SOLVED: Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: Tiles

Any ideas what this tile might mean?

It’s like a broom and water basin. Trash?

Also I’m curious about tiles for safety and danger. Safety could be the circle with cross (safe handle), but there is no tile for danger.

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Amazing! Great job Bells - I think this and your lists are spot on.

I think the image with the sticks and water is the spare, as it just doesn’t fit anywhere else. Let’s send those three tiles to The Devoted and see what we get. @TheBellsAreRinging do you want to do the honours as the person who cracked the code?


It might be a stretch but could this symbol:

Be “barley wade”? As in wading in water? The top part looks a lot like this:

So the solution would be “Barleywade. Happy. Door.”



Yea sure, I can do that. Sorry I’m responding so late, I had to sleep at some point haha


LOL - I can relate, that whole biological need thing really gets in the way of solving magical puzzles! :laughing:


Good thinking @AlisonB! Anyways, we’ll see what happens at 3:33 today, hopefully its right (saying we don’t have much time left)! I may not be able to share the results until slightly after that time, but nothing crazy. No plans today, as I have no life ^^;


If anybody here has any other ideas about what might be “spare” or whatever, just go ahead and send it to the Devoted. Something has to be right, its not like we have that many symbols to choose from, since many of them are pretty obvious. Like, 6? For me, its 6. Maybe 8. I think that we should send in at least a few solutions. Because we only have 2 days left, and we all know the devoted doesn’t respond until 3:33 pm EST.

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I think you’re right, but the only other one I can see if the tile that looks like the railway tracks but slightly lopsided. I’ll send the same answer, but instead of the sticks will add that tile.

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Thanks @Tom we’ll see if either of us are right. I don’t want to flood them with all of the possible solutions, because that really feels like we are just cheating. But anything that sticks out or is out of the ordinary, try it.


I got an email. The one I sent was the correct solution! Its kinda similar to the last email:

"The second beacon is now activated.

Follow its light to the door where the old barley wades, and has for eighty-seven years.

Two beacons remain.

New information has been provided.

His game is working.

You are close. We are closer.

We must remain diligent and clever.

He is with us."
There should be new information on the page

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Indeed, there are three new pages within the Index. It seems we have our next puzzle for the third beacon.

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Fantastic! So we’ve lit the second beacon but where is it? we lit it remotely with the tiles it seems but still have to find it?

Any ideas where “the door where the old barley wades, and has for eighty-seven years” is?

So many questions!

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So it’s another physical location like Verdi Square?


No one in Brandon’s game has been mentioned as being 87 years old so I’m assuming it’s a place. Since this isn’t a clue from Brandon, I’m assuming it’s 87 years from 2016, which is 1929.

Edit: which is a lot of assuming.


Might be to far streched but prohibition ended about 1929 right - and e.g. Whiskey is made of barley and water… wading barley? :wink: - Some kind of a brewery?


“barley wades” HAS to mean Lady Barleywade. And in her description it says she owns “The Towers.”

Someone mapped all this out, but I can’t find it. Did we find this building? Wouldn’t that be where the “barley wade door” is? Like the Verdi statue, it’s probably going to be important we find its real world counterpart.

Anybody want to look for eighty-seven year old buildings with me in this part of city, while the rest start looking for the third beacon?


I can give you a hand on this. I shifted my focus to the polaroid’s but this seems this is a little more pressing


What about this:

Its in the area and ist from 1929. And it has some kind of towers.


@Crytter! Fording water is the same as wading!

Edit: OMG and “bere” is a type of barley.

You found it @Crytter!


Nice find @Crytter!!! Should we e-mail The Devoted? Crytter, do you want to since you found the building?