SOLVED: Lachmann: The Fourth Fragment: Tiles

I’ll go through the new document and see if I can’t work it out and will post where I get to on here.


My last attempt was that:


This might be more hurt than help - but here’s what I got. Green is places, red is reactions, blue is things (inc. people)


You are definitely onto something here. I’ll see what I can do with the tiles. We might be able to solve this today! ^-^


Alright so this is what I think. Of course its not finished but its the best I could figure out.


or its




Hill ridge-





Reward (could be in the objects)-


or its



These are all the obvious ones. The rest, I don’t know. I will probably edit this once I find that ding dang diddily angry looking face, there are way too many files to look at on that site and I can’t keep track D:<

(Edit: I found it, kept the “ding dang diddily” for the lulz)


Could this be the Compound? - For its told to be “fenced off” - or it could be the trap.

I´m unsure if the tiles should fit the text fragment above… we have a heart - how could this fit in there? - It fits in the generel story, where the lovers are reunited - so I´m afrait we maybe have to align the tiles with the storyline…

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I had hoped we wouldn’t for the sake of time but that may be the case.

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Just tried using good ole fashion logic to figure out the starting position of the tiles. It failed.
The conclusion? The ends of the rows literally have to connected unless we just don’t move when we hit the ends. I also decided to do this. Might help for when we figure out the starting tiles, and the order of the tiles.

So basically, if red is right:
The first symbol will be 6 tiles to the right of the starting tile
The second symbol will be 3 tiles to the right of the starting tile
The last symbol will be 2 tiles to the right of the starting tile

If blue is right:
The first symbol will be 2 tiles to the right of the starting tile
The second symbol will be 5 tiles to the right of the starting tile
The last symbol will be 6 tiles to the right of the starting tile

Edit: I assume everyone else is fast asleep, while I’m over here worrying about everything since we have a little over 3 1/2 days left, as of 12:00 am EST


This is as far as I got building on @TheBellsAreRinging post earlier and put the tiles against the places in the Lake Story. Not everything fits yet, but more fits here than in the main RPG documents. The theory is that we have to put these tiles into the strips. As @Mike said: TP=top CER=center BT =bottom. If we stick to the order they appear in the story - Top strip is Places, Centre strip is Reactions, Bottom strip is Things/People.

Do we think we should try to put them into the strips in the sequence the appear in the story - left to right. Then we can move them West (left) to East (right) using the combo, as per your suggestion Bells.


Wow! Really good job @Tom. I’ve got to do a few things, but I should be back at least by 3:33 so that way we can see what the Devoted’s response is. Maybe we’ll get new information.

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The trap?


Just throwing it out there, but the tile that looks like a bundle of sticks above a pool, in nuclear reactors rods are lowered into pools. It’s a stretch, I know.

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Also this one is most like radio:

Is looks similar to USB logo (or just piece of circuit):

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So I’m curious about this tile:

Am I the only one who thinks it looks a little bit like a railroad sign?

I dunno, maybe it’s just a generic caution sign or something.

@leigha - I think you’re on to something with the bundle of sticks tile. When I looked at it, I definitely thought that bottom bit was some kind of pool of water, so the nuclear reactor makes sense.

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Here’s the fully underlined document. 24 words are underlined, not counting the first 3 which are more descriptors. 24 words 24 tiles. I think this is what we’re looking for.


I was right earlier! I was able to figure out the placement of both the start, and the end combinations. The x’s are what you have after you have done the first step, which I described earlier, and, using the blue “formula” I came up with, to figure out the end relative to the start, also works! Today is a good day!


More stuff for you guys.
My 3 lists go like this, and in this order based on order of appearance in the lake story:

Lake, powerplant, junkyard, terminus, circus, lab, compound, spare (honestly not sure of this one, it is not underlined, it has a box around it in the lake story)

Anger, happy, danger, safety, quiet, careful, help, unknown

Beacon, woman, monster, man, side, reward, trap, door

Meaning that the starting combo is lab, quiet, and woman
The ending combo is spare, happy, and door. Both woman and spare, have me stuck, as far as symbols. The rest are extremely easy. Any ideas? Any disagreements?


I wonder if maybe this one is spare?

Seeing as there’s a second “spare” arrow in the picture? That’s the only thing that sticks out to me. As for the woman icon, maybe what @Tom said?

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I did think one of the triangle tiles was woman, I just wasn’t sure which one it was, and I wasn’t sure why it would be one and not the other one. I was thinking maybe spare is like, just the one we don’t have a matchup for in the end? It would be weird in the perspective of the actual rattican language, and it would be really difficult to figure out which one isn’t used, so maybe not. As far as the tile you thought it was, I saw that as “side” because its pointing to one side. I don’t really know to be honest!


So this is basically what we have for the ending combination. If anyone has any clue about the significance of “spare” or maybe why its in a box and not underlined, please for the love of cats, say something.

This is the possible starting combination, using what @Tom perceived as “female” or in this case “woman”.
Also, doesn’t the text mention there being two parts to the box puzzle or tile puzzle? One being activating the beacon, and the other opening the gate? Does “opening the gate” even matter? I’d guess not saying we have no information on it.