SOLVED: King Rabbit's Burrow: The Second Fragment

Sorry, I do see the gap. I’d skipped too far ahead. You may be right. It might’ve been a hint to download the full file.


I’ve skimmed it and it looks like a six hour loop of the sun rising and setting. I didn’t notice anything else out of the ordinary.


I haven’t had a chance to watch much yet but the gap is in the 6 hour video too. Hope to get to it tonight.


Alright, I’m off to sleep. Skimmed through the video a few times but didn’t find anything. If there’s something in there it’s small or hidden. This is quite the needle in a haystack.


I played all six hours and 25 seconds hoping that something would happen after having viewed the entire thing, but, alas, nothing.

I also wondered if there may be audio hidden somewhere so I tried playing the video back at multiple speeds, then slower in the hope that its recorded speed renders it impossible to hear at regular speed. Sadly, no luck. But there may still be audio (perhaps over the missing section?). I just don’t know how to find it. My audio skills peaked in the late 90s and I haven’t kept up with the latest gear and software (what you kids call apps these days) so if there is, I haven’t a clue how to find it.

Still working though. The video has to have something.


DG’s instagram post of the Work Reconsidered was the key to unlocking the first magic word on King Rabbit’s page. Is her latest instagram pic the key to the second? A seahorse? There is a bar called The Monster with a seahorse type emblem in NYC but I don’t think the bar itself has anything to offer to our search. (Could be wrong.)

Can someone run a reverse image search on the pic she put up? I don’t know how.

Trying to think along magical lines - a hippocamp?

Also, should we be plotting her stops - the Whitney, the Gray Dog, The Monster. Feels like Rabbithole is already tracking her. Maybe we should be, too? But then again, unless her stops spell out a word or form a symbol, not sure what good it would do us.



“We found a somber view, and darker still, when visions change with changing tides.”


I just tried to check the audio in a spectral analyzer to see if the audio formed any weird images but it looks like there isn’t an audio track on the video (that I could find). I also noticed that the video seems to loop about every 7 minutes.


We may want to divide an conquer. Anyone who is willing, we should take a certain time segment from the video to watch the entire thing. If we have enough people, it shouldn’t be too bad. Six people would mean we’d only have to watch an hour each and more people would mean less time. I plan on watching the entire thing, but thought this might be a way to help speed up the process.


Also, not sure if there is a better place to post this but, “The Burrow” is the name of a Kafka story about a mole-ish creature underground.


I, luckily. found something while scanning the video. Spoilers below

[spoiler]At timestamp 5:28:35 the word “EYE” appears for 2-3 seconds and then disappears. Here’s a screenshot:

I’ve watched most of the first half of the film and haven’t seen anything else. I suppose it’s quite possible that this is the only clue in the video but I’m hoping there’s more. Will watch more this weekend.

This text will be blurred[/spoiler]


great work @Mike. anybody wanna draft a short post with the progress on this fragment? I can wiki it so anyone can edit it and pin it to the top of the topic. this things gettin long.


I can do that this week Bash.


I just saw this on Instagram. It’s the first of King Rabbit’s photos that’s not at the Whitney. Does that mean it’s part of the next password form?


Beware, spoilers ahead.

[spoiler]This text will be blurred I’ve watched all six hours and 25 seconds of the video. This is what I’ve been able to come up with so far:

The screen goes blank for 47 seconds, cutting out at 1:34 and then coming back in at 2:21. It is also my observation that the video loops every 47 seconds. What does this missing space mean? I think it is meant to urge us to download the entire video. I can’t think of any other purpose, but would love to hear others’ thoughts.

And then of course there is the needle in the haystack:

The word “EYE” appears for a scant three seconds, fading in at 5:28:35 and fading out at 5:28:38.

Now, the first thing I think of when I see this image is “Eye in the sky.” However, I’ve tried multiple variations of it in the “magic words” field of King Rabbit’s Burrow to no avail. Being that the first clue had to be entered exactly right, this leads me to believe if “EYE in the sky” is the right phrase, it’s just a question of finding the correct way to input it into the field. “EYE in the sky, Eye in the sky, The EYE in the sky, EYE IN THE SKY, etc.”

This, of course, could just be a hint to look for images with eyes that show up in relevant Instagram accounts, too. So if anyone else has any other thoughts or suggestions as to what this clue might mean, please let us know. [/spoiler]


thelastofthetravelers: A brave sourl released from jewelled eyes bereft of home, his light soars free.
kingrabbit77 We found a somber view, and darker still, when visions change with changing tides.

Both this quotes about eye or vision, so I think it’s hint that we need to find some software to analyze video.


KingRab has posted the same pic of DG at Battery Park but with a different filter.

There seems to be a word on the sidewalk behind her. So this idea of “decoding” the image seems right to me. How do we take this image and “normalize” it to see what the word is?


Also, this is now underneath a pic of a bunny below the first unlocked word on burrow in the fray:

Illustrator Helen Wilde
did not die in 1966

@Mike, seems like you were on to something when you were looking into Wilde’s wife.


I wanted to start a new thread since the last one was getting a bit unwieldy. Beware, spoilers ahead.

[spoiler]This text will be blurred I’ve watched all six hours and 25 seconds of the video. This is what I’ve been able to come up with so far:

The screen goes blank for 47 seconds, cutting out at 1:34 and then coming back in at 2:21. It is also my observation that the video loops every 47 seconds. What does this missing space mean? I think it is meant to urge us to download the entire video. I can’t think of any other purpose, but would love to hear others’ thoughts.

And then of course there is the needle in the haystack:

The word “EYE” appears for a scant three seconds, fading in at 5:28:35 and fading out at 5:28:38.

Now, the first thing I think of when I see this image is “Eye in the sky.” However, I’ve tried multiple variations of it in the “magic words” field of King Rabbit’s Burrow to no avail. Being that the first clue had to be entered exactly right, this leads me to believe if “EYE in the sky” is the right phrase, it’s just a question of finding the correct way to input it into the field. “EYE in the sky, Eye in the sky, The EYE in the sky, EYE IN THE SKY, etc.”

This, of course, could just be a hint to look for images with eyes that show up in relevant Instagram accounts, too. So if anyone else has any other thoughts or suggestions as to what this clue might mean, please let us know. [/spoiler]


Hey recruits, I merged the two King Rabbit topics because it was a little confusing for (me) other new recruits. Please click “like” on posts that are moving the fragment progress forward and they’ll automatically become part of the summarized post if people click “Summarize This Topic” at the top of the topic. We have an announcement later today about some changes at Basecamp, but it’s probably clear by my sudden presence here that I’m going to focus more on the forum and keeping track of all the information while Eaves heads up the Basecamp blog and Weekly Update. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to reply or private message me.