SOLVED: King Rabbit's Burrow: The Second Fragment

Yeah, no kidding. I tried a bunch, too but no luck. The “you’re now 3 of 9 and one” is really stumping me.

And I don’t want to lead anyone down the wrong path but it seems like we’re searching for a sculptor? Or at least someone who made something? “who carved out all your bodies then laid you out to send us off to other shores?”

But made what? A memorial like before? A boat? The actual streets of the Financial District? Urgh! Frustrating!!


@Johanna I googled the “3 of 9 and one” part directly, and the calculator came up with the equation “(3 * 9) + 1 = 28” so I was looking for anything significant that had to do with the number 28 that has to do with anything historical in the Financial District (specifically what @Kaliel mentioned) and haven’t come up with anything yet.

The 28 thing might not even be right, just something I was working with!


Interesting. I was looking at it like maybe there were three out of nine things left or three things in NY while the other six are somewhere else but they were all symbolically one. The fact the 3 and 9 are numbers and one is written out in word form seems to be significant. Although who knows. KingRabbit is an asshole. I think. Or maybe he’s our best friend. I don’t know what’s going on!!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


@Johanna, the boat idea might be good. I was looking for salt slave trading like another recruit (I forget the name) and read that the Hudson is fresh water that turns to salt water. “changes you have seen. Not only into salt” Maybe boats that were on the Hudson, or a boat/ship accident?


DG just posted to insta.

But it’s Upper East Side. Not sure it has relevance to the KR puzzle we’re trying to solve.


Could KR be referencing a bridge? I’ve tried inputting names associated with the Brooklyn Bridge but no luck.


KR posted an Instagram Story this morning with what looks like a hint to this leg of the fragment. It’s coy, patronizing, and creepy, as is usual for him.

In case it wasn’t clear, I hate the Rabbit King.


King Rabbit’s Burrow September 8th Update:
The three clues for this leg are:

  • Born of your burned ancestors. What joy, what blessed escape, that bore them all beyond and brought them back to here.

  • What burdens you have carried on your backs. The changes you have seen. Not only into salt, but walls and ways and pearls. Until they traded land and life. Until your time had come. When old water crashed against new shores.

  • When you crossed the waters to the lower land, did The People see the final sun? It was now New Amsterdam, and you’re now 3 of 9 and one. Waiting on a sea of stone, who carved out all your bodies then laid you out to send us off to other shores?

And now a clue which reads:

“What fire you say? When did they burn? Would a firelight help you see? Then look no further than today, the anniversary.”

“Like” this comment so that it shows up in the topic summary, that way new recruits will find it.


On topic: Huh, none of the major NY fires I know about were today.

NY Fire 1776: Sept 21
NY Fire 1835: Dec 16
NY Fire 1845: July 19
Brooklyn Theater Fire 1876: Dec 5

The only fire I can find reference to anywhere near New York City was the SS Morro Castle and that momument is in New Jersey.

Off Topic: Let’s pretend I’m old and out of touch. What’s an Instagram Story? I don’t see this on kingrabbit717’s instagram page.


Its pretty much the same as a snapchat story, only on insta instead


But how do you access it if not through his Instagram page? (Speak up and speak slowly. I’m old and don’t understand all this newfangled whoziwhatsits.)


Well on September 8th, 1664 New Amsterdam surrendered and was handed over to the British and became New York. That seems significant to the discussion on some level.

What that has to do with a fire…I don’t know. And who is ‘they’ in KR’s question ‘When did THEY burn?’ Maybe it’s a metaphorical fire and some group or set of objects was destroyed on this day? These people or objects would be the ‘ancestors’ the first clue mentioned, I guess.


Accordig to the wikipedia page of september 8th, there was a fire on a ship, the SS Morro Castle on the New Jersey coast, which killed 135 people. This happened on 1934.

Goig to the actual page for the ship, it mentions avout it traveling from Havana, Cuba to New York

Could it be related?

There is a memorial on the south side of Convention Hall in Asbury Park, which does not seem to be nearby…

(BTW I just noticed Robert had already mentioned this fire… .-.)


Never hurts to mention it again. None of my ideas are working out. I just tried 8 different names for Stone Street with no luck (I figured a road or set of roads carries burdens on their backs and are carved and carry people places.) Try anything you can think of. At the worst case you’ll be in decent company with the rest of us. :wink:


Well, did any ships ever leave port from New York towards the South? The third clue makes me think of that. 3 of 9 could be the number of remaining ships after the fire?
I mean, assuming there was a fire which consumed the ships in the first place.

“Who carved out all your bodies then laid you out to send us off to other shores?” I imagine this could be either some authority figure or the person who designed the ships?


Glad to know I’m not the only one that’s been trying anything and everything I can think of! My most recent guess has been that it might have something to do with a ferry or ferries, as I know the East River Ferry has been shut down and started up a few times (if I’m not mistaken).

I thought that would cover carrying burdens on backs, seeing changes (they’ve been around for a long time, of course), being set off to other shores, etc. But alas, that was before I saw the clue about today being the anniversary or something. Back to the drawing board! :slight_smile:


Mr Rabbit’s getting annoyed apparently. There’s a new story up which spells out some things.

King Rabbit’s here to help
since you can’t help yourself.
Who knew this little puzzle
would for you be such a skelf.

Lenape means ‘The People’
3 of 9 and 1 = 28 (@Dustin was totally right)
September 8, 1991

If you’re still vexed
perhaps you need
a less demanding book to read.

Apparently I need a less demanding book to read. Does the Book of Briars maybe have a childrens edition? Maybe one with cloth pages I can chew on?


We all know how I feel about KR, but now we know some of what you all came up with was right. The Lenape, the equation equaling 28… great work, let’s finish this one and be done with him.


The Staten Island Ferry terminal burned down on that day! And it’s in the financial district.


Well, I’m not proud of this because this was on like try 412 for attempts. All credit goes to @AlisonB . All I found on 9/8/1991 was a Grateful Dead concert.

Looking into the rebuilt staten island Whitehall terminal after the fire found this.

The new terminal includes a vast array of major upgrades.

•A 75-foot-high entry hall with panoramic views of the downtown Manhattan skyline and the waterfront; Five new escalators, three wide stairways and one elevator inside the entry hall.
•Rooftop viewing decks with benches
•Service/concession spaces available for amenities such as cafes and other concessions.
… skip to…

> •Percent for Art installed 28 granite benches entitled Whitehall Crossing that mimic Indian canoes crossing New York Bay. The work was designed by artist Ming Fay.

The answer was Ming Fay