SOLVED: King Rabbit's Burrow: The Second Fragment

There is no enough information so far, but according to location and description it might be African Burial Ground National Monument - Wikipedia


Roger that. Hopefully another clue is forthcoming.


I’m new here but I was thinking about this:

“How cruel to watch the drifting men, captured cries caught in
time, memorialized, mortality immortalized. Who are you? A monster with a
cold glass eye, who would not look away.”

Other locations also seem to point to monuments or important places, so there’s this:

I guess it could fit with the “drifting men” and “captured cries” parts. However, I am not so sure about the part regarding the glass eye. I’m not familiar with New York all that well. Could somebody else look into it?


Welcome @Blurred_9L! @Piki actually figured out that this clue was for the Merchant Mariners Memorial in Battery Park. And @Johanna figured out that the password was the name of the u-boat officer that took the merchant marine vessel down. But the Prison Ship Memorial is a good find! KingRabbit left a new clue on Friday and we could really use your help figuring it out. Check out the posts above and KingRabbit’s Instagram to catch up.


Hi @Blurred_9L!

Any thoughts on the latest clue? We think it will be something (so far it has been a painting and a memorial) from a place where DG is pictured (so far it has been The Whitney Museum and Battery Park) on his Instagram page.

The most recent pic is from the Financial District. This is the clue:

Born of your burned ancestors. What joy, what blessed escape, that bore them all beyond and brought them back to here.

Might not be enough info, yet. But we can start thinking. Another pic/clue should be forthcoming from the ol’ long eared king soon. Fingers crossed!


I definitely think @Piki is on to something with the African Burial Ground; I’ve been scurrying about the Wikipedia page trying different names and phrases, but to no avail yet!

Just to triple check: the “magic word” keys are case sensitive, correct? And say if it’s a name or a phrase, the correct key would include spaces between the words?


Yup. spaces, punctuation, all important, as far as we can tell.


New clue!


The acompanying description has the following:

What burdens you have carried on your backs. The changes you have seen. Not only into salt, but walls and ways and pearls. Until they traded land and life. Until your time had come. When old water crashed against new shores.


Ah, thanks, @zerovin! I didn’t realize the text hadn’t transferred over with the picture!


Not only into salt, but walls and ways and pearls

I think it’s reference to the names of streets: Wall Street, Pearl Street. So all this somehow related to Financial District itself.


The riddle mentions those things changing. I believe Wall Street is called that because it was originally a wall, yes? So it changed to a street? Don’t know how that helps but it’s my useless New York City fact. :blush: )


@AlisonB @Piki I’ve been coming up with similar theories, but I can’t figure out where “salt” comes into play – at first, I thought the East River or something similar, but I haven’t been able to come up with anything concrete yet.

Also, the original clue mentions “burned ancestors,” and I haven’t been able to fit that into the puzzle yet, either!


Greetings all. I’ve been catching up to speed most of the day and hope to help all the Mountaineers in our quest. Another Balimora here, btw.

@Dustin. The “born on your burned ancestors” line I can guess at. There was a great fire in New York in 1776 (known, oddly enough as the Great Fire of 1776) it burned through a large part of what is now the financial district. One way to interpret that is that we’re looking for a location on grounds burned down in that fire. Here’s a map of the damaged area. GreatFire1776Map

The idea of being changed into salt struck me as a reference to the slave trade where slaves were taken in exchange for things like tobaco which was then traded for gold and luxries and then for more slaves. I figured ‘salt’ was one of the things traded, but I can’t find many mentions of it.

The line I don’t get at all is ‘Old water crashes on new shores’. Is that literally a reference to water? Perhaps a fountain or something we’re looking?


Hey all. There should be one more clue coming from King Rabbit soon. We solved each of the previous clues after he posted his third clue with a given photograph. So if our luck continues, it will be his next Instagram clue that will finally give us what we need to solve it. So don’t get discouraged! We’re getting close!


He’s posted:

What burdens you have carried on your backs. The changes you
have seen. Not only into salt, but walls and ways and pearls. Until they
traded land and life. Until your time had come. When old water crashed
against new shores.


When you crossed the waters to the lower land, did The People see the final sun? It was now New Amsterdam, and you’re now 3 of 9 and one. Waiting on a sea of stone, who carved out all your bodies then laid you out to send us off to other shores?

Edit: I keep thinking this has something to do with the Dutch’s purchase of Manhattan from the Lenape Indians. Something that commemorates this or the magic words are the names of someone who was part of the deal.


Anything to this?


@Johanna I definitely like that monument as a promising lead. I’ve tried a bunch of names and locations related to it to no avail, but you never know when I was just missing a period or title like we had before.