SOLVED: Phase 3 Assessment: Fletcher Dawson

Ok, here’s a short list of possible answers for the lock:
Paris, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Athens, Beirut, Buenos Aires, New Orleans, and New York.
These are the cities that are on the lock as answeres and cross with the constellations/hints on the maps.


So basically we just have to figure out which city fits which each constellation?




Moscow and St Petersburg are with Durkonos, Athens and Beirut are with Aothora, New York and New Orleans are with Gladiator. So that leaves Paris with Galifanx


Nailed it right there. Again, these are only possible combinations based off what we have so far. They might not work at all.


We should create a list of the clues and what cities they point to.

The list should be in the order we received the clues. This will show if there is concentration of a certain city in the in total order. Maybe the first few clues correspond to the Galifanx and so on and so forth.

Edit: We have a doc for that…


@VictorianFlorist: Not sure where @Rimor got those, but we’ve been matching clues to locations on this doc

Edit: The way things seems to be lining up here, it does suggest (to me at least) that the constellations are made up of landmarks within a city


There are still 5 clues on the list that have no proposed location, and 3 that have a city but not a landmark


@Tinker In the post from @Mr5yy he gave the possible answers for the locks. I looked at the maps and matched each city to the constellation it was part of. We are still missing a lot of clues though and my groups could only be one possible combination.


@Rimor Yea, sorry…I had forgotten what the map looked like where the constellations were composed of multiple cities (I’m fairly biased towards the idea that an entire constellation is located in a single city).


Trying to narrow down “Haussmann’s Sanctuary”. There’s a Haussmann Boulevard in Paris, it’s fairly long but it’s near the cluster of other Paris landmarks we have pinned.


Please don’t kill me - this shouldn’t be an issue, but I just realized that the newsletter referenced in Fletcher Dawson’s website is from 1998 - no landmarks we choose can be any newer than that.


I think for the most part, we’re safe. A lot of stuff was tied to historical sites and mythology. There might be a couple on the doc to date-check though…


For those who were looking into possible points in Mexico City: I didn’t get very far, but I do have some possibilities to add to the list.
For Obregon’s Requiem, there is a monument in the place where former president of Mexico Alvaro Obregon was assassinated: Parque de la Bombilla (Mexico City) - Wikipedia
Legorreta’s Interior had a bunch of possibilities (see the architect’s wikipedia page), but the most promising point to me is the Children’s Museum he worked on, which was actually designed to be an interactive building, so “interior” seems more significant. Papalote Museo del Niño - Wikipedia
Maximilian’s Execution, the event, technically occurred north of Mexico City, but there is a street in Mexico City named for Cerro de las Campanas, the place where he was executed.
Hope some of that is useful. I feel like no matter what angle we take we’re running into dead ends…


With trying to pinpoint a single spot for Haussmann, I have Place du Châtelet (because it was the center of Haussmann’s Paris), or Île de la Cité (which I read in a forum somewhere was considered (unflateringly) Haussmann’s sanctuary because it was dead with his designs and the codes keeping it from changing); Île de la Cité also had Notre Dame on it, which he helped restore after the French Revolution damage (which would be as literal a reference to sanctuary as one could hope for).


Awesome finds @Viviane and @Ashburn!!

Edit: With those added, we just have 3 clues without any location, and 3 clues that need a more specific site within the proposed city. Linking the doc again so people don’t have to scroll.


Forgotten Forest = Jardin Sauvage Saint Vincent in Paris?


Seems plausible! It’s on the doc now.


I’m having difficulty editing the doc from my phone, but in my research this morning, I found that the Capuchin convent that the road is named for is now the Place Vendome.

And one of the things from my first set of notes last week was a painting that came up searching for Cristossangre that’s at a museum in Madrid.


Got ya covered, updated the doc. The landmarks map is read-only, and I’m having trouble making a map where the saved pins stay visible, so unless someone else knows the trick, I was thinking we crack on with the clues on the doc that need some work so it’s ready for mapping when someone more google-adept returns.

Edit: Also, it does look like some cities are matched to more clues than the constellations have stars, but I’m thinking more is fine at this point, it’ll just be a case of deducing the right patterns or being more selective later.