SOLVED: King Rabbit's Burrow: The Second Fragment

A final rising bow, a hand of bronze outstretched, to pull a dying man to death. What came of you, where did you go? Gifts bestowed upon the sea or something else did capture thee?

Couldn’t it be description of this sculpture in Battery Park?


That’s a great find @Piki. And it fits with the Whitney password: Finding an object/place within the space KR tagged the photo.


@Piki. You’re amazing!

American Merchant Mariners’ Memorial

Not to be confused with American Merchant Marine Veterans Memorial.

The American Merchant Mariners’ Memorial sculpture, located in the Hudson River west of the park, is sited on a stone breakwater just south of Pier A and connected to the pier by a dock. It was designed by the sculptor Marisol Escobar and dedicated on 8 October 1991. The bronze sculpture depicts four merchant seamen with their sinking vessel after it had been attacked by a U-boat during World War II.

One of the seamen is in the water, and is covered by the sea with each high tide. The sculpture is loosely based on a real photograph of crewmen of the SS Muskogee that was taken by the commander of an attacking submarine. All died at sea.[18] The memorial was commissioned by the American Merchant Mariners’ Memorial, Inc., chaired by AFL–CIO president Lane Kirkland.[19]


So the “We found a somber view, and darker still, when visions change with changing tides” is related to this as well. The memorial is darker when the tide rises and we see the man is drowning?


Makes sense.

So is this the line of thinking-

DG visits somewhere. KR references something from that place and within that reference we will find the magic word?

DG visited the Whitney and saw “Works Reconsidered” and from that we got “Objecta e. Dv.” which was the first magic word.

If so, what do we take from the sculpture? I’ve tried variations on the creator’s name, Marisol Escobar, and of the ship SS Muskogee. No luck.


Are we looking for the name of a sea monster, perhaps?

“Gifts bestowed upon the sea or something else did capture thee?”

DG’s pic of the sea horse outside the bar called The Monster?

Grasping at straws?


New pic posted:

“How cruel to watch the drifting men, captured cries caught in
time, memorialized, mortality immortalized. Who are you? A monster with a
cold glass eye, who would not look away.”


Quite strange that after filters something appears on her bag. First image among last three was just plain black.


I unlocked the second password!!

Spoilers below:

The Captain’s name of the U-boat that sunk the SS Muskogee is Reinhard Hardegen. His name unlocks the second slot.


Great work, @Johanna! And… it’s another video.


Great job Piki and Johanna! More spoilers below.

[spoiler]I downloaded the eNor video and found another clue:

The word “THE” appears in the video between 2:34:18 and 2:34:22. I haven’t scanned the entire video yet, but since there only seems to be one clue in the “Her” video, it makes sense that this is the only clue in “eNor.”

Ill check more later to see if there are more clues.



I’m impressed, you all. Great job @Piki, @Johanna, and @Mike. I’ve made it my mission to pin down the Rabbit and you three have gotten us (possibly) half way there. “There” being where, I don’t know, to more of his games, or another fragment… but right now we have “Eye” and “The” and I feel good about our odds.


Her and eNor are probably parts of some phrase like “Here Nor There”
Dates of Death is what we need for the last magic word: 19661942Tick-Tockxxxxxxxx


New Instagram post from KR.

“Born of your burned ancestors. What joy, what blessed escape, that bore them all beyond and brought them back to here.”

Work your magic @Piki! What could he be referring to?

And @Endri - Can you create a Fragment 3 category?


Absolutely @Johanna. Do you think the Traveler comments are the third fragment?


Oh wait. Maybe I’m confused. I thought the fragments were referring to the “magic words” on KR’s burrow in the fray page. We’ve solved 2 and there are 3 more to go. Am I wrong? What are the fragments?

Because as far as I can tell, traveler and KR aren’t related to each other. Rabbit gives us the clues to unlock his magic words on his page. But I don’t know what traveler is doing. Do you think there’s a connection?


@Johanna, Eaves, Itsuki and I think the King Rabbit “puzzle” as a whole is the second fragment. The rhyme from the Book of Briars mentioned there possibly being two more fragments floating around. If the King Rabbit passwords were each a fragment then the number the BoB sent us would be bigger. I think. We’ve been operating under the assumption that this is the second fragment and the Traveler comments are the beginning of another one. But we could be completely wrong. Thoughts?


Okay. Got it. I’m very tired and this thing has a lot of moving parts. :wink:

So KR is helping us, in a sense, unlock the 2nd fragment?

Just to make sure I’m clear - there are four fragments total (the four locks on the book? One has been unlocked. KR will lead to the second?)

And you believe the Traveler is the 3rd - the dirge, if you will. Do you think there is anything left to mine from CRSumner’s tumblr page? Is there any relation between him and traveler? I can’t make head nor tail of his ramblings.

Forgive me for being obtuse. Did I mention I’m tired? Like, always?


Based on what the Book of Briars has told us, there are four keys broken into four pieces. It has mentioned sixteen fragments, which is 4x4. So we think we’re going to have to solve sixteen fragments that will “equal” four keys.
And same. #forevertired.


:slight_smile: Okay. This time I really got it. Thanks!