quebec Film Festival.”

Edit: though 2002 is more recent than the newsletter, so take that with a grain of salt


I don’t know if this is important but the protection sigil is very similar to a Vegvísir.


That’s a super good find, that totally may come in handy later!!!


As things wrapped up when I first got here (before the list was discovered for this) there was talk of The Storm we would have to deal with, so that is a fantastic thing to have.


I knew I’d seen this before as a magiqal symbol, but couldn’t remember where. I’m now wondering if these artifacts will help us weather the storm sort of speak.


I’m gonna do anothe rmind dump for Rome (probably sound like I’m pushing certain cities, but I just studied ancient Rome and Athens last year so know a bit about the cities).

Based on someone’s earlier thought of an amphitheatre, one fothe most famous amphitheatre’s is in Rome: the Colosseum.

There’s an old port that served Rome, called Ostia.

Rome has a temple to Concordia, the roman equivalent to Harmonia.

Also got another point for Continuous pedagogical, Plato’s Akadamia.

Edit: I’ve plotted my points. @EliseCeri can import them straight to your current map from this file. Cities.kml (7.7 KB)


Ohhh i can’t open the file? Is there any way of making it a different format? I think it’s because i have an old laptop


You don’t open it. On your current map, create a new layer and you should see the option to import. Import that file and it’ll add them for you.


Okay i think i’ve done it @Nimueh !! Hopefully it worked <3


Cool, yeah it worked! :slight_smile: